What is Stonewall?
Why are they being funded by right-wing governments to stir transactivism?
Stonewall is a charity that was successful in gaining rights for same sex marriage among other things. However, things have changed. Writing in The Times, Stonewall co-founder and former Conservative MP Matthew Parris criticised the charity for getting "tangled up in the trans issue" and being "cornered into an extreme stance". Their chief executive between 2020 and 2023, Nancy Kelley, responded by saying that ‘support for transgender rights was the norm for LGBT organisations and that she was "really comfortable" with Stonewall's direction as an organisation.’
Stonewall supports any organisation who sign up to and pay for their Diversity Champion’s scheme. ‘You should allow anyone to access facilities, spaces and groups which align with gender identity. ‘
From the Scottish parliament:-
‘All organisations working for equality and human rights, including LGBTI organisations, are eligible to apply to the new Equality and Human Rights Fund.
The fund will provide £7m per annum from October 2021 to September 2023 for work on Equality and Human Rights including work done by LGBTI groups and organisations if any are successful in their bids. The fund closed to applications on the 14 May and applications are currently being assessed; successful applicants will be notified in July.’
Here are details of some purchase invoices for Equality Budget Funding for Scotland ‘Enhancing Lesbian, Gay, Bi and Transgender (LGBT) Inclusion in Scottish Public Life:-
April -June 2020 Stonewall Equality Limited; £25,000, July-Sept; £25,000.00, April-June; £25,000, Jan-March 2021; £25,000.00, April-June; £25,000.00.
From taxpayer watch; Taxpayer support of Stonewall in 2021-22 was at least £1,221,222. That includes £709,225 from Diversity Champions, alongside £108,602 from conferences, events and training programmes and supplemented with £403,395 from grant income.
From the telegraph ‘Controversial charity Stonewall has received £1.25 million in taxpayer-funded grants in the past 18 months, with the Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office as its largest donor (under a Tory government).’
At an online check out the other day I was asked if I wanted to make a donation to Stonewall. They have fingers in many pies. Stonewall is well funded by the government. Their state sponsored interpretation of the Equality Act has many implications in allowing men into women’s prisons. It will also destroy women’s sport and possibly ruin many lives.
I believe transactivism has been deliberately funded and stirred to create homophobia, tension, anti-wokism and a patriarchal backlash. It has got leftists in a tangle, fighting among themselves, confused as to what they should believe, while all the while unions and workers rights are being dismantled. Transactivism also makes a lot of money for big Pharma
Stonewall reminds me of Zionists and The Friends of Israel in both their aggressiveness and their lobbing power. They also both deliberately stir transphobia or antisemitism to justify their existence.
Government funding for Stonewall and the astonishing speed of acceptance of their reinterpretation of the Equality Act on ‘women-only’ spaces and the apparent willingness of government to allow young children into big Pharma’s clutches for the rest of their lives is highly suspicious and a cause for concern.
Great article Jo. The nefarious motives of many activist groups need to be exposed. I wouldn't have known about this or seen the connection. Thank you.
"Straight, white western men, their manhood threatened by homosexuality and feminism and depressed by the end of US hegemony can make themselves out to be the persecuted victims of the ‘wokeness’ that they deliberately helped to create".
Could you please explain how the average "white western man" has "deliberately helped to create" a situation that is quite evidently not doing them any favours? (and is in fact, advantaging other groups with different ideas – for instance, I was interested to read the other day – and frankly not surprised in the least – that a study in 2016 looking at converts to Islam found that one reason for white men converting was that they "lose their white privilege on conversion").