Rockefeller and the petrochemical industries (pharma, oil and intensive farming) have been disease mongering and controlling regulation for decades
and they've also been controlling the debate around war and climate change.
Rockefeller et al have convinced us that nature and our bodies are trying to kill us and that we need help from vaccines, chemotherapy and drugs; which actually make us sicker, needing more drugs. Alternative, holistic and herbal remedies have been suppressed. They have convinced us that we need GMOs and petrochemicals in order to have enough to eat, though yields diminish and both farmed animals and ourselves get sick from eating them, needing yet more drugs. They have created markets for psychiatric drugs for conditions that don’t exist. The petrochemical’s pièce de résistance of disease mongering and regulation capture was ‘covid’. What we need is organic fresh fruit and veg, clean air and water, exercise, the ability to express our emotions and community. Not big pharma nor big agrochemicals.
Petroleum capitalists are very clever, very rich and very powerful.
They convinced people to allow their money to be sent to fascists in a proxy war in Ukraine that protects oil and increases arms dealer’s profits. They blew up the Nord stream to cut off cheap gas to increase oil profits. They numb people into forgetting that war and Neo colonialism creates immense poverty and inequality, especially in non- white, developing nations. What we need is negotiation and fairness. Not the military industrial complex.
Petroleum capitalists are very clever, very rich and very powerful.
They’ve also convinced many that climate change is a hoax, that it’s not getting hotter, that the petrochemical industry and animal agriculture are not polluting and suffocating us. Or that geoengineering (though apparently to reflect the sun) is to blame. This is nuts. Easily dismissed claims against climate science weren’t cleverly unearthed by astute freedomers in 2020, they’ve been put forward over and over by the industry for decades.
The petrochemical industry itself originally funded research into its own impact on the planet. At the start there were concerns that population growth in non-whites would mean less resources for whites, who were seen as superior. This turned out not to be a problem but has morphed into modern day cartoon villains wanting to depopulate us using faked climate change, thus protecting Rockefeller’s own industry.
Why would oil barons go to the trouble of faking climate change which would mean people avoided their products? Aren't they more likely to make us think that they faked climate change so that we continue to buy their products?
Though the ‘covid’ jabs are killing thousands more than other vaccines and many are being injured, this is business as usual for Pharma. The UK and US populations remains stable or continue to increase, we are not being depopulated. The sensationalised misunderstanding of excess deaths in the medical freedom media is a ploy to make us think there’s a dastardly plan to cull us. The oil industry has been able to rubbish all attempts to curtail their activities, claiming that any measure is a sign of this evil control and that any regulation would send us directly into famine, poverty and right back into feudal times.
They have even got some freedomers actively protesting big oil’s right to carrying on exploiting the earth and making yet more money. What we need is being able to talk sensibly about new ways to live in harmony. Not more big oil nor more big animal ag.
Petroleum capitalists are very clever, very rich and very powerful.
They control the opposition to pharma and regulation and promote alternative drugs like IVM and new regulation like the pompous World Council for Health. They control opposition to Big oil and debate on both sides, by funding NGOs and by organising media photo ops of deliberately antagonising and counter-productive protests. Oil themselves may be behind calls for a ‘climate emergency’ as they know there’ll be a backlash against any politician who tries it. Both right and left parties in the UK have abandoned green policies as vote losers.What we need is sensible debate about policy not hysterical theories of depopulation and control.
Petroleum capitalists are very clever, very rich and very powerful.
Both the left leaning, environmental, pro-vaccine people and the right leaning, climate denying, anti-vaccine people have completely underestimated the power and sophistication of the petrochemical industry.
Thanks...I think. I was waiting for a turn in the article to some sort of uplifting message to part with...but I wouldn't have been able to buy it anyway
Yep. That sums up our condition succinctly. Unfortunately, the perennial question is how to get there from here, and I'm pretty pessimistic about that.