Firstly, what is chicken pox?
Just like monkey pox and monkeys: chicken pox has nothing to do with chickens. Varicella virus is meant to be the cause of ‘chicken pox’, it’s a pretty name, so is Rubella which is meant to be the cause of ‘german measles’.
The symptoms of chicken pox and the other poxes are notoriously difficult to distinguish from each other, and are even harder to see on black and brown skin.
What is the evidence that the chicken pox rashes and spots in children are caused by a virus? What is the evidence that the same virus causes shingles.
From the BMJ; 'Primary infection with varicella zoster virus causes chickenpox, typically in children. After this initial infection, the virus remains in the body as a dormant infection, and reactivation, often decades later, causes shingles’. Shingles symptoms are a characteristic rash on the abdomen, headache, rashes around the eyes, pain and upset stomach.
How can a virus be dormant? What stops it from replicating? What happens to the virus when the cell it’s in dies, does it replicate even though it's dormant and move on to another cell? How does the child recover and be healthy even though they still have an ‘infection’? How is the virus tolerated by the cell? How does ‘immunity’ constantly keep the virus dormant but not produce symptoms?
“The theory that re-exposure to the varicella zoster virus in adulthood (by exposure to a child with chicken pox symptoms) boosts immunity to shingles (known as “exogenous boosting”) has gained widespread support.’
This does my nut in.
‘These findings apparently call into question the wisdom of chicken pox vaccination for children.’ Even the establishment is saying chicken pox vaccination is not a good idea because of the rise in shingles among many adults and not just in single, elderly men. The adults are ‘exposed’ to more virus by being around children with poxes but don’t develop symptoms of ‘infection’? But they do develop a completely asymptomatic way of fighting the viruses dormant in their nerves, though not actually getting rid of them?
What is really going on?
Here’s what Pharma marketing website wikipedia says about chicken pox parties:-
‘Parents who expose their children to varicella zoster virus in this manner often do so out of the belief that acquiring immunity to chickenpox via infection is safer and more effective than receiving a vaccination. Similar ideas have been applied to other diseases such as measles. Pediatricians have warned against holding pox parties, however, citing dangers arising from possible complications associated with chickenpox, such as encephalitis, chickenpox-associated pneumonia, and invasive group A strep. These serious complications (e.g. brain damage or death) are vastly more likely than vaccine adverse events.’
‘In the United States, chickenpox parties were popularized before the introduction of the varicella vaccine in 1995. Children were also sometimes intentionally exposed to other common childhood illnesses, such as mumps and measles. Before vaccines for these infections became available, parents regarded these diseases as almost inevitable.’
This paper performed by Merck (highlighted as having bias) Live Attenuated Varicella Virus Vaccine — Efficacy Trial in Healthy Children showed that less than 10% of the placebo arm developed symptoms when ‘exposed’, ie over 90% did not develop symptoms: the body decides if it needs to detox or not.
The CDC explains that ‘Some people who have been vaccinated against chickenpox can still get the disease (up to 20% to 30% after the first vaccination), called breakthrough chickenpox. However, they usually have milder symptoms with fewer or no blisters (or just red spots), a mild or no fever, and are sick for a shorter period of time than people who are not vaccinated.’
Encephalitis, pneumonia and severe blistering in secondary ‘chickenpox infection’ is very rare, and a positive ‘test’ for chickenpox, just like any virus, is meaningless; the symptoms may be caused by many things such as vaccination and pollution.
The Cochrane Review supposedly exonerating the MMR (not) showed that the measles and mumps trivalent jabs suppressed symptoms of fever in 6% more children than unvaccinated. That is, about 1% of the vaccinated had symptoms compared to 7% of the ‘unvaccinated’. When varicella was added, about 1% of those who were MMR+V jabbed had chicken pox symptoms compared to 24% of those who weren’t. It must be remembered that actual unvaccinated children are as rare as hen’s teeth.
According to the NHS ‘Chickenpox is most common in children under the age of 10. In fact, chickenpox is so common in childhood that over 90% of adults are immune to the condition because they've had it before. Children usually catch chickenpox in winter and spring, particularly between March and May.’ The chickenpox vaccine is not part of the schedule in the UK.
It sounds very much like a childhood winter/spring detox event or a developmental phase of the homeostatic system triggered by environmental and social cues that is not repeated in adulthood. Chicken pox is a developmental phase in children. If the detox symptoms are suppressed by vaccination, the child is more likely to develop solid tumours in later life.
Chicken pox parties as a kind of vaccination are harmless, people are happy to invite ‘infected’ people in their homes where there are babies and the elderly.
Vaccination itself however is far from harmless. The proteins found in samples from chicken poxes and shingles rashes , which are mistakenly thought to be viral, are in fact signals to the body to stimulate the formation of these poxes, expel toxins and perform other developmental and homeostatic functions of the ‘chicken pox’ and ‘shingles’ processes. Instructing the body to produce antibodies to these proteins by injecting babies and young children, will mean that when the time comes for the child to go through the ‘chicken pox’ phase the proteins involved will be bound by these antibodies and their effects will be dampened down. This means that the bodies natural processes will be suppressed along with the symptoms of ‘chicken pox’. This is never, ever a good idea. The lack of expression, visual and chemical cues may even affect adults who are then vulnerable to shingles. Certainly, isolating anyone from social cues and community is harmful.
Poxes are wonderful, the body is amazing, it expels the toxins after we insist on feeding and injecting them into our children and projecting them into the atmosphere. The toxins would do far worse inside the body. Social cues are very important, all things communicate with each, though we barely understand it.
The symptoms of shingles, including a painful blistering rash, occur when the body is exhausted and emotionally stressed; the body is attempting to detoxify and is basically saying “what the hell?” Injection with the toxins and proteins involved in this process, known as vaccination, will cause these characteristic symptoms by stressing and stimulating the body to detoxify.The chicken pox vaccine was introduced in 1995 and shortly after this the rise in shingles incidence in the US began. The shingles vaccine (introduced in 2006) did nothing to slow it.
All the studies on chickenpox and shingles are observational studies, so many other life-style factors are at play. For example, are the people allegedly protected from shingles by exposure to unvaccinated children with symptoms more likely to be unvaccinated themselves and therefore healthier? Are those not protected by only being around vaccinated children, more likely to be vaccinated against shingles and flu themselves and therefore more likely to be ill from these vaccines?
What else may be involved with shingles?
Many other factors changed in the mid 1990s such as an increase in the flu vaccines. Glyphosate was also introduced in 1993 and GMO corn and soy fed to cattle for human consumption were introduced in 1995, with an even sharper rise in liver cancer, Alzheimers’ and Parkinsons incidence and deaths shortly after.
Chicken pox is a childhood developmental phase that is known to protect against tumours in later life. The vaccine prevents this detox phase in about 23% more children than unjabbed. This suppression of an important phase brings its own problems. However, the vaccine may also prevent adequate detox from other toxins and stresses that are encountered later in life.
Children having chicken pox symptoms may also protect older adults from developing shingles. This may be through visual or chemical signals. All people need to mix with each other for their health. They also need to go through detox events without suppression, particularly in childhood, to protect everyone from future disease.
Vaccinations and pesticides should be avoided.
I am more sure every day that the modern medicine (the way it is after the flexner report /science/truth is what we say is science/truth) did more bad than good to the humanity, that nothing good came out without more something bad. These years I thought a lot (for the first time in this way) of my had 14, the other one 10 children. None ever been vaccinated, none ever visited a hospital or a doctor, not rich, not poor, had food just from their land and garden and a bit from the store, one died at 82, the other at 94...
No more vaccines 💉 period