Yes, Our creator endowed us with the ultimate fact checker right between our ears,

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High cholesterol?! 😂 your cells are MADE of cholesterol.

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Yes. Your point? Did you read the link?🤨 https://jowaller.substack.com/p/of-course-statins-dont-work-cholesterol

This is like the co2 argument; yes we know they are essential- it's altering the balance in the blood or atmosphere that's the problemo.

People with cholesterol of 4.4 eating mainly plant based have 17 times lower CVD. Isn't that something we want?

Certainly the pharma/animal ag industries don't want us healthy, they want us fat, sick and on drugs. So they will be very happy with you stating the obvious and thinking it's clever. 🥳

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Sally Fallon is the founder of the Weston Price Foundation (not Tom Cowan, as you stated), and the organization is also not funded by the "animal ag industry".

The tax returns can be viewed here:


Or here:


And Harari, an advisor to Klaus Schwab, represents himself in the evil elites' narrative:


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No one in health freedom bothered to look up the interviews and see how YNH was stitched up (he's an Israeli and therefore racist, i don't like him, but even Nazis can say logical and well evidenced things); they just repost crass, sensationalised, hatchet jobs, deliberately circulated to them by industry. Health freedom want to believe in an evil agenda and be in the know about it. They've all fallen for it. And vitriol about disliked people such as YNH gets them likes, reposts and followers.

You may be interested in my latest post which is about this very phenomena https://jowaller.substack.com/p/targeted-social-media-has-enabled

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Thank you for the comment though Sarah, more grist to the mill. I've added more detail and you get a mention now too!

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This is so hilarious Sarah, and perfectly illustrates my point.

Cowan is co founder with Sally Fallon and according to their site many members and funders of the Weston A Price are farmers (they could be large or small but all are to an extent dependent on subsidies from the government and all buy products from giant cartels, yes even grass fed have to import fertilisers etc) ergo; they are the "animal ag farming industry "with vested interests in spreading misinformation about their products; which I go into in depth.

As regards the little video that you sent me on YNH- he is warning that people (ie him and us) will become 'useless' because our jobs have been taken by robots and AI. He is not making a statement of intent nor a moral judgement on our worth. If you read his work you would see this. He explains it well in his address, which also is a warning to the elites, at Davos in 2020. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eOsKFOrW5h8&t=5s

Reposting hatchet jobs overlaid with 'YNH is lead advisor to Klaus Sqwab' (no evidence) with a covid 19 reset logo in the background shows how you have also ignorantly fallen for this propaganda. Disappointing.

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Cowan is not the co-founder of the Weston Price Foundation. Sally Fallon co-founded WAPF with Mary G. Enig, a nutritionist.

That's a broad assertion that "all" farms are "dependent on subsidies from the government and all buy products from giant cartels".

I have actually read Harari and find him to be underwhelming. His premises are flashy and speculative, and I think he caters to a sensationally impressed audience. I find his position on (fundamentally nonexistent) human rights, “imagined order”, and a societal preservation that is reliant upon “the elites” to be problematic on many levels.

He is an agenda contributor at The World Economic Forum which, as I'm sure you are aware, was founded by Klaus Schwab.

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May 15·edited May 15Author

Thank you for taking the time to reply Conspiracy Sarah,

I have edited my post to show that Cowan's friend Sally Fallon founded WAPF, though this is totally irrelevent to my point about their function and their misleading information.

Yes it's a broad assertion that all animal ag farms are 'to an extent' (is the full quote) dependent on subsidies, but it's true and fertilisers, seeds etc have indeed been sown up by giant cartels. Farmers need products, vets, pharmaceuticals and slaughter house facilities; independence only applies to community non-profit non-animal farm projects in my opinion.

However, again this is irrelevent to my point about the WAPF and its marketing function and deliberately misleading information.

I don't really care what you think about Harari nor his opinions. Yes he is 'agenda contributor' as he has spoken about his books at Davos (yes I know the WEF was founded by KS!!!) which were then discussed by a panel. It does mean he contributes to the agenda of depopulation and control!!!

It does not mean that he is 'chief advisor to KS'- there's no evidence. Nor that the YNH is evil nor that the WEF is evil nor that they have an evil agenda to depopulate and control us. This is clearly a ridiculous hoax that the sheep of health freedom are following religiously. The WEF is a vanity project where rich people go to virtue signal and listen to their own voices.

Those with an agenda are the 1% who stand to lose the most by policies aimed at global equity and addressing climate change such as energy independence with cleaner and cheaper renewables, less pollution, better education and investment in public transport allowing access to amenities which by far benefit the poorest of the world the most. Those with an agenda are being kicked back against by indigenous populations whose land and resources have been plundered by US neocolonism, fossil fuels and animal ag.

The more people like you nitpick the happier and more powerful these people with an agenda are.

By pretending that the greenwashers at the WEF are an evil cabal those with an agenda have even turned equality into a dirty word https://jowaller.substack.com/p/davos-have-even-turned-equality-into?utm_source=publication-search

stop doing their work for them.

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May 12·edited May 12

Excess mortality did increase in the under 45 age groups, and given that the pandemic apparently killed off so many older people that could explain why their numbers went down. Pull forward effect.


And the ONS on the UK recently changed the method for calculating excess deaths in order to cover up the current high rate.

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Excess mortality is not the same as the all cause mortality, i think this. will be on my epitaph https://jowaller.substack.com/p/excess-mortality-what-does-it-show?utm_source=publication-search

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I look at 'excess deaths' in 15 to 45 year olds specifically here. They are only 'excess' when compared to the really low year of 2019, not when compared the years before the low years of 2000 and before. https://jowaller.substack.com/p/the-continued-manipulation-of-health

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