"The only diet shown to reverse and prevent heart disease, the number one killer in the West, remains a whole food plant based diet." Why is it so difficult for people to accept the veracity of this statement? There are mountains of evidence that attest to this fact. The last three years has shown us how explicit personal prejudicial bias rules almost all of society and what's called 'science.' The vast majority of people, at every level, truly believe what they want to believe regardless of overwhelming evidence, facts and the provable truths.

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This is music to my ears, thank you Geo. Why is it so difficult? It staggers me that even doctors and scientists with the necessary skills (though not much training is needed) who are meant to be looking into things are completely blind to the weight of the evidence on this.


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To your point on how health is impacted by economic warfare, some of the biggest diabetics were originally native americans, whose condition was blamed on them eating fry bread. Even after sugar consumption did not rise at all between 1922-1984, rates of diabetes skyrocketed tenfold:


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Thank you, interesting.

I think there's a lot of evidence that type 2 diabetes is caused by fat accumulating in the muscle cell block the insulin receptor and not sugar at all.

There are many mechanisms whereby saturated fat, particularly palmitate found in dead flesh, dairy and eggs as well as adipokines coming from belly fat causes the build up of inflammation, oxidation, free radicals, ceramides and diacylglycerols in muscle cells that causes T2 diabetes.

It is well established that it is saturated fat that causes the insulin resistance that leads to T2 diabetes. It is not sugar, though excess sugar in the blood does cause the damage of diabetes. The sugar is in the blood because the diaclygercerols block the mechanism which opens the insulin receptor from the inside of the cell and the sugar can no longer enter.

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Chromium and Vanadium deficiencies.

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Additional information is available in Dr. Weston A. Price's published report to the government in 1939. https://www.westonaprice.org/physical/#gsc.tab=0 In a nutshell, it isn't meat versus plant. It is changing to food stuffs that are highly processed, devitalized foods (bleached white flour, sugar, etc.) and ignoring the foods that the ancestors ate, which contained the 92 minerals and vitamins that the human body requires for optimal health.

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what our ancestors did or didn't eat (the fruit eating one's or later?) also does not necessarily mean it's opitmal for us.

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Again, please read the book by Dr. Price. It is illuminating. I have additional resources available upon request (e.g., Dr. John Christopher's School of Natural Healing).

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It is industry funded nonsense eg 'The Eskimo diet, composed largely of fish, fish roe and marine animals, including seal oil and blubber, allowed Eskimo mothers to produce one sturdy baby after another without suffering any health problems' Banng and Dyerberg's study did not show eskimos were healthy, they just presumed so, when they looked they found that the eskimos had terrible heart disease. Tribes living mainly on dead flesh had very short lives and all sorts of health problems. it's all myth and hear say please watch this and leave me alone with this tripe. https://nutritionfacts.org/video/omega-3s-and-the-eskimo-fish-tale/

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yes, the body can get all it requires for optimal health from plants (plus, just as important, fibre, only found in plants, for the essential and very influential microbiome), so why imprison and then take the life of another animal? 'Meat' is part of a dead animal so for me it very much is about 'plant' and not 'meat' for optimal mental, emotional and spiritual health.

Jordon Peterson is also very much framing the debate as anti-vegan anti- compassion anti plants and pro animal agricultural industry.

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You haven't read the book I recommended. I highly encourage you to do so. I have an interest in reading research that was conducted before 1945 specifically.

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Jun 9, 2023Liked by Jo Waller

You wrote "The guidelines of the food pyramid have not been adhered to by most people so it’s pointless to point to them as a cause of obesity." This statement is very wrong and here's why. The food pyramid people may not follow but the government make legislation based on it. Look at the Food Bill that Congress and the government pass i believe it's every 5 years. in fact one of Obama's campaign promises was how he was all about organic this and organic that, but i'm sure monsanto got a hold of him cuz that rhetoric went nowhere. the farm bill is who and what gets subsidized. who gets the most subsidies? Soy, Corn, Meat and Dairy. it's why a big mac can be less expensive then a couple of organic zucchini. It's the reason why you can walk into a convenience store and purchase 2000 calories of "food stuff" for $5.00. Don't quote me on this but the last time i looked out of a 8 billion dollar Farm bill, a whopping 10 million went to help organic vegetable farmers. the rest went to Big Agricultural. Sugar is the next thing to be regulated.

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Jun 9, 2023·edited Jun 9, 2023Author

I'm not sure your point but yes, GMO soy and corn grown to feed animals and dead animals and dairy get huge subsidies because of the enormous lobbying power of the animal ag industry. So if the food pyramids is allegedly promoting 'carbs' why is so much subsidy going to animal products? Yes sugar also has huge lobbying power- which is how it managed to stay in goverment health advice - I think the uK say 24gms a day is OK, when everyone knows that zero a day is best.

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deletedJun 8, 2023Liked by Jo Waller
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yes you can surely be healthy and poor, peasants on rice and beans and war diets of veg from allotments. The study JP referred to however was comparing fat intake in poor and affluent without adjusting properly.

I would't want to look at his intestines either!!! 🙏🏽

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deletedJun 8, 2023Liked by Jo Waller
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love it

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Jun 8, 2023·edited Jun 8, 2023Author

My post was highlighting the problems with the papers JP refers to. I don't think many actually read them.

I'm in no way defending the food pyramid, I don't even know what's on it. JP says it can be used to explain the rise in obesity. My point was; it can't because no one follows it.

'carbs'= refined sugar and flour (we all agree a no no), whole grains or legumes which is it?. Protein also spikes insulin and LPS from animal products also cause endothelial damage.

I wasn't aware that any processed foods (apart for milk and dead flesh) were recommended by health authorities. I though the opposite, hey ho. vegetables aren't processed food are they?

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Thanks for the restack Ralph

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Jun 9, 2023Liked by Jo Waller

I notice you didn't specifically mention fruit in your little rant. If we're to adhere to any scientific knowledge at all (not sure if we can anymore but anyway) we're told by evolutionary biologists that humans descend from frugivore apes. Which means that our bodies are still more or less engineered by nature to consume and digest fruits and roots, nuts and berries etc. And, of course, in that mix, we can include microbial life and even small insects that apes and even ruminants are known to munch on, but in relatively small quantities.

So the protein and fats were mostly from vegetable matter at least until some apes started to chase down other animals due to extreme hunger, feasting on raw flesh and blood to stay alive.

These days many people do not find themselves in that situation and prefer to munch on some fresh fruit and vegetables (friendly bacteria included). Meat products are optional. Natural whole carbs have been part of the human diet for thousands of years. It's the modern approach that causes problems.

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And fruit is so delicious

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Enjoying cherries and melon daily at the mo. First potatoes and green beans too. Should have a bumper crop of apples in the summer. All good.

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I'm just eating some delicious steamed new season carrots. And got a melon I'm looking forward to later x

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Jun 10, 2023Liked by Jo Waller

I have no way of proving the veracity of evolutionary theory, but the simple evidence surrounding us that animals and humans share a common ancestry is good enough for me... until further notice.

How did mammals end up in the sea with flippers?

Why do some animals have vestigial appendages?

How did animals of the same species adapt to different environments? e.g. polar camouflage

I cannot prove that God directly created Adam from dirt or Eve from one of his ribs, but either way... it seems highly unlikely and yet many Christians believe this to be true because it is written in a book. So, until further notice...

I cannot prove that human beings were artificially created by alien scientists through the genetic modification of already existing fauna on this planet. So... until further notice... I'll leave that one on the table too.

The AI that runs this simulation could be manifesting creatures including humans according to its algorithm, but again... I have yet to experience any evidence leading to that conclusion.

So... for now... adaptation and evolution is a place holder and holds up pretty well even though no one has ever really witnessed it.

Fruit from the orchards where I live tastes pretty damned good!

I find the opposite to be true... store purchased fresh produce is actually more insipid than the garden grown variety.

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I agree that an intelligent, creating mind or consciousness underlies everything we see and can't see. What I don't see evidence for is the idea that this consciousness is intervening, interrupting, shaping, and changing things once they have been brought forth, especially at the command of Christian faithfulls getting on their knees and begging for this or that outcome, which I find a little obnoxious anyway.

That said... I believe that Base Level (the origin of all things) can be proven through simple logic and reason and that being a conscious entity possessing unlimited potential decided to bring forth the universe and in its infinite wisdom... let go.

What I will grant you is that... because we exist, and we appear to be quite capable, it is extremely easy to be lulled into the assumption that we (humans) were the purpose of this experiment all along.

And immediately after making such a wild claim... anyone with an independent, unbiased view can present the counter claim that we'll be extinct by the end of the century or possibly much sooner than that due to some mega oops! moment.

And yet others will claim that "we" are not the special thing that is being cooked up by the Base Level algorithm, that "we" are just the biological machines required to build the next iteration of dominant life on Earth and beyond, a far more resilient substrate (silicon, graphene, titanium, exotic alloys, whatever) because we are obviously too squishy and prone to radiation sickness etc etc.

I understand that evolution "science" is sketchy as is all "science" but the alternative explanations are extremely biased and usually based on sophisticated psy ops in my experience, starting with the biggest psy op of all... religion.

Life on Earth can come forth suddenly and end abruptly. I think we know enough about that including theories attempting to explain these cycles such as punctuated equilibrium and asteroid impacts.

I don't see evidence that a stagnant, idyllic, utopian paradise has been created here for our pleasure. Earth appears to be more like a testing ground, species competing and collaborating to see which one lasts the longest. If we are simply 3D manifestations of Base Level consciousness then our fleshy experience here is transitory and illusory. It can all dissolve back to Base Level (beyond space and time) in the blink of an eye. Base Level (or God if you choose) is what this "thing" really is. Universes come and go... allegedly.

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you wrote: "understand that evolution "science" is sketchy as is all "science"" you mean sketchy like the science of "virology?"

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