Confused about what? I am making a very simple correlation. Excessive man-made electro-magnetic radiation is toxic to all living things. It results in cell deaths. A dead cell ejects tiny parcels of detritus to be carried away and disposed of by the body's system. Those tiny parcels have been mislabelled as 'viruses' and their entire value misunderstood. So, there is no virus. Only particles of decaying toxic cells.
Virology is nothing more than a pseudo-science of mistaken identity covering up for the damage caused by progressive man-made electro-magnetic frequency pollution which has been a problem since the telegraph was invented.
How do they cope with progressive man-made electro-magnetic frequency pollution?
I have an electrosmog detector which is picking up multiple signals, pulses and background white noise. Most of which is unnatural and harmful to living things.
Have you taken your electrosmog detector to a remote location like a mountain top to see what it detects? It would be interesting to do a daytime reading and a nighttime reading of the same location.
My son has been taking the detector out with him occasionally. We were so heavily pounded with emfs at our previous home he went looking for a quiet zone. We then moved BUT within a few months the signals had reached our hilltop home and are steadily increasing. They make me so ill that I am housebound now.
With the satellites beaming the entire globe from space 24/7 with microwaves, it's impossible to escape now. It might help to line your attic with either metal screen or foil and ground it.
That only works if you are living in an independent house. I live in a ground floor flat with neighbours above and on all sides. They all use WIFI and SMART phones and meters. However, the satellites are undoubtedly the main source of interference here.
This is where I get confused
Confused about what? I am making a very simple correlation. Excessive man-made electro-magnetic radiation is toxic to all living things. It results in cell deaths. A dead cell ejects tiny parcels of detritus to be carried away and disposed of by the body's system. Those tiny parcels have been mislabelled as 'viruses' and their entire value misunderstood. So, there is no virus. Only particles of decaying toxic cells.
Virology is nothing more than a pseudo-science of mistaken identity covering up for the damage caused by progressive man-made electro-magnetic frequency pollution which has been a problem since the telegraph was invented.
And add to it heavy metals and you have poisons inundating our bodies. Yes.
Compasses are good for detecting magnetic fields.
No kidding?
How do they cope with progressive man-made electro-magnetic frequency pollution?
I have an electrosmog detector which is picking up multiple signals, pulses and background white noise. Most of which is unnatural and harmful to living things.
Have you taken your electrosmog detector to a remote location like a mountain top to see what it detects? It would be interesting to do a daytime reading and a nighttime reading of the same location.
My son has been taking the detector out with him occasionally. We were so heavily pounded with emfs at our previous home he went looking for a quiet zone. We then moved BUT within a few months the signals had reached our hilltop home and are steadily increasing. They make me so ill that I am housebound now.
With the satellites beaming the entire globe from space 24/7 with microwaves, it's impossible to escape now. It might help to line your attic with either metal screen or foil and ground it.
That only works if you are living in an independent house. I live in a ground floor flat with neighbours above and on all sides. They all use WIFI and SMART phones and meters. However, the satellites are undoubtedly the main source of interference here.