Jun 13, 2023Liked by Jo Waller

People aren't ever going to stop eating meat, but the way it is done in modern factory farming is abhorrent. I don't know how you can wake people up to promote a more natural, humane way of farming given the grip of Big Agri on it all. Don't forget animal testing in science either: people would be sickened to their stomach if they knew a tithe of it.

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I'm still here too. As for the points you make... I am all out of words. This breaks me. But a huge thank you and bravo to you and others who have the energy and spirit to keep fighting this fight. I wish I could say more but I am utterly depleted, I have nothing left. You are a warrior Jo!

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With love ♥️

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I'm still here, G&D!

Yes, the animal practices are one of the (the?) biggest of the pharma psyops. You didn't mention Bourla's place in the injection that led to the bleeding from eyes, etc, of animals for many years. Etc.

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Thank you Guy, so glad to have you here!! Yes, I think animal abuse is the biggest psyops.

Jesus I didn't know about that bleeding thing, so awful what goes on, it seems to be better for many not to think about it.


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You may want to look into it. I forget the name of the vaccine and Bourla, the same Bourla, was the head of the animal 'vaccine' development at Pfizer at the time. Early 2010? With gaslighting and lies Bourla/Pfizer ducked the problem for many years (a decade?). Finally they were successfully sued, if memory serves. Details now fuzzy. What was the most horrible part of that, is that whatever it was passed into the offspring. It was the calves (primarily/only a bovine injection) that would bleed.

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Jun 13, 2023·edited Jun 13, 2023Liked by Jo Waller

I somehow erased my comment and I'm in a rush right now, so maybe it's better left unwritten. It was in defense of meat-dairy-and-fish eaters.

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Hiya, sorry if you thought this post was that. I was trying to say that MFM don't seem to acknowledge that animal ag is even a super powerful industry, not to say anything about what individuals do or don't eat, I don't care, I'm not trying to stop them. I'm saying that MFM as a whole is intent on ignoring any issues, enviromental, climate, factory farming with the animal ag industry and pretends it does't even exist.

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Jun 13, 2023Liked by Jo Waller

It's hard to figure out the exact meaning sometimes. Thanks for clarifying. Yes, there is a massive machine out there that's bulldozing anything in its way. I'm a fan of smaller scale machinery, if this were an analogy to the industry as a whole.

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Let us not forget the Vets with the Pets too... I recently had to stand ground on a rabies shot for our rescued and rehabilitated dog (damaged goods who just showed up on our porch a few years back). They pretty much kettle every pet owner into some kind of mandated vax protocol. The 'laws' are said to be local to the health authorities per county... if you stand ground and push back, but are civil with your local vet, you can still get basic services without the drugs, but another hurdle to jump as Big Pharma has entangled itself there as well.

I keep looking around at other pets with different family members here- on and around our farm, and they all eventually have some chronic issues, damaged brains, and/or just die young from being on these toxic drug treadmills.... not to mention having been fed primarily toxic dry cereal for the bulk of their existences. Then people just look around like they have no idea why their dogs are sick because the vet/pet system is another cradle to grave pharmaceutical program rarely ever given a critical thought.

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Good for you and your lovely rescue. Yes my cats had their first jabs for flu I think and leukaemia when I first got them as kittens from the cats protection, before I cottoned on. But have had none since and they're now 13 and never ill.

Poor lovely. animals with all those injections, I think people feel even if they don't do it for themselves, they somehow cave in for their pets because of the emotional pressure put on them.

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Once again you ASSUME that people who eat meat or dairy products don't care about the animals or their welfare. That is crazy.

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deletedJun 13, 2023Liked by Jo Waller
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Don't you think that a person who consumes something is concerned about the health of all their food? If anything, carnivores need to be very particular about what they consume. Just the same as with vegetables, fruit or grain. I do not want to consume any vaccine residues, antibiotics, de-wormer or growth hormones. Equally, I do not want food saturated in glyphosate, pesticides and whatever else muck the factory farms put on their plant produce.

Decent farming techniques are practised by small farmers all over the world. Permaculture and desert reclamation depend on mixed farming, including especially ruminants who fertilise the soil naturally.

Archaeological evidence proves that early humans depended on hunting and then herding animals. Not just for their meat but for their skins as clothing. We have not changed much, physically, since then. It is possible to nurture and grow enough good clean food for everyone. The main reasons we don't is historical land grabs by the ruling predator class and their determination to murder as many of us as possible.

They enclosed the common land and if you look around you realise that they are continuing with that 'enclosure' but they ensure that the land they enclose is non-productive. Acres of lawn? Farm subsidies to desist from farming? Forced farm purchase?

All this adds up to crowded breeding barns, highly toxic fertilisers, GMOs and a spiral into debt for any farmer who cannot compete with the cheap factory farm prices.

The answer to all the misery is not to stop consuming animal products.

It is to support real, natural farming methods and OUTRIGHT BAN chemical additives at any stage of the life of our food.

We owe it to ourselves and all future generations to become super fussy about preserving the natural unadulterated food that was normal only two generations ago.



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Jun 23, 2023·edited Jun 23, 2023

Can you tell me what "MFM" is? I'm looking all over the place just to know what that is so I can have some context. There's no mention of "MFM" in Toby Rogers' article. Can't identify it here: https://acronyms.thefreedictionary.com/MFM. Are you referring to what we in the States call the mainstream media (MSM) (differently termed in the UK)? Or is this a reference to a ministry, say, of farming and something? I keep going back to that first paragraph to try to figure out what that is. And finally, on a side note -- and not to beat a dead horse here, and I don't mean to single you out, Jo -- but I see this everywhere (!) in which people fail to define terms and just assume the reader is supposed to know the meaning. The acronymization of language. Drives me nuts, esp. when such go undefined.

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Thanks for letting me know, very valuable feedback, I've edited 🐒

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In academic editing, we have this rule for what are in fact called "initialisms." I add this comment thousands of times to papers I edit: "Please define this term. Every initialism must be defined at its first appearance - that is, the entire initialism spelled out, with each letter of the initialism represented. From this point on, the initialism alone can be used." Note that an "acronym" forms a separate word (e.g., "radar," "NATO," "NASA"), whereas with an "initialism," each letter of the term is pronounced (e.g., "FBI", "MSM").

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really really sorry it drives me nuts too, as does using non English with no translation. It's Medical Freedom Movement used by Visceral Adventure first I think, and someone else had to ask me what it was when I started using it, I got back into bad habits again .

I use it as a umbrella for the feeling from social media of direction and tone, repeated phrases, papers and topics , very non-specific.

But my sincere apologies again and it won't happen again


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Jun 23, 2023Liked by Jo Waller

Medical Freedom Movement. OK, thanks very much.

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Thanks, Jo! You're the only one who caught that comment in the one second before I noticed a missing word.

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Thanks for sticking with me Decaf! x

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Jun 13, 2023Liked by Jo Waller

Haha! I don't walk away lightly. And certainly not for a difference of opinion. At this point, after the massive campaign to cause division amongst us, to the effect that there's probably no one who likes to think who knows someone who agrees on all the talking points across the spectrum, that would be foolish. Best to find people who keep turning up to understand one's point of view, give people space to explore, and exchange views regularly but are serious on doing their best in the big picture. No one can figure everything out. We all have something to add if we keep our eyes open. Waffle, waffle, waffle. You get the picture.:)

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I think that's what I was trying to say- let's keep our minds and eyes open xxx

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Jun 14, 2023Liked by Jo Waller

Next time I'll be quicker to understand your "language".

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Removed (Banned)Jun 13, 2023Liked by Jo Waller
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Yes, I believe it all comes into the body and soul 🙏🏽

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deletedJun 13, 2023Liked by Jo Waller
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Thank you Horsea I really appreciate it. Yes organic free range chickens are vaccinated, in fact receive even more than indoors ones cos of fear of 'bird flu'.

Yes give us hearts of flesh and brains of wisdom xxx

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