It's hard for me to know how much 1) weather changes are coming from geoengineering &/or co2, 2) if extreme weather is really worse, how much geoengineering, harp &/or electromagnetic changes are responsible, and 3) how much natural habitat changes are from massive toxicity of consumer products, co2, geo engineering, &/or electromagnetic changes.

Unless the effects of all these are looked at individually, I'm not convinced that CO2 is the cause of any climate changes we are seeing. There's just not scientific proof with all these other variables.

I just tried to find a good interview I saw with a female scientist who totally believed that CO2 climate change narrative, but as a scientist she finally forced herself dig deep into the science to make sure it just wasn't a belief. She found all kinds of scientific distortions, and in the way temperatures are measured.

I already know that modeling complex biological systems is impossible to do accurately, so climate change models should not be used for predictions imo.

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I found the testimony I referred to above (it's not an interview). It's Dr Judith Curry's testimony to the Senate commerce committee:


She has done a lot of interviews since then.

Here is any documentary with quite a few scientists pointing out the questionable nature of the actual science that backs up CO2 elevation as the main cause of any damaging climate change we might be experiencing.


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Judith Curry, a well known naysayer, does not investigate the causes of climate change so she is speaking outside her area of expertise, though of course the doubt she creates is promoted by industry.

Science is always 'questionable' but it is very well established on human CO2 emissions causing the climate crisis. https://jowaller.substack.com/p/climate-change-hasnt-been-debunked

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Thanks for your reply, I read your other post and appreciate the back and forth. To me, I don't think it's possible to accurately know temperatures over thousands of years. But I'm on board for temperature changes in my lifetime, and record temperatures seem to be getting hotter. I don't know that it's possible to isolate all of the factors affecting temperature, specifically geoengineering.

Do you know where CO2 measurements are taken from? From what I could find they're taken from atop a volcano, Mauna Loa. Are there measurements taken around the world? Are there any measured changes in other parts of the Earth's atmosphere?

Besides the correlation of rising CO2 levels during the industrial age (assuming those are measured accurately), it seems the basis of the CO2 argument is experiments that resulted in the "greenhouse effect" - that CO2 trapped in a glass beaker or other small containers heated faster than air. Glass beakers and the glass containers are not at all the same as the Earth's atmosphere. What do you think about that?

Geoengineering has been happening for a long time now, what are your thoughts about the effects of geoengineering? People are finding high levels of metal in rainwater. This could progressively have been affecting warming temperatures since the '80s.

Also, you talk about higher temperatures drying out the soil and contributing to a feedback loop. How do you distinguish between the effects of the toxins in the soil drying it out, or poor farming (not letting the soil rest) ?

You say that industry doesn't benefit from climate change policies, but I disagree with that. Since money is so consolidated now, any industry can and is probably invested into the new technologies to build things like smart surveillance cities that supposedly will combat climate change.

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