This is easy to accept because my gut has been telling me for a while that the whole China thing is theater as is the threat of nuclear war over Ukraine. It's the top dogs having long ago decided that it's win-win for all of them if they can just control their own people and use each other as the bad guy in the scenario. But this may be why Putin wants out of the NWO, because he feels the other top dogs are going to nullify the agreement and put him on the outs.

And this is why I keep saying they'll never release a deadly virus. (I'm still not convinced about the virus thing being non-existent, but I am convinced it's a non-issue.)

If anything, we can count on these people being more afraid than we are.

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Hiya, yes absolutely they will always look after themselves . Russel brand has done a great video about Taiwan being the new Ukraine - the complex has armed the US to the teeth so now must start wars with the big boys. The only ones who suffer are the military (who no one cares about) and other countries. No risk of nuclear war to the elites in the US. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6VmPY_dmxOc

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The new source of “information” for the conspiracy nuts : their guts 😄

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Yeah it's very informative. As is reading the literature for oneself.

I agree conspiracies about evil villains and Black nobilities wanting us depopulated and in smart cities are nuts and come directly from industry.

But lumping any scientific debate against the narrative as a conspiracy is a lazy, weak and pathetic non- argument and usually comes directly from industry too.

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This is always a topic of mass controversy... nicely covered :)

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Thank you, I've only just come across the concept of questioning it.

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what about that HBO series...Chernobyl and the Japan reactors when they had that earthquake.

Though i love the notion that all the big scary things we're capable of are just frauds and awesome conspiracy theories. I feel people who are defensive about the moon landing being real because they can follow the science and want it to be properly respected haven't taken time to consider how awesome of a con job it would have been if it was faked. That should get some respect as well :)

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Yes a pretty amazing con job you are right, though looking at all those shiny foil space ship things on the moon, they now look a bit dodgy.

Almost as much respect for them as for the con job that meant placing 4.4 billion people under house arrest for a non existent threat!

I don't know about Chernobyl - I know how to fake a pandemic so maybe radiation is similar?

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They got me good. I don't know up from down. Been trying to read up on the HPV vaccine is that will be the next one for my oldest. I really need the bubble to pop as even if I know it all in and out its still going to be near impossible to go against our pediatrician and family members who are in medicine

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Sending you protection from our freedom movement of collective wisdom of being Dennis. I wrote about HPV if you're interested - you may have seen it https://georgiedonny.substack.com/p/hpv-cervical-cancer-and-vaccines I used to work in cytology with smears and all that.

Your kid will be old enough to have some input too.

Easy for me to say but you can insist that you doctor provides you with the evidence that jabs work and all the possible side effects. I understand it's a lot harder with family members but you are paying your doctor, they are supposedly there for you. Do they get paid per jab?


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I have to read through it more closely but from my own research I'm intrigued how wikipedia says that HPC causing cancer has been proven..proven!...by Harald zur Hausen. How is this discovered correlation granted as proof of causation and yet not a single adverse event from a vaccine ever makes it?

Double checking it now and the wikiepdia HPV entry only goes so far as to say the causation is theoretical. Where as the HPV vaccine entry says Hausen proved it. I need to read up on how causation is proved in these cases.



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The HPV sequences said to indicate an infection may well be associated with the presence of an imbalance but are not the cause of the imbalance. Like firemen and fires.

The studies showing efficacy seem to rely on the substitution of antibody production for actual benefit. The eg 97% decreases in CIN (not cancer) etc are relative efficacies, the actual efficacies in pharma fraudulent studies are less than 1%.

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https://viroliegy.com/2022/04/14/hpv-madness/ According to Dr. Diane Harper, a Merck employee who helped get the vaccine approved, “The rate of serious adverse events is greater than the incidence rate of cervical cancer.”

In the vaccine study, 1 out of every 912 who received Gardasil died

The cervical cancer death rate is 1 out of every 40,000 women per year"

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Wow, thank you

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I think the whole depopulation plan, and the WEF and Klaus being in control of everything is also a psyop to scare and distract us. I think it's all just about the money and the algorithm.

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A decade ago, I would've labeled you a nutcase. Today, it sounds totally plausible. This is the legacy of the news media's "Everything's on Fire All the Time" Trump era + Plandemic. All trust in the gov't, the media, and now, the medical/pharma industry, has been shredded. The possibilities of what actual history was over the last 100 years is totally up for debate.

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Thank you so much for reading and saying so. 3 years ago I thought my friend was a nutter for not vaccinating her second child. Now look at me! We are all discovering and yes everything is up for grabs.

I hope we start to look on this positively and as liberating us from our fears.


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I didn't realise this was such a hot topic, I'm late to the party

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Intriguing subject, indeed.

On April 11, 2023, I also asked the same question in my article:


The argument that Hiroshima and Nagasaki were bombed with traditional explosives sounds convincing.

My problem is with nuclear reactors. Are they also fake? Or is controlled fusion easier to create than a bomb?

Also, isotopic radiation doesn't seem harmless. I'm thinking about Madame Curie:


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Nuclear reactors are real, because it's all so controlled. I think the lie is the chain reaction and mass release of radiation, probably no one has actually dared to try. Curie allegedly died of aplastic anaemia - which can also be caused by antibiotics.

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Of course. I can more-or-less understand that low-grade uranium/plutonium can be properly cooled and controlled to produce energy, and it also makes sense that "scientists" couldn't quite foresee the impact of a real-world chain reaction.

Inventing illnesses is nothing new, either, and the "medical" profession usually ignores the causes and "treats" the symptoms. They are pros! :)


What about Fukushima? It seems to have been done on purpose, but how about the corollaries? Plenty of more things to think about...

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Hi Ray. Mathis says they're fake.


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I first heard about this possibility from this guy...

My Atomic Bomb Findings The grand manipulation 1945-2023 Part 1


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Yep, it's another emperor and his lack of clothes sitch

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Either way Bob Marley was right. It is up to us and if we leave the power to a bunch of psychopathic serial abusers what does that say about us? Allowing someone to repeatedly abuse us makes us codependent enablers.


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tune x

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Miles Mathis has covered this in a couple of papers. Most recent is from 2016: http://mileswmathis.com/trinity.pdf

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this is brilliant and very funny, thank you

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Same here!

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I disagree here , if there are NUKE PLANTS , SUBMARINES , POWER PLANTS, BATTLE SHIPS , ect ect. Why would their not be NUKE WEAPONS ,weapons are the first t6hing they bare always after. this is dangerous misinformation to spread to people., Where has all the massive amounts of PLUTONIUM AND URANIUM GONE ? I have know several Nuclear engineers, and military people , including those stationed in silos . They will disagree COMPLETELY with your statements here.

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Guitarman: If you look into the engineering, nuclear *plants* and nuclear *bombs* are two very different things.

To believe the nuclear bomb myth, you have to believe that the first bomb dropped had *never* been tested, and yet functioned perfectly first try... okay... whatever (the second bomb dropped had been tested -- this is 'trinity', you know, the one with a miniscule footprint, that generals themselves inspected the day of, despite the 'radiation')

Michael Palmer, oddly enough, a colleague of Sucharit Bakhdit, has written a wonderful book on this topic.

As for your experts: I had a stint in nuclear engineering myself, and can aver that -- nuclear power works (demonstrably); and that (almost) no experts ever bother to question the official narrative of bombs, so their 'testimony' is relatively worthless. This sounds harsh, but remember, we did live through covid, where 'harvard experts' proved themselves less apt at analysing data than 'geogie&donny', whoever that is...

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Hiya Shiyen - you made me laugh and smile! ''George&donny'-whoever that is..' being better than 'Harvard experts' at analysing data. Priceless! Yes my handle sounds childish, they are in fact two wise cats, but it's too late to change it now.

yes the alleged bomb was not tested and yet worked first go, that never happens and yes the little hole that trinity made is a laugh, and you're right all the generals were not bothered about being poisoned in the immediate aftermath.

I know you were replying to Guitarman but I'll look up Michael Palmer's book, thank you.

Interesting that you worked in nuclear engineering with unquestioning 'experts'. I worked in pathology with unquestioning pathologists. It's still a shock that the whole of germ hypothesis is wrong and now nuclear bombs too.


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Ok lets say your premise is correct , then what is ARMED on all those missiles in silos , on NUKE POWERED SUBS , carried in stealth bombers , on all those supposed Russian hyper-sonic missiles? Why are all those missiles in OUR Silos so secretive and guarded ? What is that supposed "football " with Nuke codes all about . Lets hear what a real NUKE SUB or NAVY ADMIRAL has to say about all this. I seriously doubt this is just some globalist scare tactic. Why has their been arrests of individuals and terrorist groups attempting to sell nukes , dirty bombs and even plans or material to make them?

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Guitarman: there are two distinct issues: (1) were nuclear bombs dropped on Hiroshima/Nagasai; (2) do nuclear bombs exist today. The answer to (1) is undoubtedly *no* as explained either by Michael Palmer or Akio Nakatoni. (Palmer is more thorough, but much more dry -- his best work is with 'JermWarfare' on Odyssey).

As for (2) -- your objections are cogent. G&d gives a sort of 'heuristic' argument in favour of nuclear bombs not existing at all. To add to her points, consider that the foundation of MAd (mutually assured destruction) is that the obliteration of, say, Vladivostok, would be incitation to 'total war'... but, why wouldn't it be possible to construct low-level nuclear bombs that would be *much* more effective than conventional weapons without the ultimate destruction of our alleged arsenal.

Consider: 'we' strafed Vietnam with deadly Agent Orange (and didn't interfere in Cambodia for... reasons?), which has ongoing effects... why couldn't we just do that with low-level nukes? The 'radiation' can't be too bad, since Hiroshima/Nagasaki have both been re-built...

In the end, I suppose it depends on how much you believe this premise of this blog. If, as asserted, viruses don't exist, then government stockpiles of 'smallpox, marburg and ebola' are... simply lies.

Keep in mind that since no modern nuclear bombs have been exploded in war-zones, we have no means of independently assessing their effects. If, after covid, you trust the government well -- that's up to you.


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Really good points ShiYen. 🙏🏽

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Hiya I think your comments was for Shiyen, but I shall butt in.

We have established that nuclear power demonstrably exists and is used.

The efficacy of nuclear arms as deterrents only works if the lie is believed by everyone with the understanding that they must never, ever be used. This ensures they are never revealed and explains the pomp and circumstance, high prices, secrecy, hype, guarding of plans and material to make them by the 'wrong' hands,. Telling people they're carrying a war head does not mean that they are. People thought they were working with viruses, doesn't mean they were.

It's not a globalist scare tactic. It's genius from the manufacturers which politicians must buy into, whether they've cottoned on or not, as part of the charade that their country has nuclear weapons, so please don't attack or invade it. The relationship between the military industrial and the political power complex is a very close one.

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I think your very wrong here dangerously so

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Again how so dangerous? Whether Putin has or hasn't nukes and whether he is or isn't prepared to use them, I diametrically opposed prodding the Russian bear with NATO expansion talk, the US installed regime allowing neo-nazis (now armed with £billions worth of weapons from the British tax payer) to persecute and bomb Russian speakers and Boris Johnson telling Zelensky not to sign the peace treaty ready to go in Spring 2020 but to continue a war he couldn't possibly win.

I support peace and negotiation and oppose control by the military industrial complex for their own sakes not because of the threat of nuclear destruction

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How is it dangerous? Say I manage to persuade my government that nukes don't exist, and to stop spending my money on the charade that they do? Another country then realises we're not paying protection money to the arms dealers and says they'll nuke us. We know nukes don't exist so we say go ahead? Say nukes do exist. Why would they want to nuke us if it meant they couldn't use our land or resources for a hundred years and would also impact their environment? What is the actual point of them apart from as (lots of) money spinners? They are used to enable wars to be started for any reason and continued until as much money has been made as possible which can then be ended with an honourable withdrawal due to the 'nuclear option'.

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They do have nukes and some have been stolen and sold to those so irrational and filled with hate they may use them. I also understand they have many more advanced weapons like DEW s and Geoengineered weather weapons and more and we are already under a very advanced NANO tech war and A.I. war against humans. You will never persuade gov criminals nukes dont exist because they know they do. Also go research the actual verified accounts of those working in NUKE missile silos who describe what appears to have been , advanced E.T. or someone interfering with the operational status of these sites , and supposedly proved they could disarm them. I have seen too many of these to disregard them , though I cannot prove them.

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You are very welcome to think so, but this language was also used to describe unmasked, unvaccinated people walking around endangering people

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Not the same at all nor would that be my intention, but there is no way all the videos , documentation, experimentation, or the Manhattan project, and much more could ALL be faked. Interview real Navy Commanders or other military people and get a very different answer. AND for what purpose then has the extraordinary amount of Plutonium , and Uranium been mined and PROCESSED for the Nuclear power industry has not used this quantity.

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You are very welcome to COMPLETELY disagree. Thanks for reading Thomas.


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If disposing of nuclear waste was really a significant concern the US would never have placed the cross dressing freak Sam Brinton in charge of the job. It’s all one big joke.

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And in the endless serie of “anything is false flag” we know have : nukes are hoaxes! 😂

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climate change isn't a false flag so not everything. But nukes are yes.

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Those sound interesting books. I may look into this further. Yes the Miles Mathis paper is very funny and thought provoking.

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