Anti-aersolers are the new anti-vaxxers
Let's oppose the fake solutions to ill health: not the real ones
Neither vaccines nor Solar Radiation Management (SRM) are appropriate solutions to human illness nor to Anthropogenic Climate Change (ACC). In fact, they are complete crap. Not only would humanity never agree on SRM; the harm to pollinators and photosynthesis in the crops we’re all dependent on cancels out any benefit from cooling. Not to mention respiratory illnesses, lack of vitamin D and adverse psychological effects from white skies.
Vaccines and SRM are worse than useless, though they are very lucrative. Together with some Davos style scare-mongering about woke, dairy-free cities- vaccines and SRM enable the pharma, fossil fuel and animal ag cartels to continue to deflect from the actual causes of ACC and ill health…their own industries, pollution, malnutrition, poverty and inequality.
We can see in this graphic how free marketeers have used the WEF hoax and its cartoon characters to oppose anything to do with fairness and responsibility.
SRM is becoming a ‘respectable idea’ according to the Economist and is now Plan A. The original Plan A was a reduction in the lavish lifestyles, power and wealth of the 1% (who are responsible for 25% of emissions) caused by a break away from the stranglehold of petrochemical dominance. This was never, ever going to happen. An agenda by the elite controllers to thwart the powerful fossil fuel and animal ag industries and diminish their own pensions; you’ve got to be f-ing kidding me?
SRM will be a disaster and if the oligarchs think that they can avoid the consequences by living in unsprayed areas, then they are very sadly mistaken.
Opponents of SRM are already being set up as the new anti-vaxxer conspiracy theorists. According to the New York Times ‘Conspiracy Theorists and Vaccine Skeptics Have a New Target: Geoengineering. Around the country, people with a deep distrust of government want to preemptively ban the use of aerosols to reduce heat from the sun.’
From Roger Boyd: “Get ready for government ministers, “experts”, and industry leaders pushing the “inevitability” of having to use Solar Radiation Management, which will require a global level of oversight and cooperation; while many of the same people beat the drums of global conflict. The US establishment consensus is still being solidified, with the usual foundations (Ford, Rockefeller, Kellogg etc.) and think tanks (Carnegie, Brookings, Aspen, CSIS, Atlantic Council, Council of Foreign Relations etc.) acting as consensus building facilitators.”
I'm not sure that US establishment will be able to sell their SRM products to Russia and China who both developed their own ‘covid’ vaccines. The world has dramatically changed since the Russian SMO in 2022. I'm hoping that the isolation and economic collapse of the US will happen before SRM. However, BRICS will still be left with the problem of ACC and China’s green transition (to solar energy!) is not expected to reduce emissions sufficiently to avert disaster.
ACC is not a hoax in the same way that people getting ill and dying is not a hoax. Let’s not let the people responsible for the problems fool us into opposing real solutions to these problems. 🐒
PS The UK is set to spend £22 billion on carbon capture- which not only benefits Big Oil by enabling more fossil fuels to be extracted from a particular site, it allows the greenwashing government’s masters to continue to emit and profit.
Although I agree with you on the take that SRM is useless and an agenda pushed by oligarchs, I want to hear more clarification on why are vaccines useless.
They are a real method to teach our immune system to protect us from diseases, and were used to either shield most vulnerable in our population from epidemics (Covid19, measels) or in some cases eradicate deadly diseases completely (smallpox). So saying that they are "not appropriate solutions for human illness" or "they are complete crap" without providing any arguments is unfounded.