Let's examine the basic assumption of virology: some genetic sequences float around and cause disease. Evidence please!!

Observation #1: It seems to cause the most disease in people who are already ill.

Observation #2: Healthy people may not even know they have come into contact with said genetic sequence.

Possible Conclusion #1: The genetic sequences do not cause disease, but parts of them may be found in sick individuals and possibly in healthy individuals, therefore they are not pathogenic.

Possible Conclusion #2: The fragments found in sick individuals are from cellular processes involved in healing and/or detoxing.

Vaccinologist: I will create a cell culture with fluids drawn from a sick individual, mixed with animal tissues, antibiotics and heavy metals, then injected into a healthy person as a quackcine to prevent illness.

Skeptic: Are you stark raving mad? You want this to be injected into healthy people?

Vaccinologist: Ok, hold on, forget the cell culture. I will create a genetic sequence that will be injected into your body that will compel your cells to create a similar genetic sequence to the first sequence that I haven't proven to exist so when you encounter the first sequence that I haven't proven to exist, your immune system will be primed by way of dealing with the similar genetic sequence that I created that your cells were compelled to make, to deal with the first sequence that I haven't proven to exist and that will prevent the first sequence from making you sick.

Skeptic: What??? Yes, you are mad, stay away from me.

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That's hilarious, beautifully put.

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This is great

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They are so determined to believe in infectious pathogenic viruses, they make as many assumptions as are necessary to reach that conclusion, at the cost of valid science. They then go on to gaslight, terrorize, traumatize and force medicate people based on their conclusions.

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from listening to the Racaniello videos he seems to be genuinely deluded. I think there may be many things we have assumed that don't stand up on investigation. I agree that the trauma these assumptions have made in recent times is absolutely mind blowing.

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The Rac has interviewed the Dasazk which you don't get to do unless you are part of that team. About 2.5 yrs ago I wrote him thinking I would enlighten him that a genome was only made from a computer, he replied something like, "You don't know Jack Shit!" So he's a made man, not deluded.

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ah interesting, and how rude of him.

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He has bought into the paradigm. Stefan Lanka also bought into the paradigm, but later decided to question some of the basic assumptions and started reaching different conclusions about what virology was seeing or not seeing.

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yes https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z4ZMZvSpb1U have you seen how Lanka explains virology in 5 seconds?

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ha, ha. It is amazing how detailed they get into describing various structures of viruses, phylogenetic trees, folding proteins, functionality, etc. but there is such an enormous gap between theory and reality. How is this research of benefit? It's like the arguments in the Middle Ages of how many angels could fit on the head of a pin. Might be fun for the scholars, but of no benefit to anyone else.

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We all grew up with the paradigm. It was wallpaper to me. One of those things you believe without realizing there is an alternative. But reading Mike Yeadon as he began to convert to ‘no virus’, step by step, blew my mind. I had no idea no virus had ever been isolated. I had no idea how absurd their method for ‘proving’ a virus was. Once you look into it objectively the facade crumbles. It doesn’t take long either. An hour or two of reading.

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It was leaked from a computer !

Love that ! :)

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It can happen. It can also happen in reverse, like getting stuck in a simulation on the holodeck

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seems like a distinct possibility, more and more...

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Great succinct post, really good. 👍🏼 Watched the 5 second video, hilarious! 😅 Well done Dr Bailey. I look forward to watching the other two.

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Thank you Nova123, I'm teaching myself to cut the waffle and just say what I want to say! I really appreciate your comments.

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think I've made this post even punchier! :)

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Let them lose!

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Normally i don't share anything with a YT link. I don't like to give them ANY extra traffic. At all. I do make a rare exception. This is one. The narrative text explains very well how virology is entirely a false construct. Thanks.

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You're welcome and thank you.

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Looking good!

Thank you🙏🏽

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🚂 Hi there! Thanks so much for participating in the Terrain Train! I’m writing to encourage everyone involved to share this information on and off Substack as much as possible throughout the month of October. Tremendous gratitude for all that you're doing to raise awareness in the health truth movement! https://solluckman.substack.com/p/calling-all-those-questioning-germ

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Thank you I will. I am banned from Twitter using 3 separate accounts and my facebook was hacked but I will share on here and telegram 🙏🏽

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Please debate Steve Kirsch for $1 million and I will believe you

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that's funny. how can it be debated. the evidence is their in the literature of it isn't. it's not a matter of opinion or debating skills. it isn't there.

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viruses may well exist but the 'isolation' claimed by virologists doesn't have any connection to the genetic sequences they claim make up the cause of the first, or any patients's symptoms

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At this point for me viruses might exist in the same way Big Foot might exist. Over 100 years of studying them and no one has found one?

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yep and the Loch Ness monster

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Kirsch wanted to debate me, and when I told him I don't do schoolyard debates, just give me a paper proving the virus, he said, "paper debates take years", admitting there is no research proof of a virus. He then banned me for posting Katie Sugak's video. Screen shots of his admittance and other info on him are here: https://protonmagic.substack.com/p/steve-kirsch-substack-banned-me-for

He's also a made man, his fund funded by Musk, Vanguard, others. Anyone unwilling to dig into info and logic is a deception operative.

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Maxwell Azoury - This is sarcasm, right? *checks profile* See your top follows at your page are Kirsch & Malone so wondering if you still believe they are both honest brokers of truth now that it's May 2023? How is that even possible since their big farma complicity/ duplicity has been totally revealed?

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What do you mean about that? I haven't heard that

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Read through all of SageHana's stacks - for example - as they lay out Steve's C19/ vaxx complicity. Plus so many other stacks that I don't have room here to cite them all. Do research. Kirsch is simply not to be trusted as he funds/supports evil-doers.

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Sage Hana?

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Lose not loose

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thank you

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