Health Freedumb has turned out exactly as industry hoped.
The hoax conspiracy linking covid lockdowns and climate policy was purposefully created.
Industry, their financiers and puppet politicians knew before imposing the fake pandemic and the draconian and totally unnecessary lockdowns that covid was going to be linked to a conspiracy of control. Any policies protecting the environment from free market capitalism were to be made out to be draconian, unnecessary and part of a ‘globalist’ conspiracy to control us. (This does not mean that all green policies are a good idea, some are plain stupid; credit me with some intelligence. Nor does it mean that Net Zero by 2030 and Carbon Neutrality by 2050 are not scams enabling industry to indefinitely postpone any meaningful action.)
Using the covid con, industry deliberately set out to fool people into belief in the evil WEF elites using climate change to control us;
‘Cue this piece by Justin Haskins in The Hill from in December 2020;
‘In June, elites at important international institutions such as the World Economic Forum and the United Nations launched a far-reaching campaign to “reset” the global economy.
The plan involves dramatically increasing the power of government through expansive new social programs like the Green New Deal and using vast regulatory schemes and government programs to coerce corporations into supporting left-wing causes.
As World Economic Forum head ( the creator of this vanity project) Klaus Schwab wrote back in June, “the world must act jointly and swiftly to revamp all aspects of our societies and economies, from education to social contracts and working conditions. Every country, from the United States to China, must participate, and every industry, from oil and gas to tech, must be transformed (He’s clearly a megalomaniacal mad man).
The two justifications for the proposal, which has been aptly named by its supporters the “Great Reset,” are the COVID-19 pandemic (the short-term justification) and the so-called “climate crisis” caused by global warming (the long-term justification).
Errr and who wrote this piece?
Justin Haskins is the editorial director of the fossil fuel funded, professional climate change deniers and protectors of free-markets the Heartland Institute.
When Pharma (sister to Animal ag and agrochemicals) were planning the covid hoax and laying emails that led to the lab leak con and performing a double-cross on IVM to keep the scary virus narrative going, do we think it might have occurred to these extremely clever people that the severe lockdowns and removal of freedoms, that profited industry, could be used to stir up fear of any other policies that would harm rather than profit their industry?
Did they also lay a conspiracy trail leading to alleged eugenists, white supremacists and the Club of Rome who were initially once worried that brown and black people would take resources from white people, until they realised that getting growing populations in Africa addicted to oil was a much better way to go for their profits?
Yes they did and it’s worked; big time. Health Freedumb has fallen hook, line and sinker for it and clap like seals over movies like Climate The Movie. 76% of this film’s contributors are linked to industry, they repeat the same tired old myths and they are saying the quiet part out loud; that the environmental movement is the sworn enemy of free-market capitalism.
Who benefits the most from support for unregulated free-markets that are able to shit in other people’s back yards with impunity?
If we don’t know that by now, there’s no hope. A little clue; the 5 big US fossil fuel companies have made $313 billion in net income since covid.
‘Covid’ was a masterpiece of propaganda. However, it wasn’t just about profits for pharma. It made a lot of people doubt the climate crisis and got them to oppose equity policies that would harm the profits of fossil fuels, animal ag, pharma and agrochemicals as well endanger these industry’s neocolonial ‘rights’ to dominate and destroy communities, other animals and the environment. So much so that not only can the elite Imperialists continue to do this, they’re being cheered on by ‘covid’ skeptics.
Job done.
Smart enough to see through the covid scam but not smart enough to see through the climate scam. Very strange.