Davos have even turned 'equality' into a dirty word; so that they can continue with their lavish and destructive lifestyles
at the expensive of mostly non-White poor people.
For the vast majority of people, even in developed countries, addressing climate change will significantly improve their lives. Cheaper and cleaner renewables will enable people to properly heat their homes, decreasing mould and therefore decreasing respiratory illness. Decreasing the numbers of SUVs and helicopters of rich people driving and flying past will also decrease respiratory issues and therefore improve children’s education. Improving pubic transport will improve access for many to services and amenities.
The rich people obviously do not want this. The elite class therefore pretend that they are addressing climate change, saying that it is all in hand with as yet uninvented technology and with greenwashing policies; so that climate change (and their disproportionate part in causing it) is NOT addressed. The status quo is maintained; with the rich sitting way above everyone else at the top of the pile.
If the top 10%, the Western elites, reduced their personal emissions to that of an average European, not even an African, it would reduce global CO2 emissions by one third.
No wonder the elites are invested in protecting the status quo and getting us to resist policies allegedly going to be imposed by the WEF and we even deny that the climate crisis is real or caused by humans. They maintain this illusion as the real elites don’t want to lose their opulent lifestyles due to the massive wealth distribution. They’ve got us triggered by the word equality, because they know it applies mostly to them.
The Global Majority of non-White populations suffer most from the effects of climate change. And at the same time the UK and politicians are clapping like seals celebrate the opening of new gas and oil platforms.
Before Paris the world was looking at a 4-6 degree increase. The difference, in the opposite direction, between now and an ice age is about 5 degrees. The Paris ‘pledges’ equate to warming of 3-4 degrees; if zero energy emissions are achieved by 2050.
Except that emissions are still going up. Mitigation models maintaining the status quo relying on technologies that don’t yet exist are used so that Davos elites can carry on emitting.
For a 2 degree rise the UK needs to reduce emissions by 20% starting now. Except emissions are going up. It would require 75% reduction by 2025 and zero carbon energy by 2035. Expect co2 is still going up.
Co2 is highly skewed to highest earners, climate experts and the climate glitterati flying around the world telling others what to do.
Policy should focus on the rich; not squeezing low incomes or developing countries.
The revolution needed would involve changes on a level with the abolition of slavery. Climate policy and equity go hand in hand.
The media has been controlled for hundreds of years by rich White guys. They can still manipulate social media. We can see why the elites use social media and Davos ‘evil elites’ to create resistance to addressing or even accepting climate change; because they want to maintain their luxury lifestyles.
We need to address the climate crisis for equality and for the poorest of the world as well as to avoid 4-5 degrees of heating by 2100.
Thanks again to Kevin Andersen.
You've got a point, but I doubt anthropogenic CO2 emissions affect the climate in any major way. This new doc pretty much destroys the mainstream narrative, even though I don't agree on everything they say, especially in the more political aspects.
We don't need more racist arguments. In America. At this time there is no reason for non-whites to claim poor me. Blacks, for example, monopolize the big money sports and have every advantage in academia. They are 13% of the population but increasingly dominate in advertising roles.
Non whites of all shades are flooding into the country and handed money.
Granted the DAVOS ilk are obnoxious in their lavishness. But that has nothing to do with racism.