In the early 1980’s a group of men, who had not had physical contact with each other, presented with similar, though not new, symptoms; Kaposi Sarcoma (KS), lymphadenopathy (swollen glands) and asthenia (tiredness). Their use of toxic, carcinogenic nitrite inhalants was ignored. (The most toxic have since been banned and the incidence of KS dramatically decreased after the most highly toxic formulas of poppers were banned in 1988 and again in 1990). Also ignored was their party life-style, heavy drug use, lack of sleep, excessive prophylactic use of mitochondria damaging antibiotics and anti-fungals and their poor diets. Feeling very tired together with swollen glands, with or without KS, was claimed to be a single syndrome called ‘AIDS’ and incredibly it was assumed to have a single cause; a virus.
Luc Montagnier took a sample from one of these patients (BRU) and in 1983 claimed that he had purified it and seen a virus that later became known as ‘HIV’. He did not show any confirmatory EM pictures; which he said were unnecessary. In 1997 he admitted that they hadn’t purified the sample nor seen ‘HIV’ after all; the EM images showed only cellular debris.
The BRU lymph node sample was added to umbilical cord lymphocytes, antibiotics and the highly oxidising mitogen PHA (a substance that increases cell division) were added and the culture was left on the bench for a few weeks.
The ‘isolation’ of HIV was then claimed to have been observed by:-
a) the detection of reverse transcriptase (p66) activity which was thought to be unique and essential to retroviruses
b) budding of virus like particles from cells in the culture
c) detection of antibodies that bind to a protein, p24 . This protein was then claimed to be the ‘HIV’ protein
d) the presence of novel RNA sequences that were claimed to be parts of ‘HIV’ ‘genomes’
No controls were done, which would have shown that:-
a) reverse transcriptase activity is expressed in all human cells when stimulated with PHA
b) budding of virus like particles occurs in ‘uninfected’ control cell cultures due to the culture conditions themselves, see below
c) The p24 protein and the antibody that binds to it are not unique to ‘HIV’ nor to the ‘AIDS’ illness. They are prevalent worldwide amongst individuals who do not have AIDS nor are at risk of AIDS. Gel electrophoresis shows that p24 is present, in smaller amounts, in healthy people, band A below.
If p24 is not unique to AIDS patients it cannot be a protein that indicates the presence of the supposed cause of AIDS ie ‘HIV’. p24 cannot therefore be used to test for ‘HIV’ (although it is).
d) The novel RNA sequences are in fact sequences of adenine rich RNA, which are produced by all dividing cells especially when under the stress of cell culture. They are not parts of ‘genomes’ of ‘viruses’.
Montagnier did not show evidence of a virus at all; either by EM images, presence of reverse transcriptase, antibodies to reverse transcriptase, cell budding, novel RNA sequences, unique proteins nor unique antibodies.
Montagnier also himself admitted that he thought that good nutrition would both prevent and cure AIDS.
Yet despite all this, HIV being the probable causes of AIDS was announced at a press conference in 1984. Dissenting scientists were not allowed to attend
‘HIV’ causing ‘AIDS’ was not shown by epidemiology either. A positive ‘HIV’ test for a protein or antibody (though not shown to be specific to a ‘disease’ nor a ‘virus’ their presence may be indicative of an imbalance in the body -semen is very oxidising and the anus is very thin) was only correlated with the frequency of receptive anal sex, in either gender, and not with homosexual or heterosexual intercourse in general. Thus sexual transmission was not indicated.
The PCR could not be used to test for ‘HIV’ because there are so many different hypothetical variations of computer generated ‘genomes’ constructed by various groups. Millions of these different ones are found in healthy people and trillions in sick people. Different ‘variants’ occurring in the same person. There were 10 million ‘genomes’ of HIV uploaded onto GenBank as of 1999 and a variance between them of up to 40%. It defies belief that all these ‘genomes’ can actually be coding for the same entity.
The alleged ‘HIV’ protein p24 and its antibody (shouldn’t that indicate immunity?) are found in pregnancy, some tumours (though not the surrounding normal tissue), in inflammatory conditions as well as in healthy people. The definitive diagnosis of HIV is therefore based on patient history. If you’ve had frequent blood transfusions (though a ‘virus’ by their definition would not survive the process), or are a Black African (weight loss can be indicative of AIDS even in people who aren’t getting enough food!) or a gay man you are much more likely to get you a positive ‘test’ result.
Only seeing a positive result where one expects to see one. This is so far removed from the scientific method as to defy belief.
The treatment for a positive test was deemed to be AZT, a failed chemo drug. AZT is very oxidising and causes more abnormalities and changes in RNA sequences. This explains why ‘viral load’ seems to decrease, or become non-detectable, in patients treated with AZT as the PCR primers no longer detect the alleged ‘genome’ sequences that they are looking for.
AZT was made to appear to reduce the death rate from AIDS because after its introduction healthy people with a positive ‘HIV’ test were included as AIDS cases. These people would die of other causes and AZT would appear to have improved the death rate from ‘AIDS’ in the ‘HIV’ population; even if it killed everyone treated with it. It did, in fact, kill nearly everyone treated with it.
Many people have taken their own lives after a ‘positive’ test and many more were killed by the toxic effects of AZT. A trillion dollar research and pharmaceutical industry based on an entirely false premise.
Nancy Turner Banks in her book ‘AIDS, Opium, Diamonds and Empire’ argues convincingly that the HIV/AIDS story was deliberately written to mask the effects of allowing drugs, particularly crack cocaine, into deprived Black and Hispanic areas of the US, as well as illnesses suffered by black people in Africa who were economically forced to work in dangerously and cheaply run, dust-filled diamond mines.
The real causes of so called ‘AIDS’; poverty, poor sanitation, malnutrition, drug use, antibiotics and lack of sleep are not addressed. $trillions has been given by the tax payer and charities to Big Pharma to make drugs that harm and kill people supposedly to treat or prevent infection with a virus that doesn’t even exist.
The brilliant documentary House of Numbers is highly recommended.
And the work of the Perth Group on Montagnier’s experiments is explained much better than me in the Emperors New Virus.
Dourmashkin RR, Bucher D, Oxford JS. Small virus-like particles bud from the cell membranes of normal as well as HIV-infected human lymphoid cells. J Med Virol 1993. 39:229-232.)
Raposo G, Stoorvogel W. Extracellular vesicles: exosomes, microvesicles, and friends. The Journal of cell biology 2013. 200:373-383
Nobel lecture 1983
Pinter A, Honnen WJ, Tilley SA, Bona C, Zaghouani H, Gorny MK, Zolla-Pazner S. Oligomeric structure of gp41, the transmembrane protein of human immunodeficiency virus type 1. J Virol 1989. 63:2674-2679. Risk factors for seroconversion to human immunodeficiency virus among male homosexuals. Results from the Multicenter AIDS Cohort Study
Hello Daily Beagle, it 's really annoying to ask a question and then block me. I think you are seriously rattled that I'm right, actually I know that you were because you'd started on ad hominem attacks and questioning my credentials.
The little video you showed with some florescence markers attached to some RNA sequences or proteins (NEVER shown to come from a virus nor be specific to a virus) in one cell apparently being transferred to another cell does not show viruses entering cells. Would you put the paper where this very dubious, computer enhanced graphics comes from please so we can look at the methodology together. It looks like the whole cell is full of these green markers or completely empty. None of them have a nucleus. It looks like bollocks to me but if you could provide the peer review. Thank you.
Hey ho.
Monagnier said that he'd seen HIV when he hadn't and also said that nutrition could cure AIDS, they do not contradict. They evidence is out of the horses mouth in the Emperor's New Virus video perhaps you'd like to watch linked above.
I ironically titled my post Seeing is believing - I think it was a title of one of Steve Kirsch's where he showed a pic of a particle that looked like everyone said a virus looked like, though no one had ever shown that it was one. How did the original EM techs know that the particles seen on EM were viruses, they could not and did not prove that they were. It would be more accurate for my post to be called Not seeing is Not believing. It was meant to tie in with seeing that the emperor had no clothes.
Retroviruses as well as parts of the HIV 'genome' are said to be part of the human genome, but as samples are never purified how can they know what was human and what was not. In any case the retrovirus sequences are not viruses, but reverse transcriptases, found in all cells, DNA polymerase enzymes that transcribe single-stranded RNA into DNA, that can be incorporated into other genetic sequences.
Animal experiments on transmission of illness ARE bogus, and abusive. Intranasal or intra-abdominal injection of large amounts of proteins is not a normal route of transmission. You HAVE to do controls without the so-called virus. WHY don't they?
Hey ho.
This documentary on the. history of HIV/AIDS also incredible