I am more sure every day that the modern medicine (the way it is after the flexner report /science/truth is what we say is science/truth) did more bad than good to the humanity, that nothing good came out without more something bad. These years I thought a lot (for the first time in this way) of my grandmothers...one had 14, the other one 10 children. None ever been vaccinated, none ever visited a hospital or a doctor, not rich, not poor, had food just from their land and garden and a bit from the store, one died at 82, the other at 94...
The Flexner report along with that bastard JD Rockefeller ruined modern medicine and at the same time kept humans sick and dying just so they could control and make a f*n buck off of human suffering.
May they be rotting in hell. And screaming for forgiveness.
Thanks MM, I had not neard of the Flexner report. Philanthropic giving is how they cleanse their reputations, or should I say whitewash them. How many times did I hear 'with support from the Rockefeller foundation' growing up.... no wonder why they never said much in school...studying herbalism is how I learned about all this much later in life. Bastard of death, Rockefeller.
Most of the doctors never heard of it either, not even about the Rockefeller family implication in almost all the countries medical stuff, even in china.
You don't understand. Forgiveness is for those who did the suffering, not for those who caused it. But it isn't always just given, like for what you describe.
I had chickenpox when I was 20 and shingles when I was 36.
The chickenpox was probably the last shedding of childhood as my body moved to adulthood.
The shingles was most definitely not caused by a "virus" that has never been isolated, identified and characterized. My marriage was a mess and I was a wreck, and it was most definitely stress that caused me to break out in hives.
Stress has to work its way out of our system in one way or the other. I am lucky that it exited through my skin in outward ways, and not in the form of cancer or other possibly fatal illness.
The theory I've picked up from the anti-vaxxer information I've been reading is that the shingles uptick coincided with the chickenpox rollout. That the immunity provided by vaccination may be worse than natural infection in preventing transmission from children to grandparents. I ran this by my Mother forgetting her own history. She was infected with chickenpox as a kid but got shingles. She jumped at the chance to say this was proof that at least some of the anti-vax theory was wrong...ie, natural immunity is superior. Then I emphasized the part of it coming from kids vaccinated with chickenpox and she remembered that she suspected it was from my nephew as there was some warning about avoiding recently vaccinated kids that she ignored. I'm not sure what to make of all that. But wanted to share. I'm realizing I like hearing theories out and don't see the big rush to throw away theories before enough evidence is gathered.
ah but the theory is that the chickenpox virus stayed dormant in your gran's nerves and then some stress reactivated it and she got shingles. that is their theory, not anti-vaxxess. Having chickenpox doesn't protect from shingles. I can't see that it has any advantage.
if there is an uptick it is because of an increase in what actually causes it; stress, exhaustion, toxins etc, (or by their theory increase in triggers such as stress which reactivate the 'virus')
And also from the shingles vaccine (2006) -it injects the toxins, proteins and DNA made in cell culture, that produce the symptoms and are also of course harmful in other ways.
I think blaming the uptick on the chickenpox vaccine, which anyway is uncommon in the UK, and not being exposed to chickenpox, is a convoluted way of saying the vaccines actually work, which they don't.
The virus in the vaccines is also accepted to be attenuated enough not to cause chickenpox but not attenuated enough to stop it being able to lay dormant for decades and then causing shingles???
That's as ludicrous as the idea that a particular "virus" can HANG AROUND, through entire years, regardless of SUMMERS full of heat and so on... and keep MUTATING, all when we've never actually isolated the parent "virus." Bollocks has many different names... Any of them fit.
Perhaps the newly vaxxed kids have a”different strain/lab strain”. This is supposedly what happened with the measles outbreak at Disneyland a few years ago. The kids who got measles got the lab version not the wild type!
I'm not sure where exactly I land but the idea that vaccines could suppress symptoms leading to more asymptomatic infections that end up infecting more people sounds plausible to me. Where in the old days upon the site of pox it be quarantine, now the pox part is suppressed and so more likely grandparents aren't told to stay away. Or are told, stay away from kids recently vaccinated, but if they aren't sick and you are called in to help watch a kid...how many are really going to say no?
Except that this is the opposite of what we are being asked to believe. It is NOT being exposed to children with wild type, unattenuated, most virulent strains and active 'disease' that is causing the virus that old ladies already have, they are not catching a new one, to be reactivated.
It is not being exposed by staying away or by children being vaccinated with an attenuated strain that is causing the increase in shingles.
Attenuation means the virus can still infect, replicate and cause an immune response, but not cause disease. I thought that viruses replicating inside cells and bursting out killing the cell and also the immune response was the disease??? So what are the unattenuated viruses doing extra to cause diesase?
The impression I get is that some anti-vaxxers don't buy the part where the virus lies dormant and is activated at all. But instead older people are being infected more by children who are more infectious due to sub-optimal vaccine immune response not stopping transmission as much as natural infection immunity or children having milder symptoms aren't as careful about staying isolated. Honestly, just listing out the different combinations of what virus from what carrier is doing what is confusing me at this point.
Ah yes I see. I know that Dissolving Illusions still maintains there is a viruses about, though I think Bystriank may be more of team no virus of late.
I've come to the conclusion that confusion is what the narrative wants.
I have a compulsion and need to understand and sometimes I just have to back away and admit that with the information I have been given, nothing will make sense.
And when all I hear is an effort to FRIGHTEN me, I am highly skeptical.
Because from what I've seen in the past three years, and what Terrain Theory is saying to me, I think the Human Immune System is a FANTASTIC system, magical, even, because we really don't understand it yet... It's that not understanding it that has caused us so much grief.
We've (perhaps) mistaken distress signals as something attacking us, when really it's quite possible, even probable, that we simply don't "speak the language" of Nature, at least, not on a very proficient level...
And I think this is also quite true about a LOT of things we've been told about the world and how it works... People who want to make financial profit for themselves more than they want to enlighten Humanity are not to be trusted.
"Perhaps children go through the chicken pox detox at the same time because they were all injected with vaccines at about the same time..." I'd never thought of this before, but... Brilliant!
No, phosphate mining can produce arsenic contaminates (laundy and dish detergents, and fertilizers on your food)
Lead arsenate was the most popular pesticide from the late 19th century to the 1950s, when replaced with DDT, and not totally banned until 1993
Pressure-treated lumber anyone?
Coal-slag, coal-residue, and coal-ash in the air
Oh, don't worry, they put arsenic into paints, dyes, cosmetics, etc.
TBQH I don't think arsenic is the ur-cause of chicken pox. But it *CAN* cause chicken pox, and it makes me think POISONING causes chicken pox more than anything else.
Just want to clarify… Getting chicken pox as a child prevents you from getting chicken pox as an adult, which can be a worse rash all over your body, face, inside your mouth, nose, ears and even on your eyes. Adults rarely get chicken pox because they were usually exposed to it as kids (or nowadays had the attenuated vaccine). So chicken pox DOES protect you from chicken pox. Shingles is a different presentation - a rash on one side of the body in a very specific meridian, along with corresponding nerve pain. Children who have chicken pox and children who take the chicken pox vaccine are equally at risk of shingles, which comes from within themselves. I agree with the theory that adult exposure to childhood chicken pox staves off shingles (see: teachers and pediatricians who used to be exposed to chicken pox never got shingles; now they do). The only people who used to get shingles were old men - those who had the least exposure to caregiving kids with chicken pox.
Looking forward to the references for what you say.
Just to clarify ; The virus in the vaccines is attenuated enough not to cause chickenpox but not attenuated enough to stop it being able to lay dormant for decades and then causing shingles??
What you said is not scientific, it's assumption. No offense, but it's like saying apples have red skin, so anything you find with red skin is an apple, including pomegranates.
may I have the references for where it was shown that chicken pox as a child prevents adult chickenpox please. And also the original reference where the probable cause of the rashes in children and adults are the chickenpox virus. And the original reference for where it was shown that shingles is caused by the virus.
I am more sure every day that the modern medicine (the way it is after the flexner report /science/truth is what we say is science/truth) did more bad than good to the humanity, that nothing good came out without more something bad. These years I thought a lot (for the first time in this way) of my grandmothers...one had 14, the other one 10 children. None ever been vaccinated, none ever visited a hospital or a doctor, not rich, not poor, had food just from their land and garden and a bit from the store, one died at 82, the other at 94...
The Flexner report along with that bastard JD Rockefeller ruined modern medicine and at the same time kept humans sick and dying just so they could control and make a f*n buck off of human suffering.
May they be rotting in hell. And screaming for forgiveness.
Thanks MM, I had not neard of the Flexner report. Philanthropic giving is how they cleanse their reputations, or should I say whitewash them. How many times did I hear 'with support from the Rockefeller foundation' growing up.... no wonder why they never said much in school...studying herbalism is how I learned about all this much later in life. Bastard of death, Rockefeller.
Most of the doctors never heard of it either, not even about the Rockefeller family implication in almost all the countries medical stuff, even in china.
Sometimes forgiveness must be EARNED.
Forgiveness must be earned?
For Genocide?
For euthanasia?
For knowingly injecting a toxic carcinogen into your fellow human beings?
Surely you jest
You don't understand. Forgiveness is for those who did the suffering, not for those who caused it. But it isn't always just given, like for what you describe.
Sometimes a hard, hard penalty is needed.
Apparently you didn’t make yourself very clear.
Happy? No. I’m not. The world is a ghetto.
Look, I'm having a really hard day, okay?
Can we start again another day, because normally I'm not so snarky, and I hope you aren't, either.
How you interpret something isn't always The Thing, okay.
No more vaccines 💉 period
I had chickenpox when I was 20 and shingles when I was 36.
The chickenpox was probably the last shedding of childhood as my body moved to adulthood.
The shingles was most definitely not caused by a "virus" that has never been isolated, identified and characterized. My marriage was a mess and I was a wreck, and it was most definitely stress that caused me to break out in hives.
Stress has to work its way out of our system in one way or the other. I am lucky that it exited through my skin in outward ways, and not in the form of cancer or other possibly fatal illness.
Hiya B's M,
Thank you for this. Yes! In a nut shell. Clear thinking, logical and acknowledging our bodies are not robots attached to our brains.
Why dincha call him "BM"???????????????? ;)
viruses are big pharma's imaginary boogie man...and why it needs to be exposed as the scam it is
The theory I've picked up from the anti-vaxxer information I've been reading is that the shingles uptick coincided with the chickenpox rollout. That the immunity provided by vaccination may be worse than natural infection in preventing transmission from children to grandparents. I ran this by my Mother forgetting her own history. She was infected with chickenpox as a kid but got shingles. She jumped at the chance to say this was proof that at least some of the anti-vax theory was wrong...ie, natural immunity is superior. Then I emphasized the part of it coming from kids vaccinated with chickenpox and she remembered that she suspected it was from my nephew as there was some warning about avoiding recently vaccinated kids that she ignored. I'm not sure what to make of all that. But wanted to share. I'm realizing I like hearing theories out and don't see the big rush to throw away theories before enough evidence is gathered.
ah but the theory is that the chickenpox virus stayed dormant in your gran's nerves and then some stress reactivated it and she got shingles. that is their theory, not anti-vaxxess. Having chickenpox doesn't protect from shingles. I can't see that it has any advantage.
if there is an uptick it is because of an increase in what actually causes it; stress, exhaustion, toxins etc, (or by their theory increase in triggers such as stress which reactivate the 'virus')
And also from the shingles vaccine (2006) -it injects the toxins, proteins and DNA made in cell culture, that produce the symptoms and are also of course harmful in other ways.
I think blaming the uptick on the chickenpox vaccine, which anyway is uncommon in the UK, and not being exposed to chickenpox, is a convoluted way of saying the vaccines actually work, which they don't.
Hi again
The virus in the vaccines is also accepted to be attenuated enough not to cause chickenpox but not attenuated enough to stop it being able to lay dormant for decades and then causing shingles???
That's as ludicrous as the idea that a particular "virus" can HANG AROUND, through entire years, regardless of SUMMERS full of heat and so on... and keep MUTATING, all when we've never actually isolated the parent "virus." Bollocks has many different names... Any of them fit.
Hello woofing,
I've added a postscript and some glyposate to this post you might like ♥️
Perhaps the newly vaxxed kids have a”different strain/lab strain”. This is supposedly what happened with the measles outbreak at Disneyland a few years ago. The kids who got measles got the lab version not the wild type!
I'm not sure where exactly I land but the idea that vaccines could suppress symptoms leading to more asymptomatic infections that end up infecting more people sounds plausible to me. Where in the old days upon the site of pox it be quarantine, now the pox part is suppressed and so more likely grandparents aren't told to stay away. Or are told, stay away from kids recently vaccinated, but if they aren't sick and you are called in to help watch a kid...how many are really going to say no?
Except that this is the opposite of what we are being asked to believe. It is NOT being exposed to children with wild type, unattenuated, most virulent strains and active 'disease' that is causing the virus that old ladies already have, they are not catching a new one, to be reactivated.
It is not being exposed by staying away or by children being vaccinated with an attenuated strain that is causing the increase in shingles.
Attenuation means the virus can still infect, replicate and cause an immune response, but not cause disease. I thought that viruses replicating inside cells and bursting out killing the cell and also the immune response was the disease??? So what are the unattenuated viruses doing extra to cause diesase?
The impression I get is that some anti-vaxxers don't buy the part where the virus lies dormant and is activated at all. But instead older people are being infected more by children who are more infectious due to sub-optimal vaccine immune response not stopping transmission as much as natural infection immunity or children having milder symptoms aren't as careful about staying isolated. Honestly, just listing out the different combinations of what virus from what carrier is doing what is confusing me at this point.
Ah yes I see. I know that Dissolving Illusions still maintains there is a viruses about, though I think Bystriank may be more of team no virus of late.
I've come to the conclusion that confusion is what the narrative wants.
I have a compulsion and need to understand and sometimes I just have to back away and admit that with the information I have been given, nothing will make sense.
I relate to this.
And when all I hear is an effort to FRIGHTEN me, I am highly skeptical.
Because from what I've seen in the past three years, and what Terrain Theory is saying to me, I think the Human Immune System is a FANTASTIC system, magical, even, because we really don't understand it yet... It's that not understanding it that has caused us so much grief.
We've (perhaps) mistaken distress signals as something attacking us, when really it's quite possible, even probable, that we simply don't "speak the language" of Nature, at least, not on a very proficient level...
And I think this is also quite true about a LOT of things we've been told about the world and how it works... People who want to make financial profit for themselves more than they want to enlighten Humanity are not to be trusted.
Ditto on hearing the theories out, and really DELVING...
Ok. I like this angle even more than the deleted one.
Thank you Greg! I am made up.😊
"Perhaps children go through the chicken pox detox at the same time because they were all injected with vaccines at about the same time..." I'd never thought of this before, but... Brilliant!
I'm going to say it for the 50 billionth time:
Arsenic poisoning causes chicken pox and shingles. Including arsenic trioxide "chemotherapy":
Arsenic you say? That's not common!
No, phosphate mining can produce arsenic contaminates (laundy and dish detergents, and fertilizers on your food)
Lead arsenate was the most popular pesticide from the late 19th century to the 1950s, when replaced with DDT, and not totally banned until 1993
Pressure-treated lumber anyone?
Coal-slag, coal-residue, and coal-ash in the air
Oh, don't worry, they put arsenic into paints, dyes, cosmetics, etc.
TBQH I don't think arsenic is the ur-cause of chicken pox. But it *CAN* cause chicken pox, and it makes me think POISONING causes chicken pox more than anything else.
Just want to clarify… Getting chicken pox as a child prevents you from getting chicken pox as an adult, which can be a worse rash all over your body, face, inside your mouth, nose, ears and even on your eyes. Adults rarely get chicken pox because they were usually exposed to it as kids (or nowadays had the attenuated vaccine). So chicken pox DOES protect you from chicken pox. Shingles is a different presentation - a rash on one side of the body in a very specific meridian, along with corresponding nerve pain. Children who have chicken pox and children who take the chicken pox vaccine are equally at risk of shingles, which comes from within themselves. I agree with the theory that adult exposure to childhood chicken pox staves off shingles (see: teachers and pediatricians who used to be exposed to chicken pox never got shingles; now they do). The only people who used to get shingles were old men - those who had the least exposure to caregiving kids with chicken pox.
Looking forward to the references for what you say.
Just to clarify ; The virus in the vaccines is attenuated enough not to cause chickenpox but not attenuated enough to stop it being able to lay dormant for decades and then causing shingles??
thank you
What you said is not scientific, it's assumption. No offense, but it's like saying apples have red skin, so anything you find with red skin is an apple, including pomegranates.
I was talking to SBell, by the way...
...and some potatoes.
thank you Swith,
may I have the references for where it was shown that chicken pox as a child prevents adult chickenpox please. And also the original reference where the probable cause of the rashes in children and adults are the chickenpox virus. And the original reference for where it was shown that shingles is caused by the virus.
Thank you
thank you, fascinating
Ooooo. Sounds like GNM. tell me more!
Thank you!