May 17Liked by Jo Waller

The key to the collapse is the loss of reserve currency status for the dollar. The consequences of that happening will indeed be brutal, but it will free the rest of the world from the strangle hold that the U.S. empire has on the rest of the world.

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I hope that the Global Majority are kinder to us than we have been to them!

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Me too. I think they will be 🙏🏽

Thanks for restacks Jack

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No I think not as described. Not even wrong as Pauli would say. The Dynasties are shape shifting. Communism is another type of Technocratic totalitarianism. China is a Neo-Colonial mercantilist empire. China was built by Globalists and is still propped up by Globalists who want China to be Hegemon. Russia never saw the end of communism. See New Lies For Old.

From Wiki--In his book Wedge: The Secret War between the FBI and CIA (Knopf, 1994), Mark Riebling stated that of 194 predictions made in New Lies For Old, 139 had been fulfilled by 1993, 9 seemed 'clearly wrong', and the other 46 were 'not soon falsifiable'.[23]

According to Russian political scientist Yevgenia Albats, Golitsyn's book New Lies for Old claimed that "as early as 1959, the KGB was working up a perestroika-type plot to manipulate foreign public opinion on a global scale. The plan was in a way inspired by the teachings of the 6th-century BC. Chinese theoretician and military commander Sun Tsu, who said, "I will force the enemy to take our strength for weakness, and our weakness for strength, and thus will turn his strength into weakness." Albats argued that the KGB was the major beneficiary of political changes in Russia, and perhaps indeed directed Gorbachev. According to her, "one thing is certain: perestroika opened the way for the KGB to advance toward the very heart of power" in Russia.[24] It has been said that Mikhail Gorbachev justified his new policies as a necessary step to "hug Europe to death", and to "evict the United States from Europe".[25]

According to Soviet dissident Vladimir Bukovsky, "In 1992 I had unprecedented access to Politburo and Central Committee secret documents which have been classified, and still are even now, for 30 years. These documents show very clearly that the whole idea of turning the European common market into a federal state was agreed between the left-wing parties of Europe and Moscow as a joint project which Gorbachev in 1988–89 called our 'common European home'." (interview by The Brussels Journal, February 23, 2006).

On 8 June 1995 the British Conservative Member of Parliament Christopher Gill quoted The Perestroika Deception during a House of Commons debate, saying: "It stretches credulity to its absolute bounds to think that suddenly, overnight, all those who were Communists will suddenly adopt a new philosophy and belief, with the result that everything will be different. I use this opportunity to warn the House and the country that that is not the truth"; and: "Every time the House approves one of these collective agreements, not least treaties agreed by the collective of the European Union, it contributes to the furtherance of the Russian strategy."[26]

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What a load of rubbish.

Yes China and Russia have rich people and also invest in the public sector and keep control of the banks.

The point is they are insistence of sovereignty, unlike the US Empire.

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Ask the Chinese Muslims about sovereignty, in their own country.

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err ..that's exactly the point- it's there own country whatever happens within it

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Oh god.

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Yeah I think there is possibility for a technocratic authoritarianism or technocratic"communalism", with countries like China leading the way. China already has a social credit system, so everything their citizens do is connected to the internet, easily surveilled and controlled. Other control measures in process in the US and around the world, are cameras on every corner, digital IDs to identify all online activity (already started in some US states), digital currencies that are easily trackable and may have expiration dates or be spendable only in certain ways. Public-private partnerships is another word for fascism, with uber wealthy corporations already coordinating with governments to profit and put these control measures in place. I agree with you that it's more likely a new lie is going to replace the old. Hopefully we have enough people who recognize these dangers and will not participate.

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Hiya Soulbee, I think you're falling for sinophobic propaganda put about by the US. I believe the world will be better without the US hegemon and with a world of sovereign nations protected from outside influence and all obeying international law. Either way the latter is what we're getting.

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Do you think the leaders of Russia, China, India, Iran, Saudi Arabia etc are not on board with the global plan to build the metaverse?

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Lol. So emotive, usually a great indicator that you don’t really have an solid argument. Which is mostly what I have thought since I found your stack.

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Yes there is US propaganda, being one of the puppets for the world wide cabal.

Max works for all the deep state media, as did his father.

He's woke as, observing just the link you posted.

If chyna is so sure it’s kosher, why not let the free press roam the country and document evidence first hand? Hint: zero respect for sovereignty.

Uyghurs aside, Falun Gong persecution? Freedom of speech persecution? Birth control persecution?

To simplify, if one does not respect the sovereign being, one does not respect the concept of a sovereign nation. This applies to pretty much every nation on earth. Once one delegates their supreme authority to a chain of command, sovereignty ceases to exist. Thus sovereignty is just a divide and conquer psyop, so is not a benchmark of any desirable trait.

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Jesus wept. It's so much worse than I thought.

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Really? Your extolling that they are a good role model country. Haven’t seen the US locking up millions for re-education and organ harvesting, yet.

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Learn the lessons of history. This is US propaganda like WMDs, 40 beheaded babies and rape by the IDF. You’re falling for a fake.https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qZkxaEC1xjY

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More exactly No God. Only man.,

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