First there was ‘covid’. Every death and illness in 2020 was blamed on it. I’m not saying that many didn’t die or get ill, but they didn’t die or get ill from ‘covid’.
Then there was ‘conspiracy’. Every death and illness after 2020 was blamed on it. I’m not saying that many didn’t die or get ill from the jabs, as they do from all and any pharmaceutical, but they didn’t die or get ill from ‘conspiracy’.
‘Conspiracy’ is not depopulating us. There were 70 million more people in the world in 2024. The high rate, the population doubled between 1959 and 1999, has decreased. The population is now only increasing by 50% every 40 years. This is thanks to rising GDP and the education and emancipation of women. However, it’s still well within replacement and the crazy growth rate could increase again at any time. I suggest that those worried about the decline of humans are more worried about the relative decline of White, Anglo-Saxon ones.
‘Conspiracy’ claims as its own; all deaths over the really low death year of 2019, all hypocrisy by billionaires and climate activists, all subversion of investment to relieve poverty, all greenwashing, all bungled sustainable initiatives and all attempts to tax, regulate or penalise those profiting from polluting the environment.
Who benefits the most from making people believe that the climate crisis has been debunked? Who benefits from investing in ‘green’ energy or processed ‘green’ food (there is no energy nor food transition: only an addition)? Rockefeller and Rockefeller. Mind control works best on those who believe they’re not being mind controlled.
How were ‘covid’ and ‘conspiracy’ faked?
The WHO has the power of pharma and the very wealthy Bill Gates behind it. This captured organisation created and inflicted the money maker ‘covid’ on the world.
The UN has the power of big fossil fuel, pharma and animal ag against it. The US veto also means that the UN is completely toothless in the face of genocides of brown people and the stealing of their oil and gas. The US and the money maker industries strongly oppose acceptance of the climate crisis. They want to get Africa addicted to oil, not cheaper renewables offering greater independence. They strongly oppose any attempts towards actual equality. Therefore, using the front of the ineffectual UN (and the opposition to the ‘covid’ measures), they funded, created and inflicted ‘conspiracy’ on the world.
‘Conspiracy’ supposedly began when it leaked from Bill Gates. He’s buying up (a very small percentage of) farmland. He wants to sell us processed burgers or cultured meat alternatives. He wants to block out the sun so we that die without vitamin D. He wants us to live in 15 min dairy free cities. He wants us to consume dairy but it trying to kill us by poisoning cow’s milk.
Bill Gates invests in ‘solutions’ such as vaccines, SRM and burp reducers. They address real problems, such as illness and climate change. However, a) they don’t work and make things worse and b) they allow fossil fuel, animal ag and pharma to carry on with business as usual.
‘Conspiracy’, like ‘covid’, prevents us from addressing the real issues; obesity, poverty, malnutrition, pollution, environmental destruction, rising co2 and methane emissions, neocolonial land and resource ‘grabs’ and the immense wealth in the hands of a few people.
The actual causes of the issues are masked. The huge power of the fossil fuel industry hides behind ‘conspiracy’. Rockefeller is laughing all the way to the bank with his profits from unregulated markets.
The solutions to ‘conspiracy’ are devastating and worse than the non-existent disease. The attempts to cure ‘conspiracy’ involve convincing ourselves that the climate crisis is fake. That humans are actually meant to eat like hyenas. That we should tar all environmentalists with same brush as industry funded and purposefully annoying JSO. That we must oppose all and any measures to protect the environment.
Thus, the treatment for ‘conspiracy’ is to support the rights of giant, imperialist fossil fuel, arms, pharma and animal ag cartels to continue to ravage the Earth and her inhabitants with impunity.
Both the fake ‘covid’ and fake ‘conspiracy’ have been extremely successful. A climate crisis denier has been elected as President of the US. The cartels continue to exploit people, other animals and Mother Earth for profit.
Happy New Year everyone. I tried to stop writing. I just couldn’t. There’s so much bullshit and so many sad cases of ‘conspiracy’ out there.
RiP my lovely, faithful friend. August 2012 to August 2024.
None of the blindingly obvious statements about the climate always changing, being pulled through ice ages with changes in orbit (it should be cooling now) or it being hotter before humans were reliant on a small window for agriculture and there were no ice caps means that the climate crisis has been debunked.
Is this satire or are you saying that COVID isn’t real?