Well you bring up an interesting question. I don’t know the answer. There’s truth to the fact that where would celebrities be without us, the plebs? And this is gonna sound a bit out there, but I keep coming back to the notion, what if they know something we don’t? Like, what if they have solved the immortality puzzle? They’ve come to the point that they know earth is coming to an end, so their end game is to usurp all resources they can and position themselves in a way where they can ride it out?

In the event of a mass casual event, earthly possessions would mean nothing. But if we all knew that was coming, we’d be pretty occupied with tearing down those that we think have found a way. So, they continue the charade. 😂 just spitballing.

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Hiya, do you mean immortality for individuals who could live forever? Or do you mean they've invested in bunker living with so much water and food (as advertised in the New Year netflix film with Julia Roberts) and they think that they and their families (if not them personally) can live out the food wars etc and rise as though from the dead from under the earth??

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I mean they have figured out a way to extend their lives, unnaturally, maybe even indefinitely. Bunkers, not excluded out of the equation. But what if cloning, or consciousness transfer, or some kind of biological fountain of youth has already been discovered and is just kept on the down low? Trying to think outside the scope of what we would consider as normal and a given; something outside the box.

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Very interesting. They know something is coming so they're not worried about their carbon footprints but they also have a way that they and all their friends will survive whatever it is? Perhaps it's in the metaverse. Being a celeb seems such an artificial Truman show life already they might not even notice, or prefer it.

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Mmmmaybe? 🤷‍♀️

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It’s a psyop organisation

The earths magnetic field is weakening. Down 40% in 2015


Imagine the chaos that would ensue if people realised what’s coming. Continuity of Govts would collapse. Remember the bible, saying in the end times, all forms of wickedness prevails.

They need to keep the illusion going as long as possible, keep the distractions.

I’m watching earthquakes, volcanic activity, weather patterns and crop failures ( or angering farmers) to mask it.

The jab was to reduce the mouths to feed in a chaotic world to come

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That's a new one. So farmers are angry, not because they're price squeezed between giant agrochemical cartels and the supermarkets, nor becasue of cheap grain from Ukraine flooding the market place, nor because people are upset that run off from farms is polluting their environment, nor worried about the effects of the human made climate change on their crops but because the magnetism of the earth is changing and the PsTB all know about it and want to keep it this a secret so they develop an elaborate system of health care that makes lots of money but will cause a reduction in the population by jabs; though there is absolutely no evidence for this.

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It's right in front of our eyes. I see, do you?

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