An interview on Democracy Now with Naomi Klein about her book 'Doppelgänger' where she talks about how she is often confused with Naomi Wolf.
People, who rightly pointed out that Pfizer sponsored media outlets during the 'pandemic', who railed against censorship of dissent and who rightly distrust big Pharma and big tech have now been flipped by the right wing; these 'crazy' conspiracy theorists have now actually become crazy.
The right wing promotion of theories of genocide of ‘useless eaters’ and control by Jews using fake climate change has resulted in climate denialism, anti-semitism (there’s a lot of hatred in health freedom for Yuval Harai as well as conspiracies of black nobilities), support for traditional roles for women, big oil, big animal ag, Trump and Jordon Peterson.
The problem with the left wing as I see it, is that there is no room for any lefty liberals like me, who questioned the 'pandemic' measures such as lockdowns and masks on scientific, not political grounds. Nor room for those who didn’t want to put masks on children. Amy Goodman and Naomi Klein bandied the pejorative term 'anti-vaxxer' around. So it seems that the parents of vaccine injured children, ignored by the doctors, also find no listening ear or support on the left. Nor is there a place for those who support complete, personal bodily autonomy or who oppose mandates coercing workers and students into brand new (if you dispute the term experimental) medical procedures. As far as I know the only left wing support for the truckers was unvaccinated Russel Brand (who many in MFM tried to discredit). Good on ya Russ.
Klein has spoken out against regulatory capture in health care but has swallowed wholesale the recommendations of the CDC (which benefit pharma to the tune of $billions and who also have no liability) and thinks they could have gone further by vaccinating the whole world before rich westerners got their 4th booster. She seems to be blind to the evidence.
With hindsight we know that politicians were not afraid of 'covid', we know that many measures were enforced on political not scientific grounds and 2m rules, for example, were arbitrary. We know the cronyism and corruption were immense. But still the left clings to belief that those dissenting were part of the conspiracy culture. Klein says that theorists should all agree whether covid was just a cold or a bioweapon. This is unfair, those dissenting do not have to agree on anything, though covid is neither a cold nor a bioweapon, which was put about to keep the virus narrative going. Covid is just a collection of common and ubiquitous symptoms and a non-specific PCR technique (never validated against a physical entity and the putative entity never shown to cause disease). Covid is a phantom.
The left, in its failure to acknowledge covid dissent on scientific or personal grounds, to acknowledge the rights of women to women only spaces as well as to discuss whether gender 'affirming' surgery and drugs are always a good idea in young children or that maybe they constitute child abuse and marketing by pharma, has itself driven people, rightly worried about these things, further to the right and into the clutches of what Klein calls the far right.
I agree with Klein; this is what has happened, though she doesn't acknowledge the lefts' culpability in it.
I believe it was the intention of industry along. Those people not addicted to mRNA jabs due to the phantom disease that they created are now addicted to IVM. The World Council for Health who support all other vaccines; with snake in the grass Malone, trained in dogma Tess Lawrie and other industry insiders like Meryl Nass is just the beginning of more of the same control and corruption as the WHO; but with different names and faces.
Vilification and horror at the words Sustainable Development Goals and deliberately annoying and counter-productive anti-fossil fuel protests and conspiracies of greater covid-like control (though unlike covid; there is no censorship of climate dissent), have swung the electorate away from environmental policies and some now protest on behalf of big oil and big animal ag. The promotion of conservative ‘family values’ of the patriarchy with dutiful women making babies as well as homophobia are a reaction to the deliberately funded Stonewall madness, the conspiracies of depopulation and the politicising and hijacking of Pride. Left wing governments are puppets; but not of the Jews.
What I see from the pandemic that wasn’t; is the continued rise of industry power and the right wing. It was all on purpose.
Thank you G&D.
I'm not sure that your comment that this was the 'rise' of fascism is accurate. It was the *expansion* of fascism. The woke left, of which I now sadly include Klein, despite her excellent history, have actually been party to that rise historically with their fundamental support of some kind of autocratic system so long as it isn't like *that bad one right beside me in the same room*. All autocratic systems, I now understand — that was a slow realisation on my part that I discovered in my recent writing — are fascist at their core. The Hunger Games-like costuming we have seen with people like Klein, Wolffe, Chomsky, and Peterson is what provided the so-called distinction. Distraction. It is all about distraction.
There is unbelievable climate censorship. You don't get published unless you support the narrative of imminent climate disaster.
At one point about 17,000 signed some declaration, recently another was put out with only 1,600 signing on.
And it's the same people, the government and the media, who supported corona lies who are supporting climate lies.