Since Zionists own the media, censoring what they don't like is a piece of cake. And if they can't control it, they order their AIPAC Puppet Stooges in congress to BAN it. So long TikTok!

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May 24Liked by Jo Waller

Yeah, WEF has become kinda a joke. They do still hold some sway, though.

Censorship is coming from all sides, but the Biden admin is the main player. They got sued for forcing social media platforms to censor everyone under the sun and they actually had the balls to file for an injunction, so they could make sure they could keep censoring while fighting the case.

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The WEF are not a 'they'. It's just an annual meeting and some jollies of rich people. Individually these rich people may well be part of the industries, Friends of Israel and war hawks pulling the Washington strings.

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May 24Liked by Jo Waller

Agreed. I meant more "they" as in the members and "young global leaders" like Trudeu and the rest.

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Members are people who've spoken there once of twice and young global leaders like Trudeau took part in a 2 week jolly and some online seminars. It is not a brainwashing program with mind altering power.

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May 24Liked by Jo Waller

That gave me a good chuckle! Thank you!

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My pleasure Benjamin. Have a great day! x

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The censorship started way before the war … maybe you weren’t directly affected … but now Israel has taken over

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May 24·edited May 24Author

D'ah. It's been going on since at least since after WWII. I was censored from Twitter for pointing out viruses don't exist- thanks to the lobbying power of big pharma in Washington.

Worth a listen to lowkey about how deep the rot goes


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