We have this twisted misconception that if we were in that person’s shows, we wouldn’t do as they did. But how do you know? How do you know if you had the experiences that person did, the love (or lack of) they were exposed to as children, their worldview...would you have done any different? We each play an important role in this complex multidimensional canvas. Someone has to play the role of the “bad guy”. It could have been you, or me, or anybody. I would even go as fas as to say the psychopaths are a necessity, an evolutionary pressure. Only thorough love and empathy do we get to bring consciousness in our lives and squeeze humanity through its next stage of evolution. I love this post. Thanks for the reminder.

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You're very welcome, and thank you for your comments 😺.

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Without struggle, as somewhere in Star Trek, it was said-- humans would wither.

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was that when Kirk was divided in two, half angry caveman half a bit of a twit

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LOL!!!! That WAS entertaining, eh?

But no, this was in the newest version of ST, the third movie, where the former soldier, Federation guy who was treated badly and then tried to take down the city floating in space... with his BEES, and Jayla, the alien really cool gal who finally kicked the bad guy's ass and who liked the "beat and shouting"... I forget the name of the Bad Guy in it, he sucked the life out of others, literally... How being badly treated turns people into monsters... Oh, SO MUCH symbolism in that movie! ^_^

Do you know who/what I'm trying to describe, very badly? lol

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I haven't seen any of the new, I liked Next generation and Deep Space 9 a lot

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Yeah, I like all dat stuff.

The ones with Chris Pine are cool, Uhura is very cool in those and much more part of things.

The guy who plays Spock is excellent. And Scotty is an actual Scot this time. ;)

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`I will give them a gander- is the spock guy the one who was sylar in Heroes?

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Today's scientists are "mickey mousing around" with our genes and our environment without understanding how interconnected everything on this planet is, a course of action bound to have trgic results - Brice Lipton (Biology of Belief)

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Yeah. And NOBODY really understands all this... It's SO amazing we are a long way from getting it all figured out!! The hubris of humans... Ain't it just a bit too much!?

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I love this post! RIGHT ON. xo ^_^

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thanking you ma'am, bows head 😊

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Nov 18, 2022·edited Nov 18, 2022Liked by Jo Waller

Something about this post makes me think of this vague superstition of mine that I've had for quite sometime. Over the years I had heard of so many ways we should all be dead already. Physicists going on about if one universal constant was different, or how the Earth is actually 10,000 years past due for a meteor, or a super volcano going off, or some mass extinction event. And of course among them I had heard whispers we were 50 years overdue for a pandemic of some kind. In retrospect a lot of these doomsday scenarios probably counted on overly simplistic models. Or took a rate of something that used to happen much more frequently on earth, or in space, because it was a different time, and presuming that rate means we're overdue.

All in all I can't help but feel we live very much in the kind of fallen world the Bible laid out with a certain ratio of suffering, and our morality constantly on a 50/50 knife's edge between evil and good. Or like what was promised after the great flood, there will be no more extinction level events from the heavens. Part of that contract perhaps is we won't get a meteor, or pandemic, etc. At times it seems we have something overlooking us to take away the real threats. I like to joke that its pretty clear aliens cleared out all the dangerous species for us but missed a spot, that spot is called Australia. Everything can kill you in Australia. But I digress. Maybe try as they might to create a super dangerous pathogen its too late, that war has already settled into an equilibrium so all they can do is hurt some of us with their dumb vaccines.

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I'd like to blow your mind right out of your head bone for a second... that okay? ;)

Just think:

What if the "doomsday scenarios" were planted, on purpose, to push our brains around?


What if the "pandemic" we got now was practiced for years and years and this was the Final Solution, as Bill Gates put it?


What if the Bible itself was co-opted by the Romans and reconfigured to go along with Patriarchy and the idea that "we are wicked from our mother's womb"?

I mean, in the Beginning was the "Word," and the Word was Wisdom, and Wisdom was Sophia... Feminine. The Goddess. Mother Earth. And then the men revolted and brought down the Goddess and we are now at the end of the "answer" to that Matriarchy, which was kind of not so nice to the menfolk and so the menfolk rebelled, and we got the current Patriarchy, and we are at a New Age, of joining back together as ONE PEOPLE, with comradeship instead of strife and combativeness...

Hey! A New Age, of Cooperation and a New Learning, of Nature and the Ways of the Earth and being part of the Flow of Life instead of the clunky problems causing so much muddle?

Okay, now think on that and tell us what you come up with, because... well, I like your brain. :)

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You had me at 'I'd like to blow your mind right out of your head bone for a second... that okay? ' I wasn't using it anyway.

I like the ebb and flow of what you laid out. Hopefully you're right and I'll do the George Carlin thing and go grab a bag of popcorn.

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But I'm not saying I'm RIGHT. I'm saying What If?

But that was an excellent response, and made me LOL. ^_^

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Nov 18, 2022Liked by Jo Waller

Yes, we won't get out of this unless each one of us lets go of our own fear and cleans up our own contribution to corruption. We get the leaders we deserve, either because of our own corruption, negligence, laziness, or ignorance. We all need to do better, one step at a time and in every way we can. My efforts might not have much effect on the overall picture, but at least I'll have the peace that comes with doing my best. Still some ways to go at the letting go of fear and old grievances and old pain though...:)

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when I first started meditating I felt very aggrieved! I kept going over and over conversations I'd had with a woman I used to work with, where she kept undermining my confidence and I was constantly recriminating myself that I did't stand up for myself. I felt like I couldn't stand it, it was making me so angry.

my yoga teacher recommended 'There is Nothing wrong with you; a guide to going beyond self hate' by cheri huber I've read it dozens of times since and her other books, they're very short. They really have changed my life. My self hate was undermining my confidence not this woman . and the reason I had self-hate was that my upbringing (no one's fault) had taught me to have it, so really nothing to do with me at all!


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Geez, that sounds very familiar... to probably 98% of all women, if not all people generally.

And wow, it's hard to step out of that grind, I mean, totally out of it.

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I think it will always be there, we just need to remain aware of it and not believe it or fall for its lies x

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Sounds right, yes.

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You're on the path, that's all that matters. And lots of love and gratitude to yourself for even being willing to try to let go of grievances! Way to go!

We are the overall picture! We are what astronomers see with their powerful telescopes. We are the universe (trying not to start singing We are the world!)

In the moment, with the breath, there is no past nor future, new nor old, doing better nor doing worse, just what is here and now. 🙏🏽

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Nov 19, 2022Liked by Jo Waller

Beautiful. Perfect.

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thank you 🙏🏽

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Thanks. An important piece.

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Bob Dylan said

Precious angel

You believe me when I say

What God has given to us

No man can take away

Leonard Read wrote

BLIND SPOT: That Man Is the Creator

Persons unaware of a Creative Force, an Infinite Principle, Intelligence,

or Consciousness, far over and beyond the human self

are susceptible to a belief in their own omniscience. And, those

who believe in their own omniscience, logically, cannot envision a

perfect society unless it be one in which others are cast in their

fallible images. It is difficult for me to conceive of anything more

responsible for authoritarianism than this type of unawareness.

A related blind spot was discussed in an earlier lecture under

the title, "Historical Approaches to Ideal Government." If a people

do not accept the Creator as Sovereign, as their Supreme

Ruler, as their Source of Rights, they must, perforce, locate sovereignty

in some mortal man or in some man-made institution.

Logically, it has to be one or the other. If they locate sovereignty

in government - a man-made institution - they have created an

authoritarianism they must live with until they revoke it.

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Hmmm. And where are the women in this?

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I don't think the word Man is meant to be taken literally in this, it refers to any manufacturer of dairy products.

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Nov 18, 2022·edited Nov 18, 2022Liked by Jo Waller

Then you don't understand what it feels like to be invisible.

In Patriarchy, like now, it's all about men. MEN means everyone, but it doesn't SAY that, it says "men." MANkind means everyone, but it doesn't SAY that, it says "MANkind." Because most men don't notice, which is understandable... We've all been trained that this is "normal." But when one is not a man, it feels like one is simply not included. There are many examples of this, or it wouldn't even occur to me to point it out. I'm not one of these people saying things should INVERT, with women dominating men, I'm saying let's be partners, not adversaries. Doncha think? Seem far more fun that way.

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I know when people refer to womanpower, womankind, woman handle, woman hours, woman made climate change that I am totally included in them- said no man ever.

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Totally agree, sorry wasn't trying to be facetious, it's a problem when you cut and paste quotes from days gone by.

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No worries. So many guys are very defensive, and I'm not angry at them, (unless they then bite my face offa my head) I'm just trying to point things out, so fellers can see another side of things. I would expect the same from fellers... The better we can understand each other, the more likely we'll find common ground, which in this case is A LOT OF SPACE!! ^_^ I don't think there's a lot of gals who want to punish fellers for something they also grew up with, we just want to be on even ground. Anyway, cheers, m'dear. ^_^

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