yeah, it is really sad that there are so many brilliant people in this Weston Price group, who do great work where terrain theory, and the nonsense of viruses is concerned, but then they stick to this legacy garbage on nutrition.

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Yes it's sad and incredibly frustrating. They are not so brilliant in not looking into what they're saying because it does't stand up even for a second. For example the claim that the Masai ate 'no plants" is a blatant lie.

People are being made to think that eating fruit is bad for them, when eating more fruit is the number one way to improve health.

I know diet is up to the individual blah blah but this advice and active promotion of this diet, based on no evidence, is making people eat just 'nose to tail' raw livers etc which according to all the evidence is incredibly dangerous to their health, yet I'm the one who gets criticised for saying so.

People look up to these terrain folks and industry is laughing all the way to the bank.

I know that David Parker and Dawn Lester are vegans and know the truth about the evidence of harm of animal products in the diet, but I think are keeping quiet for the sake of harmony in the movement. Much like team no virus were told to keep quiet.

But people's health is suffering because of this misleading info and outright lies. Come on Dawn!

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Yeah, that's where I part ways with them. No way is all that highly acidic animal food a good idea! I'm a vegan eater and am with you guys on this. From their zeal in promoting the Weston A Price diet, I don't see them changing their minds about it. At least Dawn Lester and David Parker have the right idea.

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Thanks Geo so glad to hear that.

I'm sure pharma love these acidic diets being promoted and making people sick.

Yes Dawn and David saw the light years ago, I wish they were more vocal about the health benefits, but I am back seat driving in saying that.


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"I'd rather be in perpetual slavery and controlled by the globalists, with all the other vegans and environmentalists than living in freedom with those who mock people showing compassion to animals or with the insufferable, heartless, self-justifying, scientifically illiterate, environmental destruction denying, puffed up and entitled keto/paleo/hunting for these who can afford it/carnivore preachers in the MFM."

Agree 100%. Me too.

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We'll slave away together, I'd be honoured xxx

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Jun 11, 2023Liked by Jo Waller

Jo: this is one of the places where I have a mild disagreement with you.

I live in Cambodia, near Angkor Wat, one of the more beautiful places in the world. But every morning I ride in the opposite direction, to a Hilltop Station (Phnom Krom) simply because I get to see the whole world waking up: Humans and... ducks, geese, water buffalo, goats, cows (painted in Indian stylings), chickens, dogs, cats... All of these animals lead wonderful, God-given lives... until they don't. The reaper comes slightly early, but they otherwise life a full and rich life, as befits the magnificent animals that they are.

Furthermore, the ceremonies of human marriage and death are both celebrated out in the open, with death being particularly (moving, cogent... some other word... sorry) because it's celebrated openly and homogenously. Also, the human world follows the same patterns as do animals. Most people here don't work on excel spreadsheets or the like, so the flow of their life is that odd medium between godhood and animals, and the balance between them is probably about the best in the world.

The Cambodians do, indeed, both eat and relish meat, but their relative 'poverty' precludes the excesses of our own people. If you eat 'Chicken-rice', you're eating 'RICERICE...(chicken) Vanilla...'. And...they are very, very healthy. I put 'poverty' in quotation marks because, as VS Naipaul said: 'Why does everybody talk about the poverty of Indians, and not about their joy...' (paraphrase).

Now consider my parents -- 'meatatarians'! If you met my mom, she would literally ask you if you want some meat, because she carries a bag of it in her purse... at 87, and in perfect health.

So I think that the issue of nutrition is a red herring. We always knew to avoid doughnuts and coca-cola. The real question is, more -- at what age should one die... but that's a very, very Western question. I would replace that with: given that we know that most non-Western diets work... how should we live such that our deaths are meaningful... and I think that every civilization outside of the post-WWII west understood that the answer is: (a) have children; (b) keep those children close to you.

I've failed at both... I hope that you haven't.


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hey, yes humans as just another animal killing and eating animals in a free living setting is a different thing to a trillion dollar agrochemical/pharma industry, where by far the majority of the dead animals come from factory farms, that is attempting to feed 8 billion people with their preferred choice, most of whom live in cities and get their food in packets and bags.

We couldn't have 8 billion people living as hunters.

My points are specifically about the evangelical bashers of vegans all over the MFM. I don't really care about the nutrition- I care that they are wrong in what they say

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Jun 11, 2023Liked by Jo Waller

Ah, then we agree. Factory farming is... something else. You're probably familiar with John Rapoport -- he really set me straight about how that farming is done.


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Jun 9, 2023Liked by Jo Waller

I don't remember how I found your Substack but I am so glad I did!

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Thank you Peggy, you make it all worthwhile. Lovely to have you here xxxx

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May 13Liked by Jo Waller

Clearly I'm late to this party (stack article) but followed another post here & came across this one too.

Mostly agree w/your outline/points stressed here based on my own research into these topics:

- terrain theory (as combined w/our body's healing processes aka so-called bacteria/parasites/toxins/infections) explains our good or bad health;

- "statins" are useless/dangerous, (& cholesterol is over-emphasized & demonized re: overall health);

- a predominately consumed carnivore diet is unhealthy long-term & counter to optimum health;

- so-called nutrition/popular food recommendations for health (US food pyramid) are misguided/wrong & follow industry coercion/promotions (like big farma drugs) rather than health guidelines;

- promoted fish/fish oil recommendations are industry "promotions" like so much of medical advice;

- most indigenous people (including the Inuits & Masai peoples that you highlight), historically consume(d) a varied & seasonal diet so are deliberately misrepresented for various reasons;

- all scientific analysis/research studies/findings should be taken with a grain of salt & considered as possibly corrupted/tainted with coercive industry funding (bribery) as insiders/whistleblowers report);

- Weston A Price Foundation gets some health analysis completely wrong (& gets some health analysis correct) which is par for the course with most alternative health/wellness sites;

- so-called "evolutionary narratives" are largely fabricated for purpose (invented/promoted story-lines) & cannot be verified w/any actual historical fossils documentary/physical/record, overall. There is obviously variation within species as has been shown, but the proposed theory that a species can jump to another species (monkeys to humans) as evolutionary biology insists is false & unproven.

Related to terrain theory, are you familiar with or have you read about the herbalist, Dr Sebi (& others w/similar opinions) touting an alkaline/plant-based diet? His recommendations (eat for health, acidic diet is bad & oxygen promotes life) ;make the most sense to me of any med/health/nutritional advice.

In addition to his interviews/videos, I've also read many articles on his advice & think it's very useful.

> DR. SEBI DOCUMENTARY - Jun 8, 2019 - A mini documentary about Dr. Sebi's life.


[Alfredo Darrington Bowman (26 Nov 1933 - 6 August 2016), also known as Dr. Sebi, was a Honduran self-proclaimed herbalist/nutritional healer, who also practiced in the US for many decades.

Mirrored here too: Published April 24th, 2023. - DR. SEBI DOCUMENTARY - LiveTruthDaily -


LLikes: 103K currently - Views: 4,078,858 currently - Uploaded to YouTube: 06/08/2019 - 1 year ago

Original YouTube link: https://youtu.be/9ycV9aAWjzM

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Hi Lucinda thanks so much for reading. Never too late!

I came across health for myself when I became vegan for animals 10 years ago (and chose whole food organic cos I thought- might as well) and started looking into the propaganda that comes out about diet. The narrative, as always, is controlled by industry.

However we have the power to take our health into our own hands. I haven’t been ill nor barely sneezed since i changed my diet and have never felt so good nor been so physically fit.


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May 14·edited May 14Liked by Jo Waller

TY for your response Jo Waller & appreciate your comments about your changes in your life & diet etc. My daughter became a vegetarian at age 12 & so our family adapted to her new routine all those years ago (husband & I were vegetarians in college way back but later went back to eating meat, altho we do consume much less than avg folks & try hard eat mostly organic in addition to everything else.).

Anyway, her focus all those years ago on eating plants/local/organic helped all of us to become more aware of what we eat, what's in the food & how important it is to avoid junkfood, GMOs & toxins & additives in the processed foods. Uphill struggle.

I deeply appreciate your contrarian views - even if I sometimes disagree on some of the points - & love your questioning every single thing, including health freedom-ers as you call them who talk a good line but don't always walk the walk. Hypocrisy rules the day unfortunately & its really hard to determine facts/truth most of the time, still, but know that more of us are thinking critically, analyzing situations & speaking out.

Debates are good & important truths are always uncovered when we drop our defenses, really listen to each other & avoid retreating to our "safe" appointed silos.

The learning curve never ends & pushing back on the constant BS is a full-time job. Keep up the good work. ;-)

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Thank you Lucinda, I really appreciate it. I'm very lucky in that I live near to ( and volunteer at) a community fruit and veg farm and I can get organic British pulses and grains online. My diet change seemed to happen quite organically if you'll pardon the pun. xx


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My apologies for triggering you. It appears you have taken the suggestions I made yesterday as an attack on your ego. Do have a blessed day.

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Teehee. Please don't apologise. Thank you for the inspiration. Thinking for oneself is fun. 🙏🏽

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Did you read his report? It contains such a massive amount of information specific to nutrition (macro and micronutrients, what is needed, how much is needed, etc.) Did you check out Dr. Christopher's School of Natural Healing information? I also have the Classic Description of Diseases (Ralph Majors), The Household Physician, PDR for Pharmacology and PDR for Herbal Medicine, medical education textbooks by the dozens, psychology education books, psychopharmacology books, plus more. I've even gone so far as to transcribe the Reiner Fuellmich and Barrie Trower Interview (almost 2 hours of video) just to expand my knowledge. I've read Secret Fallout by Ernest Sternglass, the report on the syphilis testing of the 1950s, fracking reports, Beyond A Pale Horse, The Seats and Causes of Diseases (Vol I and II), The Poisoned Needle (Eleanor McBean), Bechamp or Pasteur: A lost Chapter, and more. The thing that caught my attention regarding your substack is your position regarding the plagues. So, if you would like to converse, I'm open. If you want something to sharpen your claws on, I'll bow out so that I don't disrupt your peace.

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Eat what you want. Make it natural, healthy and balanced. The rest will take care of itself. No need for all the academic waffle.

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I only put academic waffle because industry funded Weston A Price and some in MFM, heavily influenced by animal/pahrma/ agrochemical industry, are trying to make out that vegan diets are inadequate and unhealthy, lacking in saturated fat or protein or whatever.

There is no need for people minding there own business, not eating animals for compassion, to be spoken of scathingly and openly mocked in MFM social media.


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Jun 9, 2023Liked by Jo Waller

Ooops! Yeah... I wasn't attacking the "academic waffle" that you referenced, only the "academic waffle" the other person was referencing! Does that make me biased? Oh well... I was just trying to reduce the argument down to base level as usual considering that "academia" for millions of years boiled down to tasting some new food with your mouth and it not killing you therefore it was good to go.

Anyway, that'll teach me to butt in. I'll butt out now! Carry on.

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Heehee, yes probably does make you biased. But I agree it is all waffle, food is not protein, fat, carbs etc it's the interconnected life force that becomes part of us, though we're already one with each other.

!!! I think I may have been sitting in the sun too long.

You're never butting in Tsubion xxx

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deletedJun 9, 2023Liked by Jo Waller
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I couldn't work out what POS was at first. It's a scientific object! Thank you, I enjoyed writing it and found out some things.

The major hoot for me is showing that all the anti-vegan mockery and accusations of being controlled I'm getting from some in the MFM are demonstrably unjustified and in fact it's carnivores who are being fooled by the animal ag/pharma industry and are harming their health, other animals and the planet in there process.


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