Ukraine is in Europe

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So many in the West have relied on movies and school history lessons to provide them with a view of the world. Almost none of what they 'know' is real. Please let me bring them up to date.

UK. Not enough recruitment to handle even a small war. Of the two aircraft carriers, one has to be sold to pay for the other to be rendered non-obsolete and operable. Good fighter aircraft but no body to fly them.

German: Ain't got nothing and is going broke.

France: Just got kicked out of Sahil Africa, and otherwise, ain't got nothing.

Italy: Why bother.

US: Nuclear subs obsolete and too noisy. No pilots for aircraft. Massive enlistment deficit. Missiles 25 years obsolete. Munitions and equipment cost nine times the price elsewhere. Government is broke and owes $34 trillion. Stealth bomber can be heard 50 Ks away. Out of ammunition.

Russia: Essentially leader of BRICS which is 40% of world population and global economy. Whereas US missiles boast 12 mach speed, Russian are 25 Mach, but also manoeuvreable to target, scramjet powered and fly at 50K altitude, therefore indefensible. Now has the world's best army and best fighters. Has the worlds strongest strategic economy. Is led by 90% popular Putin, who is also the most respected global leader. Most economical energy resources in the world.

China: About 10% inferior to Russia in military strength.

Turkey, and Iran. vie for fourth in military power, AHEAD OF THE US.

So who is to stop Russia? Nobody. Russia will bolster its borders and then focus on BRICS and internal industrialisation, to cover for the loss of Germany, alliance with which was the original plan, a plan that terrified the City of London and Wall Street. Hence the proxy war.

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Yep, even bureaucrats and politicians in the UK and US get all their knowledge of warfare from the movies and TV.

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Ya gotta laugh, Jo. Once we useless eaters get ourselves organised, we will wipe the floor with them all. They are the elite in their tiny little pin heads but in the real world they are weak and delusional. The only thing that worries me is that when it is realised what ninnies they are, people will feel sorry for them and try to stop the executions.

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I suspect Russia will never be allowed to win. The West is intent on bringing down Russia by any means necessary, so it an exploit her vast resources. That's the scenario that has sustained the cabal for decades; destabilize, divide, overthrow, exploit.

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