ha, ha. It is amazing how detailed they get into describing various structures of viruses, phylogenetic trees, folding proteins, functionality, etc. but there is such an enormous gap between theory and reality. How is this research of benefit? It's like the arguments in the Middle Ages of how many angels could fit on the head of a pin…
ha, ha. It is amazing how detailed they get into describing various structures of viruses, phylogenetic trees, folding proteins, functionality, etc. but there is such an enormous gap between theory and reality. How is this research of benefit? It's like the arguments in the Middle Ages of how many angels could fit on the head of a pin. Might be fun for the scholars, but of no benefit to anyone else.
ha, ha. It is amazing how detailed they get into describing various structures of viruses, phylogenetic trees, folding proteins, functionality, etc. but there is such an enormous gap between theory and reality. How is this research of benefit? It's like the arguments in the Middle Ages of how many angels could fit on the head of a pin. Might be fun for the scholars, but of no benefit to anyone else.