Self-important and pompous Jordon Peterson gets in a muddle
The paper he quotes actually says the opposite of what he thinks.
Jp splits out ‘compassionate’ like it’s a perjorative. What are you saying JP, that it’s better not to care and to be a heartless git like you? That having compassion makes it easier for us to be controlled by ‘globalists’? The exact opposite of this is true JP: having compassion makes us resistant to what the ruling elite want us to buy into.
And on the science front you’re actually talking BS out of your constipated arse.
Let’s look at some of your points;
Animal products are only more affordable compared to plant foods due to intensive/factory farming (thanks JP) and because of the huge government subsidies and kick backs in the US, Canada, Uk and EU at the tax payers expense.
The guidelines of the food pyramid have never been adhered to by most people so it’s pointless to point to them as a cause of obesity. For many years they have been politically formulated with the strongest lobbyists coming from the animal ag industry. More recently they, grudgingly, accept the benefits of an whole food, plant based diet.
Carbohydrates aren’t the cause of obesity because the effects of refined sugars and whole grains must be separated, which you don’t do. The causes of obesity are increasing sedentary lifestyles and the rise of junk food, high in refined sugar as well as high in fat and obesogenic chemicals bioaccumulated in animal products. Westerners never have had and still don’t have a low fat diet. They may not have previously been so obese but eating lard and dying young was not so great either.
The paper you go on about allegedly showing an increase in stroke risk in vegans compared to omnivores is probably the EPIC Oxford study which looked at a group of very healthy omnivores and a group of vegans, who may well have been eating junk food and not taking B12. As we don’t know what anyone was actually eating nothing can be drawn from this study. However, we do know that the only diet shown to reverse and prevent heart disease, the number one killer in the West, remains a whole food plant based diet.
OMG and the paper you site on carbon emissions from animal vs plants used a model where animals were removed from the system entirely but the tonnes of corn and soy grown to feed them were still grown! Even in this mad scenario GHGs were reduced in the plant based option.
Your ‘scientific; claims debunked here
and here. PS the PURE (or pure garbage) study you quote doesn’t show that a low fat diet is associated with poor health and higher risk of stroke, it shows that being poor, having poorly ventilated cooking facilities and having a low fruit, veg and legume diet is associated with being unhealthy. Escaping poverty and increasing fruit and veg consumption increases health, increasing fat consumption reduces it.
Up yours, shill JP!
"The only diet shown to reverse and prevent heart disease, the number one killer in the West, remains a whole food plant based diet." Why is it so difficult for people to accept the veracity of this statement? There are mountains of evidence that attest to this fact. The last three years has shown us how explicit personal prejudicial bias rules almost all of society and what's called 'science.' The vast majority of people, at every level, truly believe what they want to believe regardless of overwhelming evidence, facts and the provable truths.
To your point on how health is impacted by economic warfare, some of the biggest diabetics were originally native americans, whose condition was blamed on them eating fry bread. Even after sugar consumption did not rise at all between 1922-1984, rates of diabetes skyrocketed tenfold: