Glad to find this in your archives Jo. You were onto John. But then why are you still so convinced that he was right about the 97% consensus on climate change? The way to get consensus is to ostracise those experts who disagree, which is what IPCC does. Just as we can't trust WHO/Fauci The Science, why would we trust the IPCC BS?

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Hiya Rosemary, I was literally just linking this to you after reading your previous comment. I've also written to John Cook many times (no reply) and have a post 'Dear climate scientists, please stop being such dicks' https://jowaller.substack.com/p/dear-climate-scientists?utm_source=publication-search

I don't believe that the IPCC does 'ostracise' people. From the comments about Happer and the Cos saturation hypothesis, i see that people believe that the debunking of these tired old tropes that go round and round with sound science is the same as an ad hominem attack or censorship using covid style tactics. It's not.

You raise very good points. How can we trust people who are wrong on one thing but right on another?

By reading the science for ourselves, over and over if we don't understand at first, and applying our scientific reasoning.

And by following the money. We can clearly see how industry funded groups, such as Heartland, to use the expected and justified 'covid' backlash to create fear of an evil cabal. They did this specifically to disseminate climate change denialism to protect the huge and powerful fossil fuel and animal ag (sister to pharma and agrochemical) industries. https://jowaller.substack.com/p/what-is-the-heartland-institute?utm_source=publication-search

The 'evil cabals' are not left wing ones, nor well meaning folks who believe the vaccine hoax (as many of us did before covid), nor people such as Guterres, constantly vetoed by the US but trying to address global inequality and poverty in the formally colonised Global south (who bear the brunt of effects caused by 1%- who are personally responsible for 25% of emissions). The cabals we must focus on are same as they ever were; fossil fuel dynasties controlling the US, pharma (who have captured government regulation and the WHO), animal ag/pharma/agrochem, tech (heavily invested in pharma), neocolonalism, the US deep state and the CIA (regime changing, staging coups and protests all over the world).

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I'd love to have a chat sometime - are you in Oz, I'm in NSW? I totally agree that there are "weaponised piles of money" (JJ's term) everywhere. Have you come across CJ Hopkins' term GloboCap? The old fossil-fuel dynasties are just part of a system of dynasties which now include those "GreenClean" greenwashed energy cos, the lab-meat/food disruptors, the SMART city surveillance pushers, etc, etc, which Kate Mason has been researching, and of course, the bankers at the very top. They want us to still believe there are Left and Right, the old goodies and baddies of the culture war; I used to love-to-hate the Right, but the pandemonium has revealed a dark underbelly of my Leftie friends: a lot of whom seem to be useful idiots for a totalitarian We-Know-Best-what's-for-the-greater-good WEF brigade. They seem to actually turn a blind eye to iatrogenic culling, almost as if they secretly believe there are too many of us anyway (another PsyOp from LimitsToGrowth days)? Never thought my retirement years would be so "interesting" from the other side of the looking-glasses. BTW, Guterres and the others like Naomi Klein, wax lyrical about third world equity, but what's meant by that is that they didn't get enough jabs, so let's fix that for next time! Klein's attempted takedown of Naomi Wolf in her Doppelgänger book and her recent appearance (to my dismay) on the Planet Local doco, where she in the same breathe warns of "climate catastrophes" and "inevitable coming pandemics", and Mann's recent appearance at the WEF have really consolidated my distrust of these former "climate heroes". I think we have been sold a pup.

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Hiya Rosemary, yes I would love to chat, I think we would have lots to talk about. I'm near London, UK, so possibly the furthest from you I could possibly be.

I've written about my disappointment with Klein in that interview https://jowaller.substack.com/p/mirror-world-a-story-of-two-naomis?utm_source=publication-search not that I'd really followed her nor knew much about her before.

Again if someone has fallen for the vaccine hoax, (as I had) you'd think it was a good thing that everyone has equal access to what you truly think of as health. I believe Guterres is well meaning.

Mann has turned into a useful nutter, and the WEF is a just a vanity project set up by a weirdo for virtue signallers, speaking there does not make you evil. It's been expertly used by industry as a paper tiger.

One of the first things that alerted me to the propaganda being fed to health freedom from industry was the script of 'evil personified' and vilification of Noah Harai ; supposedly 'Chief Advisor to Klaus Squab'. It's utter crap. Lots of people reposted hacket jobs of YNH where he's talking in an interview about fitbits and personal devices but it's been cut with images of jabs! Whitney Webb claimed he'd said we were rats, so i watched the video, he's warning about the dangers of AI, not promoting it! He's a Zionazi, i don't like him but he's saying extremely sensible things about surveillance and the algorithm.

It seems health freedom has been very easily manipulated into thinking some people are evil therefore everything they say about everything is wrong. It's the classic Hate Inc strategy that Taibbi writes about. The enemy is literally Hitler.

We've been sold a pup. But not the one a lot of people think it is.

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Oh my goodness. Shocking.

I have to say I'm definitely starting to feel less convinced of AGW despite being a dedicated climate activist. The thing is how can we judge what is happening with the climate if the massive amounts of geoengineering are simply ignored?

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I'm not convinced that there are massive amounts of geoengineering happening. weather manipulation certainly won't help but AGW is caused by burning fossil fuels and deforestation.

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Well there's certainly lots of criss-crossing of the skies with white trails, however, I don't know how much or what the geoengineering is doing but my guess would be that it would be used to mitigate AGW but I'm very under-researched on the subject. Have you looked at geoengineeringwatch.org? I've only given it the most cursory look - haven't got onto it yet. The thing is they admit to the phenomenon, they just don't publicise it, they don't cover it in the media. https://www.ucsusa.org/resources/what-climate-engineering

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I'm in the same boat, Petra. I did the Denial 101 MOOC and was put onto Citizens' Climate Lobby when they were just beginning in Australia by a teaching assistant on that course, who just by the way was Cook's co-author in the 97% consensus paper, and who woke me up by posting on FB about "inoculating" people against "misinformation about the vaccines"! When I tried to argue she held up The Science of the Safe&Effectives and told me to go do a course on critical thinking (this is with my PhD in genetics and years of teaching critical thinking to university students!). I hated Malcolm Roberts and his "climate denial" and applauded Michael Hockey-Stick Mann on Q&A. The pandemonium upturned all of that. I have started reading the climate "heresies" and listening to experts, who I had, like Jo, always assumed MUST be paid BigOil Shills. And hey, I'm not even on the fence anymore. The graphs Gore and Mann and others present as The Science are always conveniently chosen to begin at a point which makes the scariest picture. The smell of rats is everywhere.

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Hiya again, the landscape of climate changed after covid, whether is was convenient or deliberate. The weather is reported sometimes because, of course it makes good sensational image, but considering the devastation of the floods in Pakistan and Haiti, it falls out of the cycle very quickly. The last 9 months being the hottest on record was reported once in the Guardian and is now being totally ignored by MSM. The COP is now a networking exercise for big oil. There is no scary picture, turning off light bulbs, nor cycling to work coming from the MSM at all.

The propaganda about people trying to control us with climate covid style has really, really worked. https://jowaller.substack.com/p/glad-to-see-so-many-holding-the-party

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I'm still not sure either way, Jo, but there are certainly very serious scientists who - nothing to do with covid or any other propaganda - don't believe in AGW, eg, Denis Rancourt who wrote about it way before covid.


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Isn't it both hilarious and sobering at the same time the way we've come to respect those we previously despised and vice-versa? It blows my mind.

The way people think they're the experts on critical thinking! Drives me absolutely nuts.

I got banned from Skeptical Science for what I put forward on covid despite being perfectly civil and reasonable. Even before banning I felt totally gagged. The "moderator" goes in striking out stuff left right and centre - unbelievable. I put forward a case of 10 numbered points for the pandemic being a scam which was deleted on the basis of - wait for it - being a Gish Gallop.

I recently published a post based on the work of a geologist who puts forward what looks like a reasonably compelling case for geomagnetism being responsible for temperature rise, https://petraliverani.substack.com/p/does-geomagnetism-explain-climate, but I have to say I'm still a little on the fence. With covid - and so many other psyops - it's just so clear but the argument for AGW just always seems to be on the constant back and forth, I don't see a clear refutation either way.

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