I'm with you, hoping the hole they are digging with the current quackcines will be big enough to bury them all. Regarding Gates, isn't it interesting that covid is an acronym for Certificate Of Vaccination ID and that is something he was working on in India.

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yes... it has been playing in my unconscious that covid had ID in the name-now that's come into focus- I am sure its a deliberate part of the brainwashing. Covid isn't a very catchy name to have chosen otherwise. Not like the monkey pox. Which is kinda comical sounding.

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Georgiedonny, I was looking for an image re this yesterday, the image from the turn of the century of about 12 children, half vaxxed (and sickly looking) and half healthy (unvaxxed). Do you know how I can locate that image, I bet you have seen it. Best and thanks--

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thank you for your confidence in me, sorry I don't recall seeing an image like that

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“There is no evidence of transmission of viruses between people, airborne or otherwise.” What, no catching cold from others?!?!

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Hello, thank you very much for reading and paying attention!

Nope, no evidence of it whatsoever- even with the Spanish Flu breathing and coughing directly into healthy people's faces ' published in 1918 ‘Experiments Upon Volunteers to Determine the Cause and Mode of Spread of Influenza, Boston, November and December, 1918 M. J. Rosenau.’ (see page 11) (1) showed that after 62 healthy volunteers were exposed to alleged virus by breathing the fetid air of very sick ‘flu’ patients and having them repeatedly cough in their faces, much to the researchers surprise; only one developed a sore throat and not one developed influenza like illness'.

Viruses have never been shown to cause the 'common cold' . In 1965 the first 'coronavirus' was supposedly discovered- however the methodology was unscientific, not blinded and didn't use controls. https://odysee.com/@drsambailey:c/unscientific-human-experiments:2

There are many reasons why people develop similar symptoms at the same time and in the same place, for example; under the same family or travelling stresses, during the winter when pm25 is high (not sequestered by leafs) and vitamin D and temperatures are low and may damage lung cells which must be expelled. The symptoms of developing a temperature, sneezing or coughing to get rid of dead cells and detoxify may also signal to other people (especially if similar genetically) to detoxify. The signal to yawn is very contagious but not thought to be caused by a virus! Just because we don't understand these mechanisms doesn't mean they don't happen, or that the cause must be something else, a virus, that we have also never been able to see or prove.

Whatever we observe about the common cold - there is no evidence that it is transmitted by a virus.

Very interestingly there is no evidence that gonorrhoea is sexually transmissible either- with some eye watering experiments with prisoners and sex workers going at it like rabbits https://odysee.com/@drsambailey:c/What-We-Weren't-Taught-About-Gonorrhea:b

1) https://quod.lib.umich.edu/f/flu/3750flu.0016.573/11/--experiments-upon-volunteers-to-determine-the-cause-and-mode?page=root;rgn=full+text;size=100;view=image


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One example often mentioned is the phenomenon of synchronised menstruation in all-female environments such as convents, girls' schools, or women's army barracks.

Another from personal experience: Anyone who's spent years working in the theatre can confirm that actors will often "come down with the cold" together after a premiere, IF the rehearsal period has been tense, unhappy or highly stressful. It's only when the task has finally been performed that the body and mind can afford to "let go". Again, no "contagion" required (least of all through "viruses"); it's just that everyone involved has been through much the same shit together and experienced the same relief of tension at the same time. (And then, of course, everyone's still rightly expected to get on with it, sniffles or not, high fever or not, and perform the entire run.)

I'd be curious to know if the same phenomenon has also been noted in other workplaces where teams work closely together under high pressure towards a strict deadline.

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yes when the mind and body are relaxed the body may realise it's the right time to detox if it needs to

are you in the theatre?


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What about proteins, molecules in general, atoms, etc.? Have they ever been “seen”? Have PM2.5 particles been “seen”?

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I would say yes to what we call protein fibres, chromosomes, nuclei, different types of bacteria I've seen them myself down a microscope, but their structure may be completely different to what we think. Molecules, atoms, DNA and RNA I don't think they are how we think they are either and electrons of course exist as a wave and a particle at one and the same time! We are always looking at dead things down a microscope so the cell which is always in motion is never studied alive.

Good point with pm25 I haven't looked into that much.

Generally I think it's understood that if you can purify in a density gradient or separate on a western blot then scientifically you can say you have a thing which you can then talk about with others and to the best of intentions be talking about the same thing. The point is that viruses can't be purified https://georgiedonny.substack.com/p/seeing-is-believing?s=w and the world has been still been held to ransom and lives destroyed when we can't even be sure we are talking about the same thing.

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I'm reading a book by Forest Maraedy The Autism Vaccine and one thing I'm taking from the early part of it is while Smallpox may be the Original Vaccine, and perhaps the worst, I think there is a case to be made that the Diptheria vaccine is the true OG. Maraedy breaks down how the creation of it evolved with the primitive components of antigen and adjuvant being developed in parrallel, then combined. I still don't have my mind completely wrapped around it as though it was developed due to a germ, a bacteria, it had to target a bi-product of the bacteria, a toxin. So it seems even though I'm saying its the OG vaccine, it wasn't actually targeting a germ so much as a toxin and in doing so introduce aluminum as an adjuvant. I'd love to read how you would break it down.

A minor detail that is too rich in irony is that in the beginning it was horse blood. Kind of adds another dimension to the 'your not a horse campaign' the FDA did for Covid

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Yes I think I understand. initially they noticed bacteria associated with disease and though it had caused it. Injecting dead bacteria produced no effect so then they tried the toxin produced by the bacteria, they couldn't inject it on its own of course as was harmful so they injected horses with the toxin and produced anti-toxin or antibodies which were then purified from the serum and added with toxin to protect the person from the toxin. Then they found that heat and formalin would inactivate toxin to produce toxoid so they could do without the horses and the anti-toxin, cheaper. they then found that adding aluminium produced an even bigger reaction. Of course finding that was eg 85% relatively effective has same problem as covid vaccine. they may only be a very small absolute difference between vaccine and unvaccinated, if at all. Vaccine may even help the body to recognise and deal with toxin if it is exposed to it, but still no reason to give it, just avoid exposure to polluted unclean environments, malnutrition etc.

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I think all that is missing is the intermittent '...because...science? maybe?' and the story is complete

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Sorry what is OG?

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Original Gangster. An American slang term that I sometimes use without thinking.

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Thank you! That's funny.

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Most of us have seen the government propaganda regarding Monkey Pox. Frightening pictures of a person with Shingles were alleged to be showing Monkey Pox. The pharmaceutical companies, following the guidance of Bill Gates and the O'Biden administration attempted to mislead the West that a disease long present in the world had magically assumed characteristics of the plague and we were all told another pandemic was coming. Moreover, homosexuals were blamed for it. Unlike the hysteria following the release of COVID and/or the deadly injections promoted and demanded by the government, most people ignored the warnings and we don't hear much about Monkey Pox anymore.

None of us were alive when the Spanish flu killed millions.

We have seen repeated attacks on human respiratory systems from Legionaires' Disease (now believed to be caused by poor maintenance of filtering systems or ductwork).

I just returned early from a seminar held at Hillsdale College. After one day, I found myself with a raging temperature, an uncontrolled cough, and congestion. I feared I had contracted COVID and missed three days of a series of lectures I had been looking forward to for months. Once I got home, I self-tested for COVID and all my symptoms disappeared. I am convinced, now, that my illnesss was caused by mold in a filthy motel that I spent 30 hours in.

All that being said, I question those who believe that the native American tribes encountered out West by the Lewis and Clark expedition - many of whom were believed to be suffering from smallpox - were victims of industrialization, poor ventilation, or any of the problems associated with manufacturing.

Are you suggesting that smallpox is inflicted on people by a vengeful god who wants to punish them? I find that hard to believe.

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