It’s imperative that everyone stop ceding ground to these fascists by reifying the Big Lie that "Covid" is a unique disease and that it is responsible for a global pandemic.
"Covid" the disease is pure fiction. All the rest of it (biolabs / batsoup / bioweapons / lableaks) is political theatre and bread and circuses. They gamed the system to code for "covid deaths."
This has never had anything to with what is nothing more than a computer-generated genome falsely attributed to a novel pathogen. It is a global conspiracy by the worlds transnational ruling class which was planned out and war-gamed at the WEF, the central bankers summit in Jackson Hole, and at Event 201.
Once you get people to assent to a world that makes no sense you can get them to do anything. That's precisely what the Covid Cult is: it competes with the real world. Strategy of tension, mass mind manipulation, a psychological operation, the general population hypnotised right in front of your eyes.
Covid-19 is the biggest money laundering/racketeering scheme in the history of this country.
99% of people falsely certified as having ‘died from covid’ actually died from their preexisting conditions being exacerbated by mass medical malpractice and ‘public health’ despotism, the other 1% simply died of old age.
From the CDC itself 7/16/21:
“Of the 540,667 hospitalized coronavirus patients included in the study, 80,174 died during the observation period (March 2020 to March 2021). A whopping 99.1% of the patients who died had at least one pre-existing condition, with just 740 having no prior condition on record. Most patients who "died from COVID" had multiple pre-existing conditions, with just 2.6% suffering from only one condition, compared to 32.3% who had two to five preexisting conditions, 39.1% who had six to ten, and 25.1% who have more than ten pre-existing conditions.”
Translation: No one has "died from Covid" as “Covid” is nothing more than a fraudulent PCR result plus a nebulous clinical re-branding of cold, “flu” and many other disease conditions.
Well said, but with one "counter," and that is that the people who died from or "with" Covid were PUT TO DEATH IN THE CRUELEST POSSIBLE MANNER. HOW DARE THEY "prone" respiratory patients. Downhill from there....
PCR is not even "diagnostic!" It just allows for the rapid replication of DNA. Even then, the rationale is specious! Occupational exposure to graphene based nanomaterials: risk assessment - Nanoscale (RSC Publishing) The few in vivo inhalation toxicity studies (limited to 5-days of repeated exposure and only one to 5 days per week for 4 weeks) indicate inflammatory/fibrotic effects at the pulmonary level, not always reversible after 14/90 days.
I sell all the equipment pictured in Drosten's "science man" photo shoot. Those on the left are basic thermal cyclers that run PCR, and the one in the back on the right is the dreaded RT-PCR machine that he ran at the criminal rate of 45 cycles, ensuring that cases would be inflated across the globe.
As one who recognized a crime being rolled out when she saw one (thanks in part to the usual scum like Fauci), I would ask as often as appropriate something along the lines of, "Well, what are the symptoms that doctors tell us they have no means of treating?" So often, the deer in the headlights look.
I'd follow up and say, "Well, according to the CDC, these are the possible symptoms..." And I'd give them some or all of the following: Fever or chills, cough, shortness of breath or difficulty breathing, fatigue, muscle or body aches, headache, new loss of taste or smell, sore throat, congestion or runny nose, nausea or vomiting, diarrhea.
Followed by, "American healthcare can't treat those? Really?" In one instance, I had a woman who'd been a nurse in the US Navy just stare back at me, obviously unable to answer the question.
Very good point. And in any case all these symptoms you mentioned I would now say don't need treating nor suppressing at all but rather supporting with rest and fluids.
In most cases, this is probably true. Unfortunately, other cases can become more serious. My mother came down with these typical symptoms and thought she'd get better -- as she always had. For whatever reason, this particular time that did not happen. She descended into pneumonia -- at home -- (became blue, skin clammy, hard to breathe). A bit of a story here, but finally got her to the hospital where doctors said they were "doing everything we know to do, but we can't get her heart to keep beating..." Her heart did stop and she died at age 57. MI brought on by "complications" from the "flu."
From what you say though it seems that neither support nor allopathic medicine helped, and whatever poison or stress it was she was unable to detox from for whatever reason meant that she died.
If it was me I would want to die in peace at home x
So sorry she did not have access to an authentic Homeopath. However, if your mother's passing occurred in hospital after 2019, I would have considered it suspect. So many well meaning, innocent, bereaved relatives are suffering with the "covid" hospital deaths, and asking questions with answers they would prefer not to know. She "has gone ahead to prepare a place for you..."
Thank you. Living elsewhere, I traveled home on Saturday to see my mother because she was so sick. It was the long Presidents' Day weekend in 1984. I could see how sick she was when I got home. By Sunday, I knew she was really in trouble -- and I knew she did not want to go to the hospital. My father was still convinced she'd be OK, but I knew otherwise. Torn between her reluctance and the realization that she needed help, I told my father to call the ambulance...
Don't call the ambulance and leave her to die? But what if there is a chance? Maybe she can be helped, and if so, how do I live with that if I don't get her help?
To this day, I have my moments of torment over whether I did the right thing. She was the light of my life.
I think I understand your dilemma - how could you possibly know if they could have saved her, and she was so young. Yet she wanted to stay at home.
I live with my 90 year old mum and presumably one day I'll be faced with this choice. I know this is different as she's much older and already told me see doesn't want resuscitation nor extended life if quality is poor, and has a living will.
But watching her suffer and 'doing nothing' will be hard I think. I know acupuncture can relive pain so am going to get in contact with some local people.
I think that there is no 'right or wrong' thing to do. We cannot make mistakes as there is no parallel universe where we make a different decision to find out if we did the right thing. I think we know that your mum would have loved you and forgiven you, if that was even needed, for whatever decision you made out of deep love for her.
Lots of love to that daughter caught between a rock and a hard place. It was impossible. Be very kind to her x
Thank you. 😊 My mother had made no prior clear directive on this point. If she had, it would have been honored. So many thoughts went through my head...I have asked for her forgiveness many times. Thank you for the reminder to be kind to myself. I try. 😊
Well, at least, in 1984, you had a fair chance of a caring or "ethical" hospital. A very hard call indeed. I hope you have found peace with your decision and the fact that you are a kind and beloved daughter to a wonderful, loving mother...
That blank stare... Which is worse, that face, or the face when they start telling us we're "anti-science," or "conspiracy nuts" or some other ugly thing to make themselves feel superior.... ?
I just stopped trying to individually teach any of them a damn thing.
"The detox symptoms themselves are not covid nor any disease, they are the body’s healing mechanisms." - this is true BUT what is the body healing from?
It is bombarded with electro-magnetic radiation recently reaching overload via 5G.
The body takes in food etc and doesn’t completely and totally use it or get rid of it. We breathe in air with 700 million germs and protein sequences per cubic meter. We have to get rid of it. Every so often especially at weather changes we cough it spit it sneeze it out. Or burn it up. Just taking out the garbage.
Yes but that is NORMAL life. When people get extreme symptoms like being unable to breath, heart attacks and strokes we have to look for more serious root causes and we should not always assume that they are germs and viruses! That is dumb.
Electro-magnetic radiation produces all the symptoms that we are hearing about since Wuhan, early 2020. What happened in Wuhan? 5G was turned on in October 2019 just before the UN Military Games there. The first extreme cases of collapse occurred to athletes during the Games. Maatje Benassi, an American cyclist was the first known victim.
"Examining some declassified ARPA/CIA documents - as well as some from Soviet scientists - where they are discussing electromagnetic radiation, how the Soviets may have used Microwave weapons on US diplomats in the US embassy in Moscow, and just how much of an effect Electromagnetic radiation has on human beings. These documents state that there is most certainly at least some cause for concern when dealing with EMF."
"Concerning the 5G question causing viral symptoms, viral symptoms are a classical symptom of acute energetic radiation poisoning. Since the body is energetic, any outside field of energy will have some effect. It all depends on time in field, strength of field and frequency in the case of EMF fields. Each frequency has a different effect on the body, some positive, some not.
One cannot accurately label 5G as a range of frequencies but rather one must address each frequency within that range and also consider time, distance and the age and health of the test subject. There are various modes of effect in the cell. direct and indirect. For instance, if 60GHz is being used, which falls under the non license free use bandwidth, Since this frequency effects oxygen and H2O It could theoretically have an effect on blood pH creating acidic conditions in the body. An acute acidic condition in the blood that cause acidosis of cells into the range of 6 to 6.4 pH can easily produce a cell breakdown and the cell excretion of toxic proteins called virus.
The idea of some frequency within the 5G platform triggering viral illness is not absurd at all. After all, we know from declassified documents that the millimeter wave technology came out of Russian and US weapons research. Also the fact that the publicly untested technology absolutely had to be "rolled out" ahead of and during the pandemic should be enough reason to question the official narrative and motives, especially considering the absolute "need" to install it in every Covid treatment facility around the world."
Confused about what? I am making a very simple correlation. Excessive man-made electro-magnetic radiation is toxic to all living things. It results in cell deaths. A dead cell ejects tiny parcels of detritus to be carried away and disposed of by the body's system. Those tiny parcels have been mislabelled as 'viruses' and their entire value misunderstood. So, there is no virus. Only particles of decaying toxic cells.
Virology is nothing more than a pseudo-science of mistaken identity covering up for the damage caused by progressive man-made electro-magnetic frequency pollution which has been a problem since the telegraph was invented.
How do they cope with progressive man-made electro-magnetic frequency pollution?
I have an electrosmog detector which is picking up multiple signals, pulses and background white noise. Most of which is unnatural and harmful to living things.
Have you taken your electrosmog detector to a remote location like a mountain top to see what it detects? It would be interesting to do a daytime reading and a nighttime reading of the same location.
My son has been taking the detector out with him occasionally. We were so heavily pounded with emfs at our previous home he went looking for a quiet zone. We then moved BUT within a few months the signals had reached our hilltop home and are steadily increasing. They make me so ill that I am housebound now.
David Icke was saying no virus in late 2020 and took me nearly a year to realize he nailed it. How many years more will it take for the liberals to get it?
Maybe they never will. But I suspect their numbers will dwindle. Especially once there are enough of us saying "Bullshit!!" to put a lot of this nonsense to rest...
I wonder how many people without symptoms got themselves tested for covid, got a positive result, and came down with covid symptoms afterwards, creating their own illness?
A neighbour said she had Covid. Said it was absolutely horrible. Worst flu/cold she ever had. Waxed eloquently about the severity of it. She said ‘I felt something on Sunday. By Monday it was full on. Terrible. We were out for dinner with friends Tuesday and I could barely taste my food. Thursday playing pickleball I was still struggling!’ Wait, what!?! Worst flu ever kicks in Monday and Tuesday you’re out for dinner? And playing pickleball on Thursday! It was absurd.
I was on a history debate forum where someone said they had covid and I explained they didn't- with some agreement from others- til someone said they didn't want the debate to continue as her friend had 'nearly' died and her mum had been sobbing and it was all too painful to remember and think about. On a history discussion group!
The issue with the 'isolation' language is that they try and trick everyone by saying they 'isolated' a virus from the host. However, what they fail to reveal is that they mean they have isolated fluid or material from a host, but they are not isolating a pathogen from said fluid or material.
Hiya, Yes, the isolation is confusing in every way. Sometimes I think they mean they've seen CPEs in culture so think they have something in the patient fluid-though not of course separated from everything else in the fluid, nor that the CPE"S shown don't also occur in controls (though in Baric's paper there seemed to be CPE, GFP signal and 'viral' replication in the 'mock' no 'virus'!!
Thank you for much for reading Kristen and your comments, I really appreciate it 😊
You're very welcome- writing helps me to sort things in my head
Thanks. At least I managed to refuse PCR tests so she wouldn't be "just another covid statistic." Hospitals are completely insane right now. My local schools and all public transport still demand masks be worn. I told her it was all fake and she said "I hope you're right son." I owe it to her to open a few people's eyes, but most people can't even begin to understand the spells that they're under.
Jo, I see your logic in this article. It syncs with something you wrote about recently regarding families detoxing at the same time as a healing process. Based on all your points, it makes sense.
But here are my questions as I try to integrate this with what I've taken away from these last few years:
1 The people behind this charade did a "pandemic" simulation in October 2019 mimicking the corona outbreak. If I take your thoughts and apply them, I am left wondering if you think they knew there'd be this major worldwide detoxification and they capitalized on it with the amped up PCR to generate fear so they could exercise control and destruction.
2 They just had another table-top pandemic exercise for 2025, a supposed virus that will target children more than the elderly. If the answer to the first question is yes, then does it mean they are able to precipitate the detoxing on a worldwide level? And what is your theory how?
They're saying it's going to be more deadly, but my take is that they won't dare because they're too afraid to risk their own health. But they know the shots have weakened people and that kids being cooped up for years have weakened them immeasurably, and so it doesn't need to be deadly at all. Their lies and propaganda will do everything necessary, and the general ill health of the population will do the rest.
I don't believe there was any more symptoms of detox happening, or that they were ramped up. It was just that we noticed then, and remember they are very wide ranging, and common- fever, rashes, blocked nose they all got reclassified as 'serious'. It's well known that people notice things when they're primed to. People falling over in China although debunked stuck in the mind. The excessive procautions of spraying or people and welding into homes reinforced the phantoms seriousness. And 'flu' disappeared so we know that they was no more detox than usual. 'Outbreaks' occur with everyone seeming to have symptoms where no bacteria was found for example. there was no world poisoning event just a world PCR testing event.
The serious illness and deaths from 'covid' after PCR diagnosis were caused by the fear, loneliness, forced ventilation (very many at the beginning), Midazolam (good death) and Remdesivir (kidney and organ failure).
and pollution is a really serious health risk in wuhan and northern Italy and has been for many years; pneumonia being the leading cause of childhood death in china; the elites are happy not to address it because they don't have to live there and much better to make a virus story.
Yes, TP'sTB wouldn't risk releasing an actual virus if they could make one or find one, which they can't, because of their own and their childrens health. that's another reality good indication that cvd is a phantom PR exercise.
I agree about the being primed to notice something business. A friend had a very bad illness in December 2019 that she later put down to the corona. I had what I later thought was the corona in late January 2020, but only because I was slightly tired for two months afterwards. And so on. Yes, the symptoms were all over the place, and at first indistinguishable from a cold or flu, so that would get everyone questioning the least little thing.
Once someone went to the hospital, it was pretty much all over unless they were particularly robust. The emotional factors played a massively underestimated role.
Suggestibility, also known as brainwashing, may well have been the primary cause for all symptoms added on to the seasonal cold and flu, pollution, poor diet, etc, etc.
So this all comes down to these pandemic exercises being theater to prime us for the "real" thing. It's kind of like Ukraine. They're using the same template. Too much is going on over there that normally never happens in a country at war.
Detoxing is more likely to take place during weather changes. Bodies need to function differently during different weather circumstances. Perhaps in a hot dry summer bodies accumulate and hang onto fluids. Cold damp falls means the accumulated fluid is shed. IE noses run, etc. it isn’t a disease. It is just a body adjusting. Different bodies too absorb fluids, heat and cool, dry out etc differently. Families tend to be similar body types, they usually have the same eating habits. If a phlegmy family goes into fall, ie flu season, it would be unusual for them NOT to adjust at the same time. IE not to ‘catch cold’ at or near the same time.
Do you have a reference for what RNA sequence Drosten's PCR test was designed to target? Over the past 3 years of much reading, I have yet to find the test specifications.
here are the sequences for the RdRP, N and E 'genes' whose 'Design and validation were enabled by the close genetic relatedness to the 2003 SARS-CoV, and aided by the use of synthetic nucleic acid technology' because 'In the present case of 2019-nCoV, virus isolates or samples from infected patients have so far not become available to the international public health community'
Just incredible! It's right there in our faces, yet nearly everyone is playing along.
"We report here on the establishment and validation of a diagnostic workflow for 2019-nCoV screening and specific confirmation, designed in absence of available virus isolates or original patient specimens."
From a convo with a ‘I believe in science’ person. Me: “No virus has ever been isolated.” Him “A virus infects a cell. It is tiny. Incredibly small. They haven’t detected one because their microscopes can’t see anything that tiny”. “Electron microscopes can see items as small as an atom. Obviously if they existed viruses could be seen as they are larger than an atom.” Blank look. “Anyway, if they haven’t ever been seen how do we know they exist?” Blank look. “And if they haven’t been seen how do we know that the stuff in a vaccine is an inactive virus? Since vaccine material can be seen?” Blank look, followed by “Oh. So you’re one of those conspiracy people. You should be careful what you read.”
I had a similar conversation with a friend who responded after a blank period “Do you still believe Biden stole the election?” “How is that relevant? But...yes, I do.” “I can’t believe anything you say if you believe that.”
Actually, the symptoms seem to have been caused by a combination of graphene oxide (initially in the lethal injections, but now, just about everywhere) and 5G:
I respect you and I hope, we can put our past differences aside (well, I don't even remember what the problem was, but it doesn't matter). After all, we are on the same team. :)
Very nicely written and with some real pizzaz! I came across this interesting meme when this "Corona" nonsense first broke out, it was posted on twitter.
Corona is the field around high voltage electricity. It is the breach of the Corona Field that is the basis of Lightening.
Corona (high voltage) kills most high voltage electricians by the time they are 55 years old.
Corona severely damages the reproductive cells in the liver.
Corona causes sterility, miscarriages and infertility.
Corona is an EMF field that is generated close to high power voltage transmission.
Now they have labelled those symptoms to be caused by a "Viral" attack called "Corona Virus".
They have a "chemical injection" to cure you, from the harmful effects of radiation upon your reproductive cells, take note: death is a common "side effect" of their "CURE!"
Your very welcome and thank you in return for enlightening us all. We are all in a silent global war with the real Nazis NA-tional ZI-onists in control and they're all Zionist supremacist Jewish criminally insane psychopaths! I've watched them massacre and kill, bomb and terrorize innocent Palestinians every single day for years. True Semitic people are Arabs, Palestinians, Muslims, Africans, Yemeni, all dark skinned not these fair skinned demons who aren't even human. They're aliens, draconian reptilians from a dark planet here to conquer earth! I'll share it on my next post with a Jewish rabbi actually teaching Israelis they are here to conquer earth!
Great content! BTW, do you have a link to the paper by Schmidt et al, 1920?
Conducted two controlled experiments, exposing healthy people to the bodily fluids of sick people. Of 196 people exposed to the mucous secretions of sick people, 21 (10.7%) developed colds and three developed grippe (1.5%). In the second group, of the 84 healthy people exposed to mucous secretions of sick people, five developed grippe (5.9%) and four colds (4.7%). Of forty-three controls who had been inoculated with sterile physiological salt solutions eight (18.6%) developed colds. A higher percentage of people got sick after being exposed to saline compared to those being exposed to the “virus”.
I have a paper referencing this. However, I cannot locate the original yet!
It’s imperative that everyone stop ceding ground to these fascists by reifying the Big Lie that "Covid" is a unique disease and that it is responsible for a global pandemic.
"Covid" the disease is pure fiction. All the rest of it (biolabs / batsoup / bioweapons / lableaks) is political theatre and bread and circuses. They gamed the system to code for "covid deaths."
This has never had anything to with what is nothing more than a computer-generated genome falsely attributed to a novel pathogen. It is a global conspiracy by the worlds transnational ruling class which was planned out and war-gamed at the WEF, the central bankers summit in Jackson Hole, and at Event 201.
Once you get people to assent to a world that makes no sense you can get them to do anything. That's precisely what the Covid Cult is: it competes with the real world. Strategy of tension, mass mind manipulation, a psychological operation, the general population hypnotised right in front of your eyes.
Covid-19 is the biggest money laundering/racketeering scheme in the history of this country.
99% of people falsely certified as having ‘died from covid’ actually died from their preexisting conditions being exacerbated by mass medical malpractice and ‘public health’ despotism, the other 1% simply died of old age.
From the CDC itself 7/16/21:
“Of the 540,667 hospitalized coronavirus patients included in the study, 80,174 died during the observation period (March 2020 to March 2021). A whopping 99.1% of the patients who died had at least one pre-existing condition, with just 740 having no prior condition on record. Most patients who "died from COVID" had multiple pre-existing conditions, with just 2.6% suffering from only one condition, compared to 32.3% who had two to five preexisting conditions, 39.1% who had six to ten, and 25.1% who have more than ten pre-existing conditions.”
Translation: No one has "died from Covid" as “Covid” is nothing more than a fraudulent PCR result plus a nebulous clinical re-branding of cold, “flu” and many other disease conditions.
Right ON! I've seen your comments before, and You. Rock. Behbeh. ^_^
He does indeed. 😊
Well said, but with one "counter," and that is that the people who died from or "with" Covid were PUT TO DEATH IN THE CRUELEST POSSIBLE MANNER. HOW DARE THEY "prone" respiratory patients. Downhill from there....
PCR is not even "diagnostic!" It just allows for the rapid replication of DNA. Even then, the rationale is specious!
Well, yes, but see what was used to murder those people who were already frail:
GRAPHENE/NANOTECHNOLOGY IN MASKS Toxicity of graphene-family nanoparticles: a general review of the origins and mechanisms - PMC (
( Nose-to-Brain Translocation and Cerebral Biodegradation of Thin Graphene Oxide Nanosheets - ScienceDirect) Nanofiber face masks improve filtration efficiency, need replacing more often (w/video) Occupational exposure to graphene based nanomaterials: risk assessment - Nanoscale (RSC Publishing) The few in vivo inhalation toxicity studies (limited to 5-days of repeated exposure and only one to 5 days per week for 4 weeks) indicate inflammatory/fibrotic effects at the pulmonary level, not always reversible after 14/90 days.
GRAPHENE/NANOTECHNOLOGY IN PCR TESTS Biodistribution and pulmonary toxicity of intratracheally instilled graphene oxide in mice | NPG Asia Materials ( Using a Graphene-Based Electrochemical Sensor to Detect COVID-19 in Under Five Minutes (
GRAPHENE/NANOTECHNOLOGY IN VENTILATOR FILTERS Graphene air filter traps and kills bacteria (
They (scientists) envisage the device being useful in hospitals and other healthcare settings.
and so on
I sell all the equipment pictured in Drosten's "science man" photo shoot. Those on the left are basic thermal cyclers that run PCR, and the one in the back on the right is the dreaded RT-PCR machine that he ran at the criminal rate of 45 cycles, ensuring that cases would be inflated across the globe.
As one who recognized a crime being rolled out when she saw one (thanks in part to the usual scum like Fauci), I would ask as often as appropriate something along the lines of, "Well, what are the symptoms that doctors tell us they have no means of treating?" So often, the deer in the headlights look.
I'd follow up and say, "Well, according to the CDC, these are the possible symptoms..." And I'd give them some or all of the following: Fever or chills, cough, shortness of breath or difficulty breathing, fatigue, muscle or body aches, headache, new loss of taste or smell, sore throat, congestion or runny nose, nausea or vomiting, diarrhea.
Followed by, "American healthcare can't treat those? Really?" In one instance, I had a woman who'd been a nurse in the US Navy just stare back at me, obviously unable to answer the question.
Very good point. And in any case all these symptoms you mentioned I would now say don't need treating nor suppressing at all but rather supporting with rest and fluids.
In most cases, this is probably true. Unfortunately, other cases can become more serious. My mother came down with these typical symptoms and thought she'd get better -- as she always had. For whatever reason, this particular time that did not happen. She descended into pneumonia -- at home -- (became blue, skin clammy, hard to breathe). A bit of a story here, but finally got her to the hospital where doctors said they were "doing everything we know to do, but we can't get her heart to keep beating..." Her heart did stop and she died at age 57. MI brought on by "complications" from the "flu."
so sorry about your mum.
From what you say though it seems that neither support nor allopathic medicine helped, and whatever poison or stress it was she was unable to detox from for whatever reason meant that she died.
If it was me I would want to die in peace at home x
Moi, aussi.
So sorry she did not have access to an authentic Homeopath. However, if your mother's passing occurred in hospital after 2019, I would have considered it suspect. So many well meaning, innocent, bereaved relatives are suffering with the "covid" hospital deaths, and asking questions with answers they would prefer not to know. She "has gone ahead to prepare a place for you..."
Oh, no. I'm so sorry.
Thank you. Living elsewhere, I traveled home on Saturday to see my mother because she was so sick. It was the long Presidents' Day weekend in 1984. I could see how sick she was when I got home. By Sunday, I knew she was really in trouble -- and I knew she did not want to go to the hospital. My father was still convinced she'd be OK, but I knew otherwise. Torn between her reluctance and the realization that she needed help, I told my father to call the ambulance...
Don't call the ambulance and leave her to die? But what if there is a chance? Maybe she can be helped, and if so, how do I live with that if I don't get her help?
To this day, I have my moments of torment over whether I did the right thing. She was the light of my life.
Oh my love.
I think I understand your dilemma - how could you possibly know if they could have saved her, and she was so young. Yet she wanted to stay at home.
I live with my 90 year old mum and presumably one day I'll be faced with this choice. I know this is different as she's much older and already told me see doesn't want resuscitation nor extended life if quality is poor, and has a living will.
But watching her suffer and 'doing nothing' will be hard I think. I know acupuncture can relive pain so am going to get in contact with some local people.
I think that there is no 'right or wrong' thing to do. We cannot make mistakes as there is no parallel universe where we make a different decision to find out if we did the right thing. I think we know that your mum would have loved you and forgiven you, if that was even needed, for whatever decision you made out of deep love for her.
Lots of love to that daughter caught between a rock and a hard place. It was impossible. Be very kind to her x
Thank you. 😊 My mother had made no prior clear directive on this point. If she had, it would have been honored. So many thoughts went through my head...I have asked for her forgiveness many times. Thank you for the reminder to be kind to myself. I try. 😊
All she really cared about was being around you, and her husband. Please don’t beat yourself up. It was her time to go.
Well, at least, in 1984, you had a fair chance of a caring or "ethical" hospital. A very hard call indeed. I hope you have found peace with your decision and the fact that you are a kind and beloved daughter to a wonderful, loving mother...
That blank stare... Which is worse, that face, or the face when they start telling us we're "anti-science," or "conspiracy nuts" or some other ugly thing to make themselves feel superior.... ?
I just stopped trying to individually teach any of them a damn thing.
"The detox symptoms themselves are not covid nor any disease, they are the body’s healing mechanisms." - this is true BUT what is the body healing from?
It is bombarded with electro-magnetic radiation recently reaching overload via 5G.
The body takes in food etc and doesn’t completely and totally use it or get rid of it. We breathe in air with 700 million germs and protein sequences per cubic meter. We have to get rid of it. Every so often especially at weather changes we cough it spit it sneeze it out. Or burn it up. Just taking out the garbage.
Yes but that is NORMAL life. When people get extreme symptoms like being unable to breath, heart attacks and strokes we have to look for more serious root causes and we should not always assume that they are germs and viruses! That is dumb.
Electro-magnetic radiation produces all the symptoms that we are hearing about since Wuhan, early 2020. What happened in Wuhan? 5G was turned on in October 2019 just before the UN Military Games there. The first extreme cases of collapse occurred to athletes during the Games. Maatje Benassi, an American cyclist was the first known victim.
"Examining some declassified ARPA/CIA documents - as well as some from Soviet scientists - where they are discussing electromagnetic radiation, how the Soviets may have used Microwave weapons on US diplomats in the US embassy in Moscow, and just how much of an effect Electromagnetic radiation has on human beings. These documents state that there is most certainly at least some cause for concern when dealing with EMF."
Part 2:
Comment seen on Part 2 by Daniel Ben Avraham:
"Concerning the 5G question causing viral symptoms, viral symptoms are a classical symptom of acute energetic radiation poisoning. Since the body is energetic, any outside field of energy will have some effect. It all depends on time in field, strength of field and frequency in the case of EMF fields. Each frequency has a different effect on the body, some positive, some not.
One cannot accurately label 5G as a range of frequencies but rather one must address each frequency within that range and also consider time, distance and the age and health of the test subject. There are various modes of effect in the cell. direct and indirect. For instance, if 60GHz is being used, which falls under the non license free use bandwidth, Since this frequency effects oxygen and H2O It could theoretically have an effect on blood pH creating acidic conditions in the body. An acute acidic condition in the blood that cause acidosis of cells into the range of 6 to 6.4 pH can easily produce a cell breakdown and the cell excretion of toxic proteins called virus.
The idea of some frequency within the 5G platform triggering viral illness is not absurd at all. After all, we know from declassified documents that the millimeter wave technology came out of Russian and US weapons research. Also the fact that the publicly untested technology absolutely had to be "rolled out" ahead of and during the pandemic should be enough reason to question the official narrative and motives, especially considering the absolute "need" to install it in every Covid treatment facility around the world."
This is where I get confused
Confused about what? I am making a very simple correlation. Excessive man-made electro-magnetic radiation is toxic to all living things. It results in cell deaths. A dead cell ejects tiny parcels of detritus to be carried away and disposed of by the body's system. Those tiny parcels have been mislabelled as 'viruses' and their entire value misunderstood. So, there is no virus. Only particles of decaying toxic cells.
Virology is nothing more than a pseudo-science of mistaken identity covering up for the damage caused by progressive man-made electro-magnetic frequency pollution which has been a problem since the telegraph was invented.
And add to it heavy metals and you have poisons inundating our bodies. Yes.
Compasses are good for detecting magnetic fields.
No kidding?
How do they cope with progressive man-made electro-magnetic frequency pollution?
I have an electrosmog detector which is picking up multiple signals, pulses and background white noise. Most of which is unnatural and harmful to living things.
Have you taken your electrosmog detector to a remote location like a mountain top to see what it detects? It would be interesting to do a daytime reading and a nighttime reading of the same location.
My son has been taking the detector out with him occasionally. We were so heavily pounded with emfs at our previous home he went looking for a quiet zone. We then moved BUT within a few months the signals had reached our hilltop home and are steadily increasing. They make me so ill that I am housebound now.
David Icke was saying no virus in late 2020 and took me nearly a year to realize he nailed it. How many years more will it take for the liberals to get it?
Maybe they never will. But I suspect their numbers will dwindle. Especially once there are enough of us saying "Bullshit!!" to put a lot of this nonsense to rest...
I wonder how many people without symptoms got themselves tested for covid, got a positive result, and came down with covid symptoms afterwards, creating their own illness?
A neighbour said she had Covid. Said it was absolutely horrible. Worst flu/cold she ever had. Waxed eloquently about the severity of it. She said ‘I felt something on Sunday. By Monday it was full on. Terrible. We were out for dinner with friends Tuesday and I could barely taste my food. Thursday playing pickleball I was still struggling!’ Wait, what!?! Worst flu ever kicks in Monday and Tuesday you’re out for dinner? And playing pickleball on Thursday! It was absurd.
I was on a history debate forum where someone said they had covid and I explained they didn't- with some agreement from others- til someone said they didn't want the debate to continue as her friend had 'nearly' died and her mum had been sobbing and it was all too painful to remember and think about. On a history discussion group!
you forgot FFS in the subtitle, lol
The issue with the 'isolation' language is that they try and trick everyone by saying they 'isolated' a virus from the host. However, what they fail to reveal is that they mean they have isolated fluid or material from a host, but they are not isolating a pathogen from said fluid or material.
Nice writing, thank you!
Hiya, Yes, the isolation is confusing in every way. Sometimes I think they mean they've seen CPEs in culture so think they have something in the patient fluid-though not of course separated from everything else in the fluid, nor that the CPE"S shown don't also occur in controls (though in Baric's paper there seemed to be CPE, GFP signal and 'viral' replication in the 'mock' no 'virus'!!
Thank you for much for reading Kristen and your comments, I really appreciate it 😊
You're very welcome- writing helps me to sort things in my head
Thanks. At least I managed to refuse PCR tests so she wouldn't be "just another covid statistic." Hospitals are completely insane right now. My local schools and all public transport still demand masks be worn. I told her it was all fake and she said "I hope you're right son." I owe it to her to open a few people's eyes, but most people can't even begin to understand the spells that they're under.
very few masks around on transport here, though very little transport as the trains are on strike!
some role reversal going on, I hear my mum on the phone saying 'my daughter has told me to do this'- pulls on my heart
A really great article!!!! YES YES YES
thank you!🥰
some great resources too thank you
Jo, I see your logic in this article. It syncs with something you wrote about recently regarding families detoxing at the same time as a healing process. Based on all your points, it makes sense.
But here are my questions as I try to integrate this with what I've taken away from these last few years:
1 The people behind this charade did a "pandemic" simulation in October 2019 mimicking the corona outbreak. If I take your thoughts and apply them, I am left wondering if you think they knew there'd be this major worldwide detoxification and they capitalized on it with the amped up PCR to generate fear so they could exercise control and destruction.
2 They just had another table-top pandemic exercise for 2025, a supposed virus that will target children more than the elderly. If the answer to the first question is yes, then does it mean they are able to precipitate the detoxing on a worldwide level? And what is your theory how?
They're saying it's going to be more deadly, but my take is that they won't dare because they're too afraid to risk their own health. But they know the shots have weakened people and that kids being cooped up for years have weakened them immeasurably, and so it doesn't need to be deadly at all. Their lies and propaganda will do everything necessary, and the general ill health of the population will do the rest.
Looking forward to hearing your thoughts. Thanks.
I don't believe there was any more symptoms of detox happening, or that they were ramped up. It was just that we noticed then, and remember they are very wide ranging, and common- fever, rashes, blocked nose they all got reclassified as 'serious'. It's well known that people notice things when they're primed to. People falling over in China although debunked stuck in the mind. The excessive procautions of spraying or people and welding into homes reinforced the phantoms seriousness. And 'flu' disappeared so we know that they was no more detox than usual. 'Outbreaks' occur with everyone seeming to have symptoms where no bacteria was found for example. there was no world poisoning event just a world PCR testing event.
The serious illness and deaths from 'covid' after PCR diagnosis were caused by the fear, loneliness, forced ventilation (very many at the beginning), Midazolam (good death) and Remdesivir (kidney and organ failure).
and pollution is a really serious health risk in wuhan and northern Italy and has been for many years; pneumonia being the leading cause of childhood death in china; the elites are happy not to address it because they don't have to live there and much better to make a virus story.
Yes, TP'sTB wouldn't risk releasing an actual virus if they could make one or find one, which they can't, because of their own and their childrens health. that's another reality good indication that cvd is a phantom PR exercise.
These symptoms of pollution and ill health have been happening for years the elites don't want us thinking they're due to diet etc, we might be able to do something about them!
And yes the vaccinated have their body systems deranged in many ways that we're just finding out about
I agree about the being primed to notice something business. A friend had a very bad illness in December 2019 that she later put down to the corona. I had what I later thought was the corona in late January 2020, but only because I was slightly tired for two months afterwards. And so on. Yes, the symptoms were all over the place, and at first indistinguishable from a cold or flu, so that would get everyone questioning the least little thing.
Once someone went to the hospital, it was pretty much all over unless they were particularly robust. The emotional factors played a massively underestimated role.
Suggestibility, also known as brainwashing, may well have been the primary cause for all symptoms added on to the seasonal cold and flu, pollution, poor diet, etc, etc.
So this all comes down to these pandemic exercises being theater to prime us for the "real" thing. It's kind of like Ukraine. They're using the same template. Too much is going on over there that normally never happens in a country at war.
Yes, you put it very well.
Detoxing is more likely to take place during weather changes. Bodies need to function differently during different weather circumstances. Perhaps in a hot dry summer bodies accumulate and hang onto fluids. Cold damp falls means the accumulated fluid is shed. IE noses run, etc. it isn’t a disease. It is just a body adjusting. Different bodies too absorb fluids, heat and cool, dry out etc differently. Families tend to be similar body types, they usually have the same eating habits. If a phlegmy family goes into fall, ie flu season, it would be unusual for them NOT to adjust at the same time. IE not to ‘catch cold’ at or near the same time.
pre s'ice lee 🙏🏽
Do you have a reference for what RNA sequence Drosten's PCR test was designed to target? Over the past 3 years of much reading, I have yet to find the test specifications.
here are the sequences for the RdRP, N and E 'genes' whose 'Design and validation were enabled by the close genetic relatedness to the 2003 SARS-CoV, and aided by the use of synthetic nucleic acid technology' because 'In the present case of 2019-nCoV, virus isolates or samples from infected patients have so far not become available to the international public health community'
Just incredible! It's right there in our faces, yet nearly everyone is playing along.
"We report here on the establishment and validation of a diagnostic workflow for 2019-nCoV screening and specific confirmation, designed in absence of available virus isolates or original patient specimens."
From a convo with a ‘I believe in science’ person. Me: “No virus has ever been isolated.” Him “A virus infects a cell. It is tiny. Incredibly small. They haven’t detected one because their microscopes can’t see anything that tiny”. “Electron microscopes can see items as small as an atom. Obviously if they existed viruses could be seen as they are larger than an atom.” Blank look. “Anyway, if they haven’t ever been seen how do we know they exist?” Blank look. “And if they haven’t been seen how do we know that the stuff in a vaccine is an inactive virus? Since vaccine material can be seen?” Blank look, followed by “Oh. So you’re one of those conspiracy people. You should be careful what you read.”
yes - or 'you're one of those virus deniers- I'm not going to listen to what you say!'
I had a similar conversation with a friend who responded after a blank period “Do you still believe Biden stole the election?” “How is that relevant? But...yes, I do.” “I can’t believe anything you say if you believe that.”
I hadn't seen this, what pretty graphs. Bill and Mel with their names slap bang in the middle of the sponsors.
Talking of unicorns here's Princess Candy Sparkles
Actually, the symptoms seem to have been caused by a combination of graphene oxide (initially in the lethal injections, but now, just about everywhere) and 5G:
I've been saying this for years, now, literally. And I'm just a DOG. ;)
and we're 'just' two tabbies x
And this dog luuuuvs you two tabbies!!!
This is a HUGE HAPPY DAY!!!!!!!!!
And trees fell over at my parents' house, so I'll be gone all day again, prolly!
Just know this dog will be DANCIN' all day!!!!!!!
It was quite clear in early 2020 that "covid" symptoms emerged in Wuhan and in Northern Italy after the massive 5G installations...
Clear to me, clear to you, but not clear to the Blind.
SHIT is not usually CLEAR, ya need a good sniff from a coupla dogs...
I respect you and I hope, we can put our past differences aside (well, I don't even remember what the problem was, but it doesn't matter). After all, we are on the same team. :)
The problem was YOU.
AHhahahahaahahahahahaahhhhh woof!
Just messin wiff ya. I don't howl grudges.
And it's very cool that you said that ^
Now I have to go put out a few fires... Cheers.
Oh, dear. I've always been a problem to myself! :)
Some things never change.
I've never held grudges; that stuff only destroys the person harboring it; it works the same way as envy.
I'm glad we are back!
Very nicely written and with some real pizzaz! I came across this interesting meme when this "Corona" nonsense first broke out, it was posted on twitter.
Corona is the field around high voltage electricity. It is the breach of the Corona Field that is the basis of Lightening.
Corona (high voltage) kills most high voltage electricians by the time they are 55 years old.
Corona severely damages the reproductive cells in the liver.
Corona causes sterility, miscarriages and infertility.
Corona is an EMF field that is generated close to high power voltage transmission.
Now they have labelled those symptoms to be caused by a "Viral" attack called "Corona Virus".
They have a "chemical injection" to cure you, from the harmful effects of radiation upon your reproductive cells, take note: death is a common "side effect" of their "CURE!"
Thank you! 🙏🏽
Your very welcome and thank you in return for enlightening us all. We are all in a silent global war with the real Nazis NA-tional ZI-onists in control and they're all Zionist supremacist Jewish criminally insane psychopaths! I've watched them massacre and kill, bomb and terrorize innocent Palestinians every single day for years. True Semitic people are Arabs, Palestinians, Muslims, Africans, Yemeni, all dark skinned not these fair skinned demons who aren't even human. They're aliens, draconian reptilians from a dark planet here to conquer earth! I'll share it on my next post with a Jewish rabbi actually teaching Israelis they are here to conquer earth!
Great content! BTW, do you have a link to the paper by Schmidt et al, 1920?
Conducted two controlled experiments, exposing healthy people to the bodily fluids of sick people. Of 196 people exposed to the mucous secretions of sick people, 21 (10.7%) developed colds and three developed grippe (1.5%). In the second group, of the 84 healthy people exposed to mucous secretions of sick people, five developed grippe (5.9%) and four colds (4.7%). Of forty-three controls who had been inoculated with sterile physiological salt solutions eight (18.6%) developed colds. A higher percentage of people got sick after being exposed to saline compared to those being exposed to the “virus”.
I have a paper referencing this. However, I cannot locate the original yet!
Keep up the great posts and articles!
Thank you so much Doug. That's very encouraging.
The Schmidt paper will be in German my institute only has journals in English.
Vielen Dank!