I'm not ready to give up the idea of infectious disease but this article nicely laid out the competing thesis in full for me and brought to mind some moments in my own life that would seem to support it. I remember putting off a thesis paper as a junior in HS and getting sick 2 days before it was due. I had a fever, I was legitimate sick and asked for an extension but had to admit to the teacher it was a heck of a coincidence and just shows that I need to learn not to put work off. (I never fully learned that lesson). I also remember a co-worker coming in after being sick for the first time in two years and he even exclaimed something like....'you know I think I needed to get sick to really disconnect from work and chill out for a bit.'

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YES, yes, and more YES, Jo! I'm writing about this very thing right now (I'll reference your post if that's ok.) I wrote about this a few weeks ago when I had a "detox" that lasted two weeks. I'm rarely sick but my body insisted this time. This is a tough one for most people. I love Dr. Sam Bailey's video about germ vs. terrain. She does such a great job of simplifying it. Great post! :)

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It's interesting to me how people cling to ideas they feel comfortable with, whether it makes them feel good somehow or it's just "always been that way."

People talk about "faith" and in Western cultures, with Christianity being still very dominant, there is a LOT of talk about faith--

The irony for me is that on the one hand we have a LOT of belief that is based on really really OLD writings by men who were very like the men we have today... They believed certain things, had views about what is good/bad, right/wrong, whatever. Stone the witches.

And we talk about contagion...

Metaphorically speaking, contagion could be seen as the work of Satan. And we see the Human body and immune system and all the miraculous things, much of which we DON'T see, haven't really figured out, don't really understand, and yet we can believe in contagion because it's OLD NEWS, as it were, and the idea that our bodies can and will heal themselves of anything, that we're all connected spiritually, that we are able to do fantastic things without even thinking about it... THAT is all very very difficult for us to grasp and trust.

In short, we're willing to trust not Nature, which we don't understand, but trust the MEN in the Medical Industrial Complex who are trying to kill us.

IRONY. It's not just for breakfast anymore.

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Nov 29, 2022Liked by Jo Waller

I always think that whatever illness or symptom I have is a message from my subconscious that I don't want to hear. But because it's important my brain creates symptoms that I won't ignore so that I address the issue. Physical pain or discomfort or being sick always gets my attention.

Believing exclusively in contagion is a passive approach to health and just seems to encourage people to be afraid of people and of going out. The fear and seclusion alone are a huge negative to this belief system.

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Nov 29, 2022Liked by Jo Waller

Thank you Jo.

When more people can get this into their systems and draw out the washing of the brains that has been going on for eons………….., the light will come shining trough and open up minds for a bright future.

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Dec 1, 2022Liked by Jo Waller

Hello!! I have a friend that has been diagnosed with stage 4 lymphoma. She is trying to stay out of the “medical system “....I would like to read anything you have written about cancer. If possible please and thank you.

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Nov 29, 2022·edited Nov 29, 2022Liked by Jo Waller

I liken our clinging to contagion like the quest to make gold from other materials in the past, alchemy. It took a really long time, centuries, for folks to let it go, and some still seem to cling to it as well. Maybe its possible with light/energy technologies, but i wouldn't bet on it. (With gold?.) fun https://www.icysedgwick.com/alchemy-history/

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Contagions are all around us and quite sure that we are being messed with laboratory wise. This is not only biological warfare but coupled with EMFs and food toxins. Metals released into our skies. Showing up in our soil... Etc. How do you steer through all this ? Not giving in to FEAR, and staying healthy with a purpose. Knowing how to detox amidst all this garbage is a reality we must utilize. And most importantly being grounded in our faith.

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Really interesting post. It reminds me of a question I was musing about a while ago:

“It is often said that viruses tend to evolve towards more infectious but less dangerous variants, and eventually fizzle out by this mechanism, like Spanish Flu and Sars-Cov-1 apparently did. However, it doesn't make much adaptive sense for a virus to just evolve itself out of existence.

If we consider lineage level adaptation, would it make more sense that our immune systems not only have programs for improving individual survival against viral attack, but also programs for helping the survival of the wider lineage too? I believe this would look like a mechanism for signalling to other immune systems the information about the wild virus ahead of infection, preparing their systems for the attack.

Perhaps our immune systems collaborate to create natural herd immunity programs by generating and selecting strains which are faster to transmit but are less harmful than the wild virus - that it is actually some wisdom inherent in our adaptive lineage level biology which is selecting the virus out of existence?”

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