X-ray crystallography, 3D computer imagery and genomics
How smart people lose control of the truth
Virologists claim to have pictures of the 3D structure of viruses obtained by the following method;
a) Using electron microscopy, which produces many artefacts, virologists observe extremely tiny particles in cell cultures that they think viruses should look like. (No-one has ever seen a virus and particles thought to be virus-like are also seen in ‘uninfected’ cell cultures.) The crystalline 3D structure of teeny particles that virologists think viruses should look like are photographed using X-ray crystallography.
b) Some proteins that have not been shown to be part of the virus-like particles and which are found in ‘uninfected’ control cultures are chosen and their structure noted.
The 3D structure of the virus-like particles not shown to be transmissible pathogenic entities (a) is added to the structure of the proteins not shown to be part of the virus-like particles (b) and they are fed into a computer.
The computer makes the chosen proteins (b) fold and fit into the X-ray crystalline shape (a) so that they form a 3D computer image.
Hey presto!- a 3 D computer image of a thing with no basis in reality.
Virologists also claim to know the genomes of viruses obtained by the following method;
a) Crude samples of lung washings from sick people are analysed. RNA fragments are detected that have never been shown to come from a virus. They are not coded in the human or known bacterial genomes but are possibly produced by selective transcription of normal genes as part of the homeostatic and healing mechanism of the body; much like firefighters hang around fires but don’t cause them.
b) Some proteins that have never been shown to come from a virus and which are also seen in other non-infectious conditions such as cancer and in ‘uninfected’ control cultures are chosen. The genetic sequences thought to code for these proteins are noted.
The sample sequences of RNA fragments never shown to come from a virus (a) are added to the genetic codes for the proteins never shown to come from a virus (b) and are fed into a computer.
The computer generates hundreds of thousands of hypothetical ‘genomes’. One is picked, added to and rearranged so that it resembles other hypothetical genomes, the reference original itself being completely fabricated and never correlated with the presence of a ‘virus’ nor with the new covid sickness.
Parts of the made up ‘genomes’ are given impressive names like ‘spike protein’ which has been found by stressing abnormal cells in culture since the 90s, it interacts with the ACE2 receptor. Other names are ‘nucleocapsid’ and ‘furin cleavage site’. Furin is an enzyme that’s also produced by stressing abnormal cells in culture; it plays a role in activation of growth factors, receptors and other proteins. Virologists claim that a ‘mutation’ at the ‘furin cleavage site’ of the ‘genome’ allowed the ‘spike protein’ of the ‘virus’ to be ‘cut and primed’ ready to ‘infect’ cells. This sounds solemn, serious and convincing but has no evidence to back it up.
Virologists arranged other ‘genomes’ differently and called them ‘new variants’ such as ‘Omicron’ and ‘Delta’.
The computer prints out the whole fantasy.
Hey presto!- a computer genetic ‘code’ for a thing with no basis in reality.
Virologists claim that the use of the Sanger method or Whole Genome Sequencing (WGS), which falsely claims to sequence ‘end to end’, proves the existence of a virus in human samples. However, the method uses nested primers: you have to know what you are looking for before you can find it! The machine slices nucleotides from unpurified samples into short sequences and records which one of the four bases is most abundant. These consensus short sequences are then claimed, with no evidence, to be joined together to form a genome. WGS shows that short sections never shown to come from a virus found in some people are similar to other short sections never shown to come from a virus found in other people.
For a lab leak to happen the virus would have to escape into the real world from the only places it exists; inside lucrative research grant proposals looking for ‘virus-like particles’ using humanised mice and bat poo; ie inside computers.
The virus is an idea. And therefore it is very dangerous.
Let's examine the basic assumption of virology: some genetic sequences float around and cause disease. Evidence please!!
Observation #1: It seems to cause the most disease in people who are already ill.
Observation #2: Healthy people may not even know they have come into contact with said genetic sequence.
Possible Conclusion #1: The genetic sequences do not cause disease, but parts of them may be found in sick individuals and possibly in healthy individuals, therefore they are not pathogenic.
Possible Conclusion #2: The fragments found in sick individuals are from cellular processes involved in healing and/or detoxing.
Vaccinologist: I will create a cell culture with fluids drawn from a sick individual, mixed with animal tissues, antibiotics and heavy metals, then injected into a healthy person as a quackcine to prevent illness.
Skeptic: Are you stark raving mad? You want this to be injected into healthy people?
Vaccinologist: Ok, hold on, forget the cell culture. I will create a genetic sequence that will be injected into your body that will compel your cells to create a similar genetic sequence to the first sequence that I haven't proven to exist so when you encounter the first sequence that I haven't proven to exist, your immune system will be primed by way of dealing with the similar genetic sequence that I created that your cells were compelled to make, to deal with the first sequence that I haven't proven to exist and that will prevent the first sequence from making you sick.
Skeptic: What??? Yes, you are mad, stay away from me.
They are so determined to believe in infectious pathogenic viruses, they make as many assumptions as are necessary to reach that conclusion, at the cost of valid science. They then go on to gaslight, terrorize, traumatize and force medicate people based on their conclusions.