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Jo, I see your logic in this article. It syncs with something you wrote about recently regarding families detoxing at the same time as a healing process. Based on all your points, it makes sense.

But here are my questions as I try to integrate this with what I've taken away from these last few years:

1 The people behind this charade did a "pandemic" simulation in October 2019 mimicking the corona outbreak. If I take your thoughts and apply them, I am left wondering if you think they knew there'd be this major worldwide detoxification and they capitalized on it with the amped up PCR to generate fear so they could exercise control and destruction.

2 They just had another table-top pandemic exercise for 2025, a supposed virus that will target children more than the elderly. If the answer to the first question is yes, then does it mean they are able to precipitate the detoxing on a worldwide level? And what is your theory how?

They're saying it's going to be more deadly, but my take is that they won't dare because they're too afraid to risk their own health. But they know the shots have weakened people and that kids being cooped up for years have weakened them immeasurably, and so it doesn't need to be deadly at all. Their lies and propaganda will do everything necessary, and the general ill health of the population will do the rest.

Looking forward to hearing your thoughts. Thanks.

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I don't believe there was any more symptoms of detox happening, or that they were ramped up. It was just that we noticed then, and remember they are very wide ranging, and common- fever, rashes, blocked nose they all got reclassified as 'serious'. It's well known that people notice things when they're primed to. People falling over in China although debunked stuck in the mind. The excessive procautions of spraying or people and welding into homes reinforced the phantoms seriousness. And 'flu' disappeared so we know that they was no more detox than usual. 'Outbreaks' occur with everyone seeming to have symptoms where no bacteria was found for example. there was no world poisoning event just a world PCR testing event.

The serious illness and deaths from 'covid' after PCR diagnosis were caused by the fear, loneliness, forced ventilation (very many at the beginning), Midazolam (good death) and Remdesivir (kidney and organ failure).

and pollution is a really serious health risk in wuhan and northern Italy and has been for many years; pneumonia being the leading cause of childhood death in china; the elites are happy not to address it because they don't have to live there and much better to make a virus story.

Yes, TP'sTB wouldn't risk releasing an actual virus if they could make one or find one, which they can't, because of their own and their childrens health. that's another reality good indication that cvd is a phantom PR exercise.

These symptoms of pollution and ill health have been happening for years https://georgiedonny.substack.com/p/were-so-far-down-the-rabbit-hole the elites don't want us thinking they're due to diet etc, we might be able to do something about them!

And yes the vaccinated have their body systems deranged in many ways that we're just finding out about


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I agree about the being primed to notice something business. A friend had a very bad illness in December 2019 that she later put down to the corona. I had what I later thought was the corona in late January 2020, but only because I was slightly tired for two months afterwards. And so on. Yes, the symptoms were all over the place, and at first indistinguishable from a cold or flu, so that would get everyone questioning the least little thing.

Once someone went to the hospital, it was pretty much all over unless they were particularly robust. The emotional factors played a massively underestimated role.

Suggestibility, also known as brainwashing, may well have been the primary cause for all symptoms added on to the seasonal cold and flu, pollution, poor diet, etc, etc.

So this all comes down to these pandemic exercises being theater to prime us for the "real" thing. It's kind of like Ukraine. They're using the same template. Too much is going on over there that normally never happens in a country at war.

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Yes, you put it very well.

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Detoxing is more likely to take place during weather changes. Bodies need to function differently during different weather circumstances. Perhaps in a hot dry summer bodies accumulate and hang onto fluids. Cold damp falls means the accumulated fluid is shed. IE noses run, etc. it isn’t a disease. It is just a body adjusting. Different bodies too absorb fluids, heat and cool, dry out etc differently. Families tend to be similar body types, they usually have the same eating habits. If a phlegmy family goes into fall, ie flu season, it would be unusual for them NOT to adjust at the same time. IE not to ‘catch cold’ at or near the same time.

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pre s'ice lee 🙏🏽

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