Hmmm 🤔.
I’m not saying that individual alternative media ‘anti-vaxxers’, ‘truthers’ or ‘health freedomers’ are controlled opposition or in the pay of industry- though some certainly are.
I’m saying that memes, videos and hatchet jobs and papers ‘discovered’ on Bioriix or Medriix websites (where anyone can publish- there’s no peer review) as well as the day’s talking points are deliberately fed to us by our rulers-big tech, media, arms, fossil fuel, animal ag, pharma, surveillance, CIA/MI5/6/Mossad and their puppet politicians.
The alternative social media pacifies us, angers us, directs our thinking, flatters us that we’re immune to propaganda while we’re simultaneously being influenced by it. And it separates us from ‘others’.
The unsuccessful, though prominent and well-funded, Stop Ulez campaign was not ‘grass-roots’: it was orchestrated by Thomas Borwick, a Vote Leave, Cambridge Analytica and Tory party strategist.
Those of us who opposed the covid measures where led through the nose by industry. Those who follow the party line the closest, be it lab leak theories or globalist plots for control using fake climate change, get the most upranking by the controllers. For example, the climate change denial coming from BP shill Toby Young., Rogan’s funding from the meat industry affecting his content and of course the ‘globalist’ plot starting out with the industry funded Heartland Institute. And we’re also more likely to follow those telling us what we want to hear.
It’s always politically motivated, it is targeted at particular groups, for or against a certain issue, and because it chimes with us, we repost it. Just recently we’ve had lots of Jeffrey Sachs talking sensibly about Ukraine. No doubt for a pivot to China coming soon.
Many pundits are talking about the MSM. Not so many about the insidious and widespread manipulation using alternative and social media.
this is something I realize then forget so very much bears repeating. With LLMs you got to figure its not that hard to setup something like a Substack personality for every faction divide on any and all issues if an agency was so inclined and I think we can all imagine quite a few such agencies.
Thank you! I’m going to pass this on. I’ve noticed this and yet fallen for it on occasion. At one point I sent a long podcast out to friends who have a large mailing list, for them to pass it on further. I didn’t have time to listen to the whole two hours, but it started out so well. Later, I finally heard it all and was horrified at how it twisted its own message at the end and was obviously (to me) planted trickery. I’ve been hyper cautious since then, but clearly we all need more information about the forces at work. Thanks 🙏