First the ‘new disease’
‘Covid’, like all so-called infectious diseases, is a collection of common symptoms that the body produces to try to rid itself of both toxins and the products of stress. These include mucus production, cough, sore throat, fever, rash, inflammation, headache and tiredness, which is a stimulus to rest. Doctors decide some of these symptoms belong to one disease or another and that each disease has one main cause. This decision is called giving the patient a diagnosis, which is ‘to completely define the nature of their disease’. The hubris of the medical profession knows no bounds.
The symptoms noticed in heavily polluted Wuhan were fever, dizziness, chest tightness, pain, weakness and a cough in 7 patients. These are not new. We’ve all had them. Why did they decide it was a new disease? Why did they decide it was caused by a new entity and not by pollution? The symptoms were then added to and included gastrointestinal issues and loss of taste and smell; which people inevitably started noticing. If people lived in areas of the world where respiratory symptoms were less common; there was still something for everyone in the one new disease.
Florence Nightingale wrote ‘Is it not living in a continual mistake to look upon diseases, as we do now, as separate entities, instead of looking upon them as conditions, like a clean and dirty condition. I have seen with my eyes and smelt with my nose smallpox growing up in first specimens, either in close rooms or in overcrowded wards, where it could not by any possibility have been ‘caught’, but must have begun.’
She was accused of being a miasmist; the belief that illness is caused by odorous, bad air. I think that those saying disease is caused by undetectable particles floating in infected air, who are putting masks on children and teaching them to fear contagion from each other, are in fact the miasmists.
The smallpox that Nightingale saw and smelt was not passed around in infected air nor caught from contagions. Florence knew that it was caused by environmental conditions; dirty water, unwashed bodies and bedding, lack of sunlight, malnutrition and exposure to toxins; children at the time were exposed to arsenic, lead and mercury. Improved sanitation and child labour laws did what the lethal smallpox vaccine could not do, which was to eradicate smallpox.
What caused the mass deaths and illness in 2020?
In fact there was no pandemic of mass death in 2020. The deaths that did occur seemed to respect political borders as well as whether or not a person was in a care home or hospital; suggesting that the measures and treatments had much more to do with deaths than an unseen entity on the loose.
The pandemic is said to have begun in China, which until recently has been heavily polluted and where pneumonia is the leading cause of childhood death. It allegedly started in Wuhan and then ‘spread’ to smog filled Northern Italy; though pictures on the news of pile ups of coffin in undertakers were in fact from a sea accident which had happened in 2013. The Italians were the first Western country to ‘lockdown’ in exchange for help with their financial deficits.
There was also evidence of outbreaks of ‘disease’ on cruise ships other than the Diamond Princess. However, these were just ignored because they didn’t fit into the fictional route of ‘transmission’ around the world. People experiencing the same environmental toxins and expressing cues to the group to detox is a common occurrence. The illness and death was no doubt compounded by confining these frightened people in their cabins.
The ‘covid’ deaths not from pollution were from fear and loneliness. The isolation of the elderly from the protection of their loved ones enabled doctors to treat the elderly with remdesivir (which can cause kidney failure) or midazolam. Many people were unhelpfully put in medically induced comas. The use of forced ventilation was often used in patients who did not even have breathing difficulties nor low oxygen. This was exacerbated by oximeters having 3 times the error rate on black or brown skin.
New York City 2020 saw much more death in hospitals.
Some are claiming that this spike in deaths is itself fraudulent and staged. However, the ‘extra’ 20,000 deaths in New York over the very low year of 2019 could be explained by the ventilators which apparently killed 50% of the people treated with them. A short spike in deaths would not be incompatible with decreased hospital activity overall, beds for all non-respiratory based illnesses were emptied in preparation. The return to baseline after the spike could also be explained by the abandonment of these lethal ventilators. Though, of course, they could have doctored the numbers.
In the UK those who died with ‘Covid’* had an average age of 83. This was following 5 years of very low deaths in an increasingly ageing population.
*No physical entity was available to validate the PCR; it cannot therefore be said to test for a virus, it simply amplifies some RNA sequences downloaded from the internet.
According to Matt Hancock a ‘good death’ was given to the elderly. Midazolam was administered as part of the Liverpool Care Pathway, now known as End of Life Care, which also involves deliberate dehydration. Spikes in midazolam administration correlates well with the increase in deaths seen. It is not a good nor comfortable way to die.
However, the apparent spikes in ‘covid’ deaths in New York. and England and Wales were used to market the vaccines.
What about the symptoms experienced by people across the world?
People who experience ‘colds’, ‘flu’ or ‘covid’ symptoms; inflammation, fever, headache, mucus production and rashes are experiencing the body expelling the effects of toxins, suppressed emotions, pollutants and stress. Those that have a deficiency in glutathione, the major antioxidant controller, caused by a lack of fresh fruit and vegetables, excess alcohol, recreational or pharmaceutical drugs, or those who are lonely, elderly, frail or stressed by conditions such as obesity will experience these symptoms more severely as the body struggles to heal itself. Illness has never been shown to be transmissible between people or animals, even when people with symptoms of the Spanish Flu repeatedly coughed into healthy people’s faces.
Any alleged blood clotting as a novel presentation indicating a ‘virus’ can't be separated from the effects of forced ventilation, remdesivir (known to cause kidney damage and aggressively pushed by Fauci), midazolam or from high doses of HCQ.
Now the alleged cause; a ‘virus’
In order to observe the tiny particles a lung washing sample was taken from an ‘infected’ patient. A single sneeze will allegedly have about 200 million SARS2 particles. The sample was placed in a sucrose density gradient and centrifugation is performed. Virologists say that viruses, genetic material in a proteinaceous coat, have a density of around 1.16g/cm3 so they should gather in this band.
Only they didn’t. Viruses could not be visualised in this band using samples from Covid patients. So how did they know that what couldn’t be seen was there and not only that, that what couldn’t be found was causing the disease? Purification of virus is not a technical problem, smaller things such as proteins can be isolated and visualised. So why couldn’t viruses be visualised?
Viruses couldn’t be visualised in samples, can their activity be observed in cell culture instead? An unpurified sample from a covid patient was added to abnormal monkey kidney cells to form a cell culture. Antibiotics (harmful to kidney cells) and highly oxidising mitogens (to stimulate cell division) were added and the cell culture was starved of nutrients.
Damage to the cells and cell death that was observed and was said to show the presence of a virus. However, control cultures made using samples from sick patients without covid were not done. It cannot logically be claimed that it was the presence of a virus that caused the cell damage and deaths. Other experiments have shown that control cultures treated as above do show the same cell damage and death.
Even if cell death was only seen in the cultures from covid patients and not in the control; this would still not show the presence of a virus. It would show that something in the particular patient sample caused cell death. The something must also be shown to be present in other patients with the same disease and must be shown to be able to cause disease in other people by normal routes of transmission. Researchers did not even make an effort to do either of these things.
Some folks claim that electron micrographs of virus-like particles that are seen in cell cultures (never in patient samples) show evidence that viruses exist. No one knows what a virus actually looks like because experiments on transmission and pathogenicity are impossible; the particles are already embedded in resin. Virus like particles and cells budding are also seen in control cultures and are caused by the process of cell culture itself. It’s hard to know what’s meant to be what without the arrows, but apparently researchers say there’s a virus-like particle in the EM below. Can you see it?
No one has ever seen what they know to be a virus, they have only seen particles that look like what they have been told viruses should look like. In any case all experiments to show transmission and pathogenicity have failed. Injecting the ‘viral’ cultures into the noses or directly into the abdomens of tiny mammals and seeing them sneeze or fall sick, without doing controls does not count.
How was a genome for what couldn’t be observed, either directly or indirectly, nor separated from everything else in a sample, sequenced?
The original patient in Wuhan, one of most densely polluted places in the world, presented with common symptoms of fever, chest tightness, unproductive cough, pain and weakness. His unpurified lung sample was screened for human or bacterial RNA sequences. However, the human genome only has 20,000 protein coding genes but expresses between 75,000-100,000 proteins. RNA coding for proteins using alternative splicing or other ways cellular proteins are produced, will not be recognised as human, . Our microbiome is also known to interact with our genes which leads to yet more not-recognised-as-human genetic expression. Only a small number of symbiotic bacterial genomes have been sequenced so RNA of bacterial origin couldn’t be be ruled out either.
The remaining 56 million RNA sequences were in any case put into a computer and 300,000 to one 1,000,000 possible genomes were found. One was plumped for, switched around and had further sequences added to make it look like what the operators thought a ‘viral’ genome should look like.
This imaginary genome was simply declared to be that of a virus and simply declared to be the cause of the patient’s illness. This is a kind of insanity.
Also insane is following a lab leak paper trail. This trail was purposefully left by industry players involved in ‘gain of function’ of RNA sequences in bat poo. This research had previously been pushed out of the US into Wuhan by Obama. These industry players had openly stated their aim of creating hype and a market for a pan coronavirus vaccine. The emails do not provide evidence that they’d found a virus, merely that they were getting $millions in grants for playing around with bat poo.
Doctors haven’t got a clue, let alone being capable of completely defining the nature of disease. The constant rebalancing in our bodies and its interaction with food, the microbiome, the air, toxins, each other, animals, plants, as well as our thoughts and emotions is way too complicated. When the body needs to detoxify it is very unwise to suppress this process with ‘early interventions’, anti-virals, drugs, vaccines or gene therapy. The body is healing and adapting and it knows what it’s doing.
The miracle cure that we are looking for is avoiding social media, medications, vaccines, experts and doctors. It is believing the evidence of our own eyes, ears and noses, trusting the wisdom of our bodies, and hugging, supporting and loving each other.
“The party told you to reject the evidence of your eyes and ears. It was their final, most essential command.”
Dissolving Illusions Disease vaccines and the forgotten history. Suzanne Humphries and Roman Bystrianyk
Jim West at
1984 George Orwell
Hello Daily Beagle, it 's really annoying to ask a question and then block me. I think you are seriously rattled that I'm right, actually I know that you were because you'd started on ad hominem attacks and questioning my credentials. You seem very confused, how could I be working for Pharma? I'm saying you don't need any vaccines nor hardly any medications. Not much in it for them.
The little video you showed with some florescence markers attached to some RNA sequences or proteins (NEVER shown to come from a virus nor be specific to a virus) in one cell apparently being transferred to another cell does not show viruses entering cells. Would you put the paper where this very dubious, computer enhanced graphics comes from please so we can look at the methodology together. It looks like the whole cell is full of these green markers or completely empty. None of them have a nucleus. It looks like bollocks to me but if you could provide the peer review. Thank you.
Hey ho.
Monagnier said that he'd seen HIV when he hadn't and also said that nutrition could cure AIDS, they do not contradict. They evidence is out of the horses mouth in the Emperor's New Virus video perhaps you'd like to watch linked above.
I ironically titled my post Seeing is believing - I think it was a title of one of Steve Kirsch's where he showed a pic of a particle that looked like everyone said a virus looked like, though no one had ever shown that it was one. How did the original EM techs know that the particles seen on EM were viruses, they could not and did not prove that they were. It would be more accurate for my post to be called Not seeing is Not believing. It was meant to tie in with seeing that the emperor had no clothes.
Animal experiments on transmission of illness ARE bogus, and abusive. Intranasal or intra-abdominal injection of large amounts of proteins is not a normal route of transmission. You HAVE to do controls without the so-called virus. WHY don't they?
Retroviruses as well as parts of the HIV 'genome' are said to be part of the human genome, but as samples are never purified how can they know what was human and what was not. In any case the retrovirus sequences are not viruses, but reverse transcriptases, found in all cells, DNA polymerase enzymes that transcribe single-stranded RNA into DNA, that can be incorporated into other genetic sequences.
Hey ho.
Electro-magnetic radiations - EMR.
In 2021 a German guy on Telegram told me this:
In 2020 when Germany was in the throes of hard lockdowns, he noticed those skinny drug addicts living on the streets were unaffected. (People also noticed how the homeless in USA and elsewhere were unaffected,)
He and his mate had to do some industrial cleaning. That place was doused in low frequency radiation. After they finished the job, they developed c19-like symptoms!
Also in 2020 in Melbourne Australia a youtuber noticed a clear association between 5G towers and c19 outbreaks.