Go and look up what our favourite Aussie climate denial debunker (skepticalscience/Denial 101) is doing now: https://apnews.com/article/why-covid-19-conspiracy-theories-persist-2586c1bc28259f7e224885b609c8f131; he and his assistant and co-author woke me up big time after having been a climate activist for several years and doing their debunking course - they gave it away by switching from one debunk to another like professional 'inoculators' and 'pre bunkers" of "conspiracy theories" about nice things like Safe&Effective transfection shots. Maybe you took "the climate experts" at their word like I did because I'm not a climate scientist? But when The Science took on my own field I knew that these guys are most certainly just for hire Narrative-PsyOp-Merchants. I'm going back now to examine the actual evidence for anthropogenic global heating, and so far the experts who have been cancelled as "denialists" and "working for BigOil" are the ones making the most sense. Go figure.

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Jo Waller -

The sarcasm in this is A+ but hard to get a good grip on what you really think. Makes my teeth hurt. Perhaps watch "Climate Hustle" if you haven't & even more so if you really believe that climate change is "real" & a life-changing, world-ending "event". Just posting this for others too (esp if you've seen it before) altho any comments/reactions about the documentary would be nice. I think it's a slam dunk.

> Climate Hustle - 2016 Full Documentary - RedPillWorld


Summary from another post of this documentary: Scorching temperatures. Melting ice caps. Killer hurricanes and tornadoes. Disappearing polar bears. The end of civilization as we know it! Are emissions from our cars, factories, and farms causing catastrophic climate change? Is there a genuine scientific consensus? Or is man-made “global warming” an overheated environmental con job being used to push for increased government regulations and a new “Green” energy agenda?

CLIMATE HUSTLE, hosted by award-winning investigative journalist Marc Morano, reveals the history of climate scares including global cooling, debunks outrageous claims about temperatures, extreme weather, and the so-called “consensus;” exposes the increasingly shrill calls to “act immediately before it’s too late,” and in perhaps the film’s most important section, profiles key scientists who used to believe in climate alarm but have since converted to skepticism.

CLIMATE HUSTLE was the #1 movie in America (per screen average) during its one-night national theater event, and had enthusiastic audiences in 400 theaters with sell-outs or close to sell outs in multiple cities! WorldNetDaily said CLIMATE HUSTLE “could be the most important movie of the year” while Audiences Everywhere said “this audience is the most expressive I’ve sat with in a long, long time.” 2 years, 4 months ago

(Well, we know the climate is always changing but then yoo-mans have very little to do with it overall - unless you count aerosol spraying/geoengineering - & of course, C02 has nothing to do with CC at all. Well, C02/carbon is overall around 5% of our climate so there's that very small percentage affect.) ;=)

Won't get into the fact her that we have the ability to run cars on water or other common substances but you can search for the info around the net. The inventors of these altie fuels have been "silenced".

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Of course climate changes but never before so rapidly leaving no time for humans nor anyone else to adapt. Of course CO2 is small percentage of atmosphere, though doubled since industrial revolution, but it has a big impact on the climate. Even small amounts, like arsenic and lead in the body, can have devastating consequences.

Yes alternative methods of fuel to oil and gas are not popular with industry. Your point?

The film sounds like the typical brainwashing and misleading crap we hear over and over from industry that's every where these days.

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It's a scam. I have lived through over 4 decades of failed doomsday predictions. Modelling is pure pseudo science.

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No it’s not. Doomsday predictions have been misrepresented eg someone saying if this happens this could happen- or they completely lie about what someone has said for example what David Attenborough said about polar bears.https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OlfW_3qGC_k&t=140s

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