Maybe the picked the wrong color? The various propaganda machines if so inclined could get people to hate their own mothers. Not its not a full proof system so they would probably produce some people that hate their fathers as well...out of some reflexive contrarian tendencies they'd trigger, but the point is the hate. Lots of hate.

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Absurd analysis, Jo. CO2 is plant food. We are "carbon based entities." CO2 is a trace gas. Doesn't compare to a greenhouse! Europe has made "broad progress" in starving themselves of energy, just as America is doing.

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Jun 12·edited Jun 12Author

Great counter Lloyd. Yes CO2 is used by plants and we are carbon. Yes water is used by plants and we are water based. That doesn't mean you can't drown in it. Minerals, arsenic and caffeine in a cup of coffee (about 0.04% same as CO2) are traces yet still have big effects such as death and sleepless nights.

Starving themselves of energy! Using a different, cheaper (yes it is), cleaner form of energy production, that allows greater autonomy and independence, is in no way starving oneself of energy.

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Actually, when you tally up all the cost including mining, wiring and maintenance of windmills and solar panels, batteries, etc. plus meeting peak load needs (no, don't cut-off people at peaks) green is not cheap. PLUS, the environmental damage of windmill and solar panel farms is vast.

Further, we are no where near the plant poisoning point in atmospheric CO2. We are close to starving plants of CO2. More CO2 means a greener world. Plus, CO2 follows the climate. It doesn't drive the climate. SUN cycles drive the climate. As proven by ice borings long ago, a hotter climate releases dissolved CO2 from the oceans. Colder climate dissolves more CO2 in the oceans.

Geothermal is the only sensible method of reducing the amount of fossil fuels burned. BTW: The climate models fail to take into account the heat conducted from the lava beneath everyone's feet! The reason geothermal works! The climate models also fail to take SUN energy cycles into account.

You are falling for ruling class propaganda. The Rockefellers have pushed global warming being due to CO2 from burning fossil fuels since the 1950s. See the book: Rockefeller: Controlling the Game by Professor Jacob Nordangård of Sweden. https://amzn.to/4aU8K2c The hoax is a method of restricting supply to get a higher price. Textbook monopoly behavior. They claim they disinvested in hydrocarbons, but close analysis shows they disinvested ONLY in the Rockefeller Family Fund. Their multiple Foundations, Investment Funds, Banks, etc. continue to have massive investments in Big Oil. If CO2 did warm the planet we ought to be maximizing it to delay the coming ice age.

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Why? Because it's a giant scam, just like Net Zero.

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